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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by Pgoodwin1

  1. I just noticed that the upload plots no longer reflect the actual numbers the test results report. The .csv file looks OK. The download plots look OK. The upload plot looks like it's missing the last 3 data points in mine. It looks a lot like the plot above. I noticed in the csv file that there are more download test data points than upload points - i.e. I ran download successive times. But it looks like the upload plot is shifted in time.The time stamp in the data file looks like the up and down pair time stamps are correct, but the plot doesn't match the data
  2. the iPad must be feelin' good this morning. more likely the Twitter heads aren't on line yet on Time Warner the iPAD average is: the iMac did pretty good too. it's average is I just noticed my averages are falling (my signature averages are better)
  3. Apple's App Store was on overload Dec 26. It took about 10 minutes to update 4 dinky apps. They sold a bazillion phones. My few shares of Apple stock are up $45 in less than 2 weeks.
  4. yeah. they've worked on the box out in the front near the street two times in the past two weeks for signal level issues for my neighbors. Too bad about the last owners of TWC. I guess I'll hope for things to improve, but I'm not holding my breath. the bean counters always win. The tech said they have thermostatically controlled temperature in their outside gear, but every time it gets cold, they start having problems because the heaters don't work. LOL and I you're right about the oversold nodes. Just in the last six months I've noticed more (and worse) slowdowns when people get home from work, and in prime time.
  5. this is for my iMac, ethernet to Time Warner on a fairly good day :::.. Combined Test Results ..::: Download Connection:: 11914 Kbps or 11.6 Mbps Download Test Size:: 7.4 MB or 7578 kB or 7759462 bytes Download Speed:: 1489 kB/s or 1.5 MB/s Upload Connection:: 883 Kbps or 0.9 Mbps Upload Test Size:: 579 kB or 579 kB or 592920 bytes Upload Speed:: 110 kB/s Tested At:: http://TestMy.net version:12 Test Time:: 2012-01-06 11:40:21 Local Time Validation:: https://testmy.net/db/TO7E4Zu.JNRVqAu User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_ AppleWebKit/534.52.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1.2 Safari/534.52.7 [!] that last post was actually quite a bit faster than normal. here's the iMac with Time Warner, connected via wireless and ethernet wireless :::.. Combined Test Results ..::: Download Connection:: 8726 Kbps or 8.5 Mbps Download Test Size:: 8.7 MB or 8909 kB or 9122611 bytes Download Speed:: 1091 kB/s or 1.1 MB/s Upload Connection:: 883 Kbps or 0.9 Mbps Upload Test Size:: 579 kB or 579 kB or 592920 bytes Upload Speed:: 110 kB/s Tested At:: http://TestMy.net version:12 Test Time:: 2012-01-06 11:46:52 Local Time Validation:: https://testmy.net/db/KmViA8D.ViCt8Wh User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_ AppleWebKit/534.52.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1.2 Safari/534.52.7 [!] ethernet ::.. Combined Test Results ..::: Download Connection:: 9198 Kbps or 9 Mbps Download Test Size:: 5.7 MB or 5837 kB or 5976883 bytes Download Speed:: 1150 kB/s or 1.1 MB/s Upload Connection:: 880 Kbps or 0.9 Mbps Upload Test Size:: 579 kB or 579 kB or 592920 bytes Upload Speed:: 110 kB/s Tested At:: http://TestMy.net version:12 Test Time:: 2012-01-06 11:48:07 Local Time Validation:: https://testmy.net/db/Uw9DzyX.Gu3chPl User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_ AppleWebKit/534.52.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1.2 my average times have never been as high as the rr.com averages. Anyone with Cincinnati Time Warner meeting the averages on testmy? Had a Time Warner technician at the house this morning. Last night I had upload speeds that were 25% of what they are normally. The online and guy on site today found the signal levels coming from the street to be out of range high, no lost packets. I've been fighting intermittent download and upload speed swings for a month or so, that are giving me mood swings. They checked the modem - it was OK but they replaced it anyway because of the intermittent nature of the problem. They'll send another guy out to work on the outside equipment.
