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Everything posted by Indestructable

  1. that's your dad?!! You better keep an eye on him shug...
  2. no firewall would probably explain it in 2 words...haha! if ya don't have one man, get a firewall!
  3. thanks a lot guys...oh, and I fixed the port thing, now it' on 80
  4. you 2 are now taken care of!
  5. That makes perfect sense!
  6. pleasure, I don't think I'll be going on any business trips yet, lol...check my profile, hint: age me, and my mom, going to see some friends, and see concerts, of the same band I posted picture links for (Wilco) I can't wait!
  7. I really doubt it, if your getting that kinda speeds on a 3 meg connection. I really doubt. Let's see what Van says....
  8. hmm...pretty interesting. I wish that it didn't start with forums though. that kinda sucks the big one.
  9. thanks punk! just kidding. edit: ok, I added the second nite pictures, almost all the links work, almost... http://lemonaid.serveftp.com:81/pictures/2004-11-19
  10. hey, just-, are you in the uk? I'm from "the states" but I'm visiting London, Paris, and Nottingham for a week, starting the 11th.!
  11. I got about 50 or so also.
  12. did ya try that? you'll see what I mean.
  13. umm, damn, I hate being proved wrong... it could just be your isp is crowded, or something with the cable, or even the website your getting it from. http://lemonaid.serveftp.com:81/letterman.mpg or http://lemonaid.serveftp.com:81/westerberg2.22.05.MOV would both take a long time to download (try one or both) because they're coming off a server with 256Kbps upstream (at my house) try those, and see what I mean. oh, and please note on the second one, it's not mine or the camera's fault that the vocals can't be heard, I couldn't hear em myself!
  14. fuuuuccccckk. :angry5: :angry5: I just have the internet, not the tv. funny story my dad told me though: ok, so charter finds out that people are splitting off their CABLE MODEM cable lines, and getting free TV along with payed for internet. so, all pissed off, Charter hires a company to come out and put a big blocking box on everyone's just internet connection. I don't have tv with charter, only internet. so, at my house, we got a block. my dad went out to watch the guy put this thing on, and the dude working on it was all pissed off, because if people wanted to buy cable TV, charter hadn't told the company of any packages to offer the people to subscribe to! This dude continus on attaching this, but purposfully showing my dad exactely how he put it on, so my dad knows how to take it off! Wasn't that nice of the guy? if we wanted to , we could be getting free TV... :D
  15. try to save the file, then listen/watch it. if it's trying to stream, that may be the problem. 1.5mbps don may have a little it o' trouble, my 3 down doesn't though. hope that helps indestructable oh, and that blinking is perfectly normal, the more it blinks the more it's transmitting.
  16. ps, if you guys wantm I got some live Paul Westerberg photos also...just took 'em bout a week ago on my brand new Nikon Coolpix 4800 digital. the ones I put up just now were taken on a Hewlett-Packard 315 Digital. The camera has no type of zoom other than a 2.5x digital. Thus, the Nikon has an 8.3x optical, , so I'm gonna get some nice London pics..oh, did I mention I'm going to London on the 11th? :D :D :D :D :D :D
  17. Interesting it took less time to preload them, if I'm understanding ya .s1.
  18. psst, use the first link, it will forward you to the thumbnail sheet using the images it just loaded!
  19. that's great to hear .s1! thanks a lot! yes, home connections rock...again, I've heard from the people at Charter that we're supposed to be getting a 5 meg upgrade, at least that's the rumor spreading around their offices, that's what he told me First set: http://lemonaid.serveftp.com:81/pictures/2004-11-18/index.html <-The Preloader http://lemonaid.serveftp.com:81/pictures/2004-11-18/index2.html <-Thumbnail sheet (uses preloaded images) Second Set: http://lemonaid.serveftp.com:81/pictures/2004-11-19/index.html <-The Preloader http://lemonaid.serveftp.com:81/pictures/2004-11-19/index2.html <-Thumbnail sheet (uses preloaded images)
  20. That's a little slow, but still for a 256 upload speed,,, ps, you guys like the pics?
  21. I agree..that's what I use.
  22. I manually set mine to 100, cause my card can take it, and it helped my speed a little bit even!
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