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Everything posted by just-

  1. well yeah the comments invites people anyone not only MOD to post stuff about the particular news so it has to be taken in consideration which way does cable want to move with that personaly i think cable if possible i dunno about the implications should allow people to post comment maybe not at a 1st stage untill the news are all up and running smoothly but like many other sites its something good/extra feature to have do you guys thing cable should allow peopel to post comments or not what do u think?
  2. well you will get one php
  3. if i had a desktop i would do it seti or FAD team or anything like that just like making use of the resources i have but with a laptop, and only one room, im sorry guys dont want to go crazy with the noize of my laptop do u want me to go crazy?
  4. yeah doesnt seem pratical at all to have 2 logins in one website people back off already making new acount in new places cause of how many email accounts they have and username/password so in one website register in two places seems a bit extreme im sure cable is aware that this is not the best way, but he is not GOD and he does not have 100s of people behind him coding i belive only him coding this website so we will just bare with him and help in the ways we can as users and tell him what he cold do better
  5. lol maybe i over reacted but i opened up my email had some stuff from testmynet there came here ot the site and every one was all over me HAAAAA yeah it was wrong to ask the question jesus i dont want to know how much he makes it was just pure curiosity it was a mistake i admit
  6. wierd when i tried to post a comment in the new newsarchive i had to log in and it sure didnt look like the log in from the forums or the loggin from a typical testmy.net site i tried and it rejected so do we have to register in two places in one website ?
  7. Google had a 7pm US Eastern time glitch that temporarily made random DNS requests for various of their key domain names fail due to no "A" (address) DNS record
  8. probably best to PM cable and wait for a reply
  9. I'm sorry Jesus Christ I'm getting crucified here because i asked how much money the site makes. i don't want to make a site to compete or see if this is a market to go to, I'm sorry guys for sounding like i wanted to intrude into cables or any one personal life, i just find i have been around for a while, i like the site a lot and i like chatting to you guys over here. i just wondered how much money the site make, not an exact figure or an excel spread sheet posted. Sorry once again if i intruded in anyones life. i see so many websites with this goggle banners i wondered if they payed off if they do they do if they don't they don't i wont ask a thing about it.
  10. they are just a pile of shit anyway good they are losing people
  11. cable im sure you love this website much more then anyone here cause u must have put many many hours into this but i just cant figure out how much can u love this compared to how much money you are putting into the server a month where do you get the money from otherwise how much money are u getting from google ads? do they really pay off when u have lots of people? just wondering
  12. well would be nice to have those speeds anyway the guys that have speed test in the same datacenter as the main of testmy.net has anye one tried to do a speed test from their server to the one of testmy.net? just wondering
  13. well that not to long 2 years or so for u to get fiber i bet u happy LOL the question is, you going to still be living in the same place in 2 years?
  14. yeah its not to bad google is trying to make one better then yahoo then they will release it
  15. Mediacom: 10Mbps And 3Mbps standard tier moves to 5Mbps Mediacom has officially announced they'll be upgrading their standard downstream cable broadband speed from 3Mbps to 5Mbps, as well as launching a new 10Mbps tier with 1Mbps upstream speeds. According to the release, customers should begin seeing the upgrades within the next ninety days. Users in our Mediacom forum give their thoughts. from http://www.dslreports.com/shownews/63305 enjoy the speed guys!
  16. LOL a bit more spam then
  17. how many have i got? almost 700 lol vanburen u beat every one
  18. doesn't seem right for a rr customer that is not your true speed by the way just so u know
  19. with verizon fiber reaching more and more home u will see more post of speeds on the 15mbps they are for real and some big ones are from univesities and work places like that
  20. good one !!
  21. nice speed i would happy with just that
  22. by the 15th of may cable says we have 9000 members will see
  23. 7967 Members
  24. its working for me now it goes up and down i notive a lot of down time in the morning in the uk when they are probably fixing stuff in there on the USA night time its beta guys dont forget still under test so its acceptable that it is down once in a while PLUS its free camone
  25. DARN nice 15/2 pacakge i assme right?
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