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Everything posted by RTB

  1. If you don't stop whining now, I'll be forced to put you into a room with only 4 walls, a floor and ceiling. No light, no door, no food, little air. You'll be dead within the day. Oh and if you stop whining I'll have to surgically remove your foul mouth to ensure you will never whine again. Of course, that way you can't really eat or drink, so death will come eventually as well. Just be prepared to suffer for a few weeks. Happy now?
  2. 18 gigs on this one, 2x 40 on the new one. Got ya beat.
  3. And a caps lock addict. From England those scores aren't that bad, I get around those scores too, and I live a little bit further from CA3LE's server than you.
  4. Of course. In 4 months or so. Thanks for editing the ad out, showing us some scores would be a better idea anyway. Showing them to me, when you're faster than me, is bad.
  5. I'd say this belongs in the Overclocking and Product feedback forum, if it wasn't for it being an ad. We just had a troll, and now we have ourselves and advertiser. I vote for him/her/it losing 1000 Kbps download forever.
  6. I object! (isn't that how they say it in court?) Troll is a very elegant language, it is much more developed than the degrading English we're hearing now. It cannot be spoken either, it's purely a very nice way to write a beautiful text. Welcome back MICROWAVE.
  7. Try speaking that post out loud and really fast. Almost sounds like a rap And don't mind me, I'm just threatening people for fun! I am a TR0LL. Now... who's next?
  8. The pun would be dumping that on your website. shanee86: Those are advertised speeds, most never reach those, but getting 90% or more of them is good enough. It sounds like you may have a hardware problem.
  9. That's the first time I've heard of an ISP increasing upload for free. Some crazy fellas over there at Alltel... crazy in a good way, but still crazy.
  10. Weee! I'm faster than Larry, except for the fact that it's around 6 KB/s now. Bloody router. CA3LE: It's certainly known that going overseas slows people down alot. Now, I lose 200 Kbps, while others lose way more. I am of course close to the sea, but still, how can this (huge at times) difference be explained? How many different routes over the sea that separates us are there, just one huge pipe, or more, and at different places under the sea? Others may answer as well
  11. Nah, lawyers themselves always end up at hell, but those wannabe-lawyers... they are friends with Lucifer. May they be burned by an infinite amount of flames from an uncountable amount of trolls for all eternity. Amen.
  12. Yes, post that average and then start running back to that school like a sissy coward. If you wonder why, I've got a sledgehammer.
  13. Wow. Someone from hell. How's the weather down there? I can only imagine the heat... Were you a wannabe-lawyer or something to end up there, it's a faith I'd love other certain people to have...
  14. Oooh, tell me! Which reminds me, I should be learning Perl. Someday. Pssst, it's Smeagol. With an accent somewhere...
  15. Ever heard of that little thing called a period? It would make it much easier to read that what you just posted. Since this is his forum CA3LE's word is law here. I think it would be best if you drop the attitude, because frankly, you're a newcomer. If I wanted to threaten you, I'd use more than just words. A really big spiked club would work best I suppose.
  16. Another (more harmless) way of advertising is putting the link in your signature. Making a thread just for this is spam IMO.
  17. *peeeeep*, that is *peep* amazing. I wish I *peep* had a *peeep* connection like that for only *peeeep* 40 *peep* dollar. *peep*.
  18. And in the worst case he might unleash Fluffy. Beware
  19. L33t...
  20. *silences SnackySmores* Silence is good, now he won't be able to scream while he's being eaten by a couple of cannibals. I think they should've added some salt.
  21. In Sweden.
  22. That is very unwise of you when there's a green goblin around. Almost makes me wanna buy a paintballgun and do some target practice in real life.
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