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Everything posted by just-

  1. hey we have our news also did u check https://testmy.net/articles/article-55 its the same news !!! make use of the website well guys. just-
  2. hi Bones i have seen u posting around a lot recently i dont think i have welcomed you to the forum so here is my welcome and keep up the posting we apreciate ur contribution !!! yeah i bet he is happy now hehe
  3. from https://testmy.net/articles/article-57 Man that is just nasty and very wierd and how fast did it gorw in 11h, gosh its crazy. Just-
  4. indeed its so much better when loads of people are brain storming about one idea rather then poor cable having to come up with this wicked ideas. he does a really good job anyway i like the fader idea like it use to be for the latests posts the thing on the side would mean a scroll down i like the fader thing
  5. RiverWar im sorry to hear about that are you testing some the main server or from associate server (mirrors)? testmy net has 2 brand new shynny dual xeons and is faster then ever you should really not be getting slower speed thens before
  6. yeah that nos bad you up in canda? and what is ur advertised speed?
  7. Hi there guys i have been posting some news along with cable and some other member of the website and i would like to know what u think about the posts and if you do give somethign about them do u see them do u like them or not? and if any suggestions u got i think this is the place and they are welcome. Just-
  8. its freaking funny thks for sharing !! :haha: :haha:
  9. is the package 15/2 u guys should be pulling some nicer upload
  10. that hosting look kind of nice its quiet cheap for the services they are offering sounds good to me
  11. fattymcbluff hi there never used a mac execpt once and it wanst that great the expirience can any one explain me whats good about them?
  12. you just say it so we can all want it and move to sweeden one day ehehee so jealous of that speed 10 up and down ;)
  13. netmasta can i delete the post? Mactron i have join dslreports in 2004 may, but i have been there for more then that maybe 2003 or so. yeah competion is nice. welcome to testmy.net by the way! Just-
  14. ff is quiet good i like it and use it as my main browser yeah !
  15. dr welcome to the forumz post ur speed test here !!
  16. maybe he is on hollidays? who knows he doesnt need to declare his private life here hehehe cya soon microwave
  17. wireless is normaly slower that wired so u wont get as much if u plug in the cable in the back of ur pc rather then a wireless connection what make and model of ur wireless is? wireless connection can be interfered by many thing watter pipes. microwaves working, stuff like that
  18. Hey where is microwave the man? last time he has been around was in April does any one know what happend to him? i was just reading some old post when i saw a post from him and realised i havent see him around what happen to him ? Microwave come back u are forgiven
  19. hi guys dslreports is down again gosh they have been down a lot latelly i think we are going to over take them. what do u guys think? Notice: please notice i am not trying to be offencie towards the website www.dslreports.com this is just a topic that i have in my mind and i would like to share with other people here in the forumz, any one from dslreports do not take this personally. <edit> Sorry unfortunatly i cant remove this topic but looks like its working again that was a quick down time
  20. noe even 2 full months on and we have gone from 6000 to 10000 almost !!!! way to go
  21. intresting cpu drivers hhee i dont know how the big thing about the HT of pentium and some hackers being able to steal password using some crazy clocking thing how will they upgrade our cpu is that is confirmed to be a problem PPEEEEEPPP 500 post congratulations !!
  22. so what happens once you give him your details? does he stalk you? does he get cc under your name and spend the money?
  23. great idea building ur own computer u learn a lot from that i have done it my self and i recomend it if u live pcs
  24. better start clicking in the google ads in the side then hehe
  25. ethernet operate at 1500 i think that should be fine
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