  6. RyanS. I too had the same compromised experience with my iPhone. It was great, but at the same time frustrating. the iPad is the perfect solution. No more pinching and stretching and hitting links. It's size, weight,, everything about it is pretty much perfect. I've never tried an Android tablet so I can't talk to it's strengths and weaknesses. I literally use it all the time. My phone is a phone again with email and a camera which it's great at.
  7. Good. That's what I see with the iPad. I just couldn't figure out how to put the graphic into the forum post using the iPad - because the Image button isn't there. The period in the graph about 25 % from the left is the really crappy period that occurs intermittently.
  8. Hi TriRan. I've kinda jumped around in this thread, so I'm not sure what you were referring to when you said "I do" above.
  9. Blako. My averages on rr.com are pretty similar to yours on my computer.
  10. No problem mudmanc4. It's not a big deal about the iPad forum interface being different. That's part of the downside of the whole mobile environment. It's early. LOL. Actually, the response time behavior of this forum on the iPad is a lot snappier than some other forums. Some of them are snail like even entering text on a mobile device. And this forum isn't the only iPad/iPhone user interface where the attach file button is grayed out. When you guys select this URL, do you see my results graph? https://testmy.net/stats/?&t=u&d=01032012&x=14&l=100&z=16&q=Pgoodwin1
  11. On the iPad, when I hit the More Reply Options button, the Attach File button is grayed out. And there's no Image button on top to add a graphic URL from the Results pages
  12. Hey, thanks for responding. CA3LE: What does "MTU should be set at 1500 with cable internet" mean? EBrown: The Airport Extreme Base Station is a brand new one-802.11 a thru n. The iPad is an iPad 2. I had another very slow period just a few minutes ago. I didn't get a chance to test the computer during the event, but my wife said she was experiencing slow operation on her work PC laptop at the same time. The problem cleared itself again in a short time. I'm pretty sure it's Time Warner but the problem is never there long enough to troubleshoot completely. Ironically and probably coincidentally, the problem went away right after I turned Notifications and Location Services OFF on the iPad. This is the second time that doing that has made the problem go away, but it still may be just coincidence. When I turned them back on, the Internet was still running fast. I was thinking there might be some sort of constant CPU interrupts going on with the Notifications from Calendar or Facebook - these notifications are displayed in the pull-down at the top black activity bar where the clock and battery status show. If you don't go to the postings on FB, the notifications stay there. I'm going to turn them off and leave them off for a few days. The next time we have an event I'll immediately run testmy on the computer before I do anything. Time Warner has been working on theor equipment out in our front yard twice lately. The guy said that signal levels were low out there, and one of our neighbors had trouble with their service recently too. So it kinda points toward them. CA3LE: in order to paste a graphic into a posting what do you do? I was able to paste the URL of the graph into the posting, but can't figure out what to do after hitting the share button. Note - on the iPad, when you select a "Reply to this topic" field, the menu on the top of the reply box doesn't show - that's where the "Image" icon is. On the iPad there's some sharing icons below the Reply box field - it looks like this:
  13. https://testmy.net/stats/?&t=u&d=01022012&x=60&l=100&z=16&q=Pgoodwin1 Hopefully you can see the testmy results above I can't figure out how to show the graph in a reply field using the iPad - maybe because I don't have Flash?
  14. Why not get this going again? LOL the endless discussion. Choose the PC if you have a significant PC software investment or you want it to be your gaming platform. Or you use software that is critical to your needs and is PC-only. Or if you are on a really tight budget and don't need much in terms of hardware and software. Apple doesn't even attempt to compete in the low budget low profit high volume computer market. Choose a Mac otherwise. When you look at the life-cycle cost of a Mac, it's not all that different than a PC when you consider all of the hardware and software costs of both. The Mac OS is Unix based and is rock stable. I haven't had a virus on a Mac since 1991, and haven't purchased or installed any virus protection software since 1993 or so. Hardware quality is very high. I've had closed to 20 Macs between our personal ones since 1988 and the only failure I've ever had was a hard drive in the 1988 model after 5 years. Also consider the cost of obsolescence. Regardless of which platform you buy, if you pay a little more up front for the better hardware, the machine will still be performing well for a longer time in terms of processing power, and graphics. My last 2002 Flat Panel iMac was still performing well after 7 years. By 2010, the more complex web page load times and the inability to run HQ video real time finally forced me to buy a new one - mostly because the grand kids complained about the websites they used that were "too slow grandpa". The 2003 G4 tower we have is still doing pretty well performance wise. So buying one machine rather than two over a period of 6 yrs or more is a significant savings. Mac HD and memory costs are the same as a PC-they use the same hardware, so upgrade costs are a wash. I prefer the Mac because of it's quality, ease of use, virus-free operation, their great displays, and Apple's overall tightly integrated hardware-software environment. Both hardware platforms are remarkable machines.
