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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by Marcin541

  1. Hehe.. Download 2,807,880 bps Upload 641,624 bps QOS 72% RTT 33 ms MaxPause 156 ms Has a big "Unlicensed Version" warning in the middle though lol
  2. Net Zero is one of the better dialup isps though. Better than aol atleast.
  3. Is it true that routers have burst speed and that can increase your speed? Because im not getting too much burst on my wireless modem/router combo. Maybe its because it is a combo? :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is: 683 Kbps about 0.7 Mbps (tested with 1013 KB) Upload Speed is: 83 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line: 12 times faster than 56K you can upload 1MB in 12.34 second(s) Validation Link :: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=TN19SAJ9A On a 768k upload line. Its 7PM, it does get kinda crowded around this time i guess.
  4. Actually, i contacted them and they said my order hasnt been processed yet... lol I thought it did since i got faster uploads. The lady said i would get transfered fully be today, and if i still had problems, i should contact them.
  5. I wouldnt consider that luck... On a 768kbps upload... :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is: 520 Kbps about 0.5 Mbps (tested with 386 KB) Upload Speed is: 64 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line: 9 times faster than 56K you can upload 1MB in 16 second(s) Validation Link :: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=I9PFXWSPL 3Mbps download... :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 1296 Kbps about 1.3 Mbps (tested with 1013 KB) Download Speed is:: 158 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 23 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 6.48 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=P48NBYEAI My guess is that my modem cannot handle speeds of over 1.3mbps down and 520kbps upload. I think this modem was made for a max of 1/512 now 3/768. That is why im waiting for my new modem to arrive. Or maybe im not fully upgraded?
  6. Well after 2 weeks now, i finally got the 3/768 upgrade. Yesterday i called and told them i want it!! So the guy told me i would be getting my new modem/router in 2-4 days. Its been less than 12 hours, and im noticing an upgrade on the upload. Now im getting 1.3Mbps download (same as before) and a 527k upload. I guess the ol' westy cant handle speeds any higher? When i had the 768k service i was able to get speeds over 770, and the modem could handle it. Once i got 1.5 it could go 1.3. Upload was fine 128, then upgraded to 384. Now at 768 i could get 527 max.
  7. Here in NY we have Verizon's wireless dsl. The speeds are anywhere from 300-500kbps which is pretty amazing considerng you dont have to cary a huge dish on your back while going to work.
  8. I went to circuit city today and their laptops have wireless access. They are at atound 2.3mbps though.
  9. Would it be a good idea to change my MTU? I currently have 1492 and if i use the Dr TCP thing i guess i can change it to 1500. Is that possible? Is that a good idea? I am on pppoe dsl (1500/384).
  10. I would love to be back in 1998-99 and have my current 1.5/384 dsl. I would pwn anybody.
  11. I dont think there is a way, even if you use services such as no-ip, it still does ping your ip (showing it)
  12. Linux is way better than windows lol. Even though i have to boot my linux from a CD because i dont even know how to install it, its still better. I have that KDE crap, which looks much better than windows XP style. Its more secure, KDE is easy to use, its just better lol
  13. $99.99 for 1.5mbps. Wow, i pay $29.99 for mine. I
  14. Lets all start a clan! Firefox Rules Clan! or am i just going crazy... maybe its the 20 pages of math homework i had?
  15. Thats right... IE sucks Firefox is better
  16. Its better than virus protection and a firewall put together. I mean its so protective it even blocks internet explorer
  17. Then why steal the DSL?
  18. Do you have SP2? Because if you do, this is what your internet looks like SP2 limits you to having only like 10 ports open at a time. So its kinda crap. And they have they firewall crap on your connection which you can remove, but still, its just crap
  19. Would be as illegal as having cable without paying for it... yet people still do it lol
  20. I wouldnt think so, they prolly have protection lol
  21. Have fun, lol. For Futurana i think you should try bit torrent though
  22. Ares does kick ass as far as the number of movies go, but kazaa has WAY more files such as music on it. Ares is sort of like BT where there is a shitload of software on it. There are alot of movies there, even the new ones that barely came out in theaters such as Spongebob, i already got it lol. But its not that great for music. I would recommend ares (A.K.A Warez) for movies and kazaa for music
  23. I always get speeds over 150 when downloading multiple files though . Im capped at 180 and max i can go is 167
  24. Maybe you can copy + paste the same stuff all over just to connect?
  25. Welcome back
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