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Everything posted by The Reverend
My fastest speed before my latest post ....lol!
The Reverend replied to The Reverend's topic in HughesNet (DIRECWAY)
Last time I heard it used (besides myself) was in the movie Alien ...that Marine pilot chick flying the craft from a "drop" into a free fall then pulled out at the last moment ....I remember she said "5x5" ...then the monster ate her. Think she said, "We are in the chute and 5 by 5." That's an ooold military lingo there. I don't remember when I started using it or where I first heard it! Stay Cool Microwave! "The Rev" -
My fastest speed before my latest post ....lol!
The Reverend replied to The Reverend's topic in HughesNet (DIRECWAY)
Would you believe we have some DW600s users getting over 1600Kbps, and MANY DW4000 users getting as high as 4.0Mbps? -
Funny you mentioned sailboats. We have a very nice 66 Hans Christian sitting at our dock that we love ...bought her new four years ago. It was precisely my intention to use 12volt shipboard motors like she has and adapt them (professionally) to "servo" the entire dish. I just need to sit down with autocad after I get my measurement and work it all out. I've got a metal lathe, raw steel, ....everything I need to do the job ...I just need to make the time to get it done as I am sure I can make it work. (You have a genious for a friend there.....LOL). On this side of the world, the porn is on certain galaxy 'birds' and so there are all kinds of rigs across North America with 'beefed up' receivers to haul in those stations. It is almost amazing what some will pay to have their brand new receiver totally reworked at the risk of imprisonment!
My fastest speed before my latest post ....lol!
The Reverend replied to The Reverend's topic in HughesNet (DIRECWAY)
Thanks, but you know, considering that it is a Commercial Account, a DW6000AU modem, and their most EXPENSIVE darned plan ...you'd think I would get better! I am supposed to be pulling down 1.5 with an 'enhanced' up of 256k ....it was installed in late October and I am still waiting. My 4000 Pro system blew this one away ...but I'm stuck with it and they know it ...yet I will win eventually! (evil laughter). Why you say? Aren't you getting at least CLOSE to me? If not, you should be! And if not, I'd be glad to take a look at things for you... Cheers! The Reverend -
Now THAT is a topic for which there is very little information on.
If you are using Zone Alarm or Zone Alarm Pro as a firewall, did you know that windows is keeping a "running" log of the activity that needs to be cleared out every now and then? In c:windowsinternet logs you'll find several .tmp files along with your Zone Alarm logs (which you can double-click to open and see whatz been happening on your firewall scene. Before I started using a router with a hardware firewall built into it, my Zone Alarm Pro took 170,000 'hits' from the bad boys trying to get in, along with the usual 'pings' and spurious traffic. Anyway, please do your computer a favor and clean out these files (but be careful to not delete anything but the ZA-related files!!!) every now and then or they will just keep adding up until you have several megabytes of useless info in there! heheh... Hope this helps a few! The Reverend
I have relatives in South Carolina USA. They use DSL from Verizon South and say they are paying $65.00 a month for 128/128. I've never checked them out to see, but they are not the type that 'fudge' about such things. Anyone from the SE USA here using Verizon South? The Reverend
:shock: :shock: :shock:
Hard part is tweaking the transponder. That's on the front and no way around it but climbing to adjust ....just thought of that so it may mean a redesign of the dish to put a servo on the Transducer too (from underneath (radio controlled, high quality bearings or nylon 'slips') ....you are thinking the same things I am.... Lot's of wind here so I had to make extra mounts to stop the dish from chattering all the time. She doesn't move now! lol ...wow ...this is WAY off topic from where CA3BLE first started the matter. Guess I need to move it all over to another place. bbiaf...
