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Everything posted by hurricane_floyd

  1. Actually most Lite-On drives can "bit-set" a DVD+R disk so a player thinks it is a pressed DVD, in my opinion these are even more compatible than non bit-set DVD-Rs. Currently you have to look around a bit to find a DVD player that is so old that it has problems with DVD+R disks, the compatability issue has been worked out of most modern players. DVD+Rs are better to store data as they can hold around 50MB more, also a DVD+RW is 10 times faster to format than a DVD-RW..
  2. After reading all the DW hating posts, its odd to actually see some people who like/love it.
  3. good grief.
  4. 64 bit systems are already replacing the old 32 bit world, in 33 years it most likely wont be a problem. Just like Y2K.
  5. Seems a bit unusual to be loosing so many NICs and Routers so often.
  6. I dont know but...... maybe this thread needs laid to rest.
  7. You are probably gonna have to bitch at your cable company until they come back out and really fix the line.
  8. dude, this thread died 2 weeks ago
  9. I use the hardware firewall built into my DSl gateway, I then forward a few groups of little used port numbers for WinMX and Bittorrent and such.
  10. No, it is not entirely dependant on software, hardware capabilities is very important Actually some DVD burners (the CD-R/W part) have a better ability to duplicate weak sector patterns, which is usefull to "backup" Safedisk protected games and some audio protections. Also some burners are what is called "rip locked" they can not read a pressed DVD faster than typical playback speed (1x-2x) while non-locked drives can reach full speed (typically 10x-16x). I have been "backing up" games and movies for years, gotta protect my investment from scratches and cracks ya know . Lite-On has never failed me yet, have backed everything up except for PSX/PS2 disks (proprietary sector patterns that only Sony hardware can read, modchip time), Additionally I kinda like the bitsetting capability of Lite-On drives to make players think a DVD+R is a pressed disk. You will need Kprobe2 and Omnipatcher if you do decide on a Lite-On, links are below. http://codeguys.rpc1.org/ http://www.cdrlabs.com/kprobe/index.php
  11. I recommend any of the ports above 49000 (65535 max) as they are unassigned and usually unmonitored by ISPs.
  12. Lots of ways to f**k somebody up without getting caught. Take this for example. My wifes EX is a harrassing stalking bastard, he has put her through hell during there marriage and gave hell with the kids (he has custody) during the divorce. He even forged her name on bank papers after they were seperated and left bad credit on her (he is a very good forger) He also harrassed us after we got married, I was smart and never laid a hand on him......... ..... Last I heard the authorities were investigating him for credit card fraud, ordering $1000s worth of merchandise from catalogs (paper order form, no prints left behind, postmarked from another state) with a stolen credit card number from the web.................
  13. I greatly prefer Firefox, however I occasionally use IE when FF has a problem with a script or link (less so since FF v1.0.3). I have attempted to use Opera but find it to be much like FF.
  14. I am afraid your pics are lost forever. Always, ALWAYS keep a backup of such things as personal photos or videos you have taken, such things are not replaceable. I always keep backup DVDs full of all the pics I have ever took, they are not to be touched except for recovery.
  15. Limewire and Bearshare are full of spyware. I recommend WinMX, it has a high learning curve but can do some cool sh1t once you have it running right.
  16. I wonder if he was deleting his own hard drives????
  17. If you have a smaller case just chuck your CD-ROM or DVD-ROM that is in there now, or if more than one get rid of the smallest/slowest one, modern DVD-RW drives can do it all.. If you already have 4 IDE devices and dont have/want to install a RAID adapter then you have no choice but to get rid of a drive, empty slot or not. Putting your drive outside the case will work but is not a good idea. I personally have issues with burn reliability on USB burners, especially if your machine does not have the new USB 2.0 interface (most people dont know they only have USB 1.1), also they cost 2-3 times as much as an internal model. I would recommend the Lite-On SOHW832S, it is only an 8X burner but is fully hackable and glitch free. You can pick one up for between $50-$100. You can easily use Omnipatcher and KProbe to manipulate the 832S, it works beautifully to "backup" Safedisk2 v2.8 games and can overcome CSS and ArcCos on movies (DVD43 + DVDShrink).
  18. Not the newest version, Winamp creators got afraid of being prosecuted so they removed the ability. Here is a link that might help. http://www.tech-recipes.com/windows_tips833.html
  19. Just rip them to WAV files with Winamp then convert to whatever format needed.
  20. I use DVDShrink, in order to keep some quality but still have menus I remove all uneccesary audio streams and custom compress so that the menus and extras are more compressed than the movie. Depending on the DVD I can get all menus intact with English audio and still have 75% video quality (you can barely tell the difference). I will continue to use DVDShrink and single layer disks until the DVD+RDL (dual layers) go way down (currently around $10 a disk).
  21. Actually I dont know if DSL has such a thing as FAP. I can download at a full 1.5Mbps contsantly for days if I wish, I do however have a transfer limit of 50GB per month as agreed in the acceptable use policy. Going over 50GB two months straight can lead to TDS requiring an upgrade to commercial DSL. I give the bandwidth a workout as I am heavy Bittorrent user, I rarely ever top 40GB.
  22. Phone companies WILL and DO often sign people up for DSL when it isn't even available. My local telco signed me up 3 months before they even had their equipment installed, I complained and eventually signed on later when it did actually become available (TDS.net). My Mom signed up for DSL, they had the modem in the mail and was even going to bill her before they realized it wasnt even available in her neighborhood, she lived 8 miles out (Bellsouth). Seems like telcos/ISPs dont know if they can or cant install DSL until the last second.. Megapath told me they could offer DSL in my town, oopps, 2 months later they cant and never could, TDS wont contract the line. Just dont get too excited and dont do anything drastic until the sucker is sitting there running and you are on testmy.net bragging about it. Good luck.
  23. ............ I bow out and he still has something smart to say..... whatever man.
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