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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by Marcin541

  1. I get 3mbps at school lol
  2. I tried the T3 just for the heck of it and i get the same results as i had with my other one lol,
  3. Hey Van, im asking for your help one more time lol Could you make the 1440 for 3/768 because im getting that soon? Thanks again
  4. Updated PC Specs P4 2.2GHZ processor (533mhz front bus) 640MB DDRAM @333 mhz (1x 128MB and 1x 512MB) 120GB (1x 35 1x 5 and 1x 80) 64mb interigrated graphics 17" flat screen monitor Windows Xp Home Edition (Not SP2 because it sucks) 3/768 DSL (well 1.5/384 but getting 3/768 in a few hours lol)
  5. No wonder lol, i got no router! Im a genius
  6. I never got the consept of brigde and ppoe or whatever it is. When i set my modem of bridge, it just wouldnt work lol. I didnt know what i was doing. But its always good to have extra secutiry. And i get it with the 2200
  7. Actually, in the modem page ( you can configure the firewall. I set it on low all the time since i also have my own Mcafee, but i ran that dslreports test and got a 0 which is the perfect score.
  8. P4 2.2ghz 640Mb RAM (DDR 333mhz 1x128 1x512) 64MB interigrated graphics 120GB (1x 80 1x 35 1x 5)
  9. I called them after being pissed that they havent answered my email, and the support person knew exactly what i was talking about. He said that i would get 3/768 for 29.95 and keep everything as is. Then while he was upgrading me we had a talk about FIOS. He said he was interested in it aswell . He knew that it wasnt out for me yet, and thats what he told me. And he said FIOS will blow away the competitors (Cable) away. Its based upon the same technology. He said we would be able to receive TV through it too (Verizon TV?) and the only difference between FIOS and calbe is that FIOS is extremely fast. So im getting 3/768 in 24-48 hours
  10. Security on the 2200 is also good
  11. Westell 2200 is the way to go. No problems since i got it (except if you connect it through USB then you have to forward ports lol)
  12. Thats how i got my first upgrade from the 768/128 to 1500/384. The online chat thing is worthless since they always tell you to call them anyways, so dont bother going on that, but the email one is worth the time. And one more question, have you been experiancing slow speeds from time to time lately? From like 9:55PM to like 10:30 i cant get past 60kbps. Been like that for 2 days now and i read that other people are having problems too, maybe verizon is updating?
  13. Looks like it works except for the CPU one suggestion that i have is for you to go out to the store and get some ram. I dont know what Windows you have but 190 is way too low if you have Xp. Its turture. I mean you could go buy 512 for like $100 nowayays. It really does make a difference
  14. on the site when you log in it tells you the HTLM code and the BB code. Copy and paste the BB code into your signature and youre done
  15. I didnt say i was getting speeds of 6mbps on a 1.5mbps line. All i stated was the obvious. Whenever i start a download, i always start out at 500+kbps on the transfer speed. That doesnt mean I actually get that speed. I get 1.4mbps
  16. I told them i heard that people in New York were getting the 3/768 for $29.99 which is what i pay now. I wonder what they will reply. If they do say they dont know what they are talking about, ill mention dslreports lol Thanks again, hopefully they will upgrade me and ill be getting my speeds soon.
  17. I think everybody gets huge speeds on small files. I get around 6mbps on my 1.5mbps line on those
  18. Step #1 is sending them an email Step #2 is calling them Step #3 calling them again Step #4 keep calling until i get it
  19. Thank you, my speeds are back up there
  20. I asked the support person via chat, he told me to call them. Ill see if i can get it
  21. Hey Van, im here to bother you again lol I connected my modem via ethernet now, and my MSS changed to 1440, but in your cutsom tweaks, i didnt see a 1500 384k dsl, only 256/256 Thanks
  22. Gmail is not needed anymore. Got my 2000MB hotmail account ... so happy
  23. Would be great if i actually got it lol. That would mean that im getting my upload speeds the same as my download speeds were 2 weeks ago
  24. Im going to get in touch with a representative ASAP lol, see if i can get that for 29.99
  25. Great, Thanks, still isnt 5mbps though
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