I like the windshield wipers idea the best ...will have to consider the rest. (That was worth one Applause for your Karma). TOOOOO FUNNY! I've been thinking on the same plane as you. No doubt I need a three axis mechanism, and making it electric (12v) would be the easiest. Actually am looking at using geared down automatic window motors as "servos" to control each axis. I just need to get up there and make some measurements now then put it down on paper! The Reverend
For a welcome change, what you were told is entirely the truth (amazing). I received a fax two hours ago advising me they had placed a new server online that was not ready to handle the load, it had been misconfigured for the satellites it was going to handle ....and yours is one of them. What they are doing also is running tracers on all accounts to ensure they are "real" and not hacked. It was just discovered that a very large organisation of 'bastards' have been tapping into all of the satellites and stealing bits of everyone's individual FAP limits "for free" (and of course for the spread of pornography ...not that I am against men looking at women, because if it were not natural God would not have made women so very beautiful right?) ...anyway ...seems that porn always attracts the trash of the earth in cases like these and it will soon be quelled. It will take between 3 days and 3 weeks to get everyone running right again. (It took them 3 years to figure out where the hell all the bandwidth was going that wasn't being used by anyone)! DUH! lol... Not my fault, but please allow me to apologise in their behalf AND ...if you don't start getting better speeds in the next 48hrs please drop me a note here, I'll find it as I check here every five minutes 18hrs a day, and call them FOR YOU! (You see, my cousin works at Level III --he's an engineer -- at the NOC in Germantown Maryland USA) ....so I have a bit of an 'in' which comes in handy from time to time ...but I try very much not to misuse it, and never ever have I used it for improving my personal account ...which appears is always going to suck! lol.....Commercial Account with top speeds my eye! $129.99 a month for junk! ($1300 up-front for the equipment)! OUCH! danged India-related companies anyway! heheh...just kidding. (But they certainly could be a bit more honest about things)! Stay in touch and keep me "in the loop" for yur area. I'm tracking this all the way from Costa Rica to Hawaii, Alaska and over to the Azores Islands in the mid-Atlantic. Cheers! The Reverend
I'm not sure Microwave. Perhaps, Maybe, Possibly, Could Be ...Nawh....can't be.
I didn't have much choice on the Military Retirement ....during my 16th year of service with the SEAL Team, I became 100% disabled due to a Service-Connected "incident" ...so Uncle Sam gave me my last four years "au gratis", placed me on a Federal Income that is non-taxable for life, gave free college and medical to my wife and kiddos, and sent us on down the road.
Satellite Dishes - A Closer Look
The Reverend replied to The Reverend's topic in HughesNet (DIRECWAY)
That's good because Rain-X works on my dish just fine. Three coats last three months easily if not a bit more. (All Rain-X is made of is a modified 3-in-1 oil ...in fact, you can use 3 in 1 oil but it doesn't last quite as long, and will cause bugs to 'stick' to your dish! -
How to "point up" your own dish
The Reverend replied to The Reverend's topic in HughesNet (DIRECWAY)
Hmmm...I posted a reply to this already but it seems to have been misplaced.......brb! TY for the pdf!!!! I forgot allllll about that one! (better pics too for the smaller dishes)! The Rev -
Satellite Dishes - A Closer Look
The Reverend replied to The Reverend's topic in HughesNet (DIRECWAY)
What are you willing to bet that gets synthesized and finds it's way into ALOT of different products? TY for the links! Amazing.... The Reverend *Superhydrophobia ....I know some people like that when tossed into shark-infested waters... -
That's right resopalrabotnick, and right now there are companies out there that are doing precisely that for the people with the bucks to buy those features.
Hey there cawski, and welcome to TestMy.net! I am very sorry to hear that you had to ensure the "routine" that is "all too common" for DirecWay users. You see, the folks in Level One have no idea what is taking place "system wide" ...and they little to no access to anything other than a basic "modem rebooter" that even you can download and use from an earlier post (just placed it somewhere! lol...). You got caught in the middle of what affected about 11,000 users over the past four days. A new server for three of the satellites was put into service before it was anywhere near being ready to handle the load ...and so everything went nuts. Right now most of the birds are stable once again, but there is some weather over NOC messing some things up. I didn't know about the Server issue until a few hours ago ...and your post confirms it. Hey ..that's a splendid speed! I have a Commercial Account (their best!) and the fastest I can run is 1150 so far ....so you are amoung the fastest using the DW6000's. Consider yourself blessed! lol... Everybody MIGHT ( ...and I do mean MIGHT), see a global boost in speed as they are now tossing alot of the load to Horizon 1 (latest and greatest satellite that was built for Wild Blue) ...so as the bandwidth slowly opens up the speeds should slowly come up with it. Slow going though ...they are doing it one account at a time which is time consuming, but over the long run we'll all fair betterr for it. (But don't be expecting anything earth-shattering)! I am only speaking of a "possible" 100-150Kbps in addition to what exists for everyone right now. (This will not apply to Sat-Mex5 users though). G4R, G11 and AMC3 or 1110, 1202, 1150, 1290 and 1350 users ...for the next (estimated) two weeks. This info just came in on my fax a few moments ago ....so time will tell. TIME:7:11PM EST Jan13,2005 Cheers! And I graciously thank you for the info! *Don't be expecting Level III to ever call you. They usually don't because they are not paid to.