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Everything posted by monsnet2k8

  1. Never!! Im Anti- AOL/AIM
  2. SP1 anytime' SP2 never
  3. I Wouldn't know about gateway being junk since all i ever had and have is a Sony Vaio' change that logo'
  4. and i will be kicking and screaming "you idiots I'm BILL *thrown out the* GATE'S
  5. it must be scary having so much money that I'm sure he has l the place with security cams and a bunch of security personnel'
  6. it doesn't hurt to dream' but im sure i would love to trick or treat at his little house......
  7. sure is huh!! i wouldn't mind calling the support person over and over again!!
  8. i think it was GOLD.
  9. speaking of' i have to reinstall my yahoo messenger back again!!
  10. It would be nice huh!!
  11. at least those kids got to have fun!! when i was a kid it used to be a fun to me' now its not the same but i like to see the kids playing and having a good time with their costumes and of course i love stealing my favorite candies from them with the excuse that I'm getting rid of bad and suspicious candy' lol'h Here is a pic of my nephew as Batman
  12. Its madd funny but i think its not real' the car had to be hit very hard with a heavy object to make the airbag pop' it still is a funny video... :haha:
  13. if any of you are driving around make sure you be careful with kids' they come out of nowhere and give you a good scare' a group of trick or treaters just crossed the street in front of me without warning and scared the hell out of me' good thing i was driving at 25 mph and was able to stop scarring them too'
  14. I'm not dressing up at all' I'm going to use the classic costume of myself to give out candy' It should be fun watching halloween movies and eat the candy that i have left over..... Happy Halloween!!!
  15. it says atleast windows 2000 Pro or Xp Pro nothing in between'
  16. Oh Gawd!! i was sent those like 3 years ago on my AOL days
  17. Your name or the name Peter is on your cmd/command window picture
  18. Ok here is an oldie but goodie' Do you have programs that take forever to load? well if you do here is a little tweak to help those programs start a bit faster' try this tweak and let me know if those stubborn programs that take a minute to load,
  19. You are a bit late with that!! but its nice to be able to change it' how about removing the arrows from shortcuts?
  20. Could a kind Mod DELETE this thread please?
  21. its supposed to be a joke on this other thread' and this thread is also a joke to say there's no need for a chatroom when we have these threads'
  22. Ok since some are asking about a chat' here you go' chat away about any technical question or comment you might have'
  23. Honestly what is the point of having a chat on a forum that serves as a chatroom?
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