  15. Sorry about the "SpeedTest" above, I meant "testmy" Qualifier: If the browser isn't affecting the results, then the browser SpeedTest is fine. But from a business perspective, I would think the app would be the better case. An interface to the website in the app would bring people here. I too browse for apps on Google and websites before going to the AppStore. The stores take too much of your time finding what you want. But with a good rating, people will come from the store.
  16. Does anyone have any tips on iPad preferences setups that influence the Internet speed throughput? As I've seen here on this site, mobile results can vary greatly using SpeedTest. Looking at my data under iPad Detected (I have a WiFi only iPad), I have results with rr.com that vary from well under 1 Mbps To a max of about 11 Mbps and an average of around 5 Mbps for download, Uploads vary from well under 1 Mbps up to about 0.8 Mbps. Comparing this to my iMac's performance at times it's slower but not terribly slower, but often (much more often than the computer) it's on the slow side (seems very erratic or interrupted/intermittent) and this happens seemingly at random times during the day, with best results in the wee hours of the morning. The iMac numbers are 8.5 and 13 Mbps avg and max for downloads, and about 0.9 Mbps avg and max for uploads. I'm using an Apple Airport Extreme Base Station (new) for Wifi and some older 3-5 yr old design Netgear switches and a router that are all 10/100. I haven't bothered investing in any gigabit Ethernet hardware because I'm Time Warner limited. My test times on the iMac using WiFi are very close to the results using the ethernet. My cable modem is a 6-7 year old one that Time Warner provided. The iPad average of 5 versus the 8.5 Mbps numbers are certainly understandable considering the pure hardware differences of the two machines. Occasionally I get some poor erratic performance on the iMac but it's a much more common occurrence on the iPad. I've done a little semi-scientific investigating but haven't come up with anything that would explain the more common slower and erratic times of the iPad. There are times when I think that rr.com is the problem as all the computers (iMac, PC laptop and MacBook Pro, and mobile wifi devices (2 iPhones and 2 iPads) are all running slow. Tonight I had terrible performance on the iPad, and turned off all 5 of the Notifications I'm using and Location Services. Results went back to well above average, but I don't know if it was coincidental or not. I turned them back on and the results were still good. Repeating my initial question: Does anyone have any tips on iPad preferences setups that influence the Internet speed throughput? Re-booting the iPad and Clearing Safari history and data doesn't seem to help The only thing that has ever seemed to clear up the issue was rebooting the Time Warned cable modem, but I can't say that actually fixed anything, as the poor performance windows don't normally last longer than a few minutes, and it may have been coincidental that it improved after turning the cable model off then back on When things are running normally, everything is slightly above what the rr.com averages are - looking at the stats on this website. Oh, and thenWiFi signal strength is not the issue. When things are slow and erratic, it's the same sitting right next to the wireless TxRx as it is out in the garage. The problem is so intermittent that it's driving me crazy because I can't get it to stay in the failed condition long enough to really nail anything down. This makes me suspect a Time Warner problem, but whenever I call them, they have me run their test which always shows the ridiculously high numbers because (as noted on this website) they throw out the slowest 30% if I remember correctly
  17. I use the iPad a LOT, and see absolutely no reason to run SpeedTest in anything but the browser. The only possible reason that I could imagine that you'd do it is for the exposure. By "do it" I mean develop an app for iOS. No need as afar as I'm concerned.
  18. Hi Roco. You've probably figured it out by now that the Internet speed on the G3 iBook won't be the cause of your pain. That comes when it's rendering pages out of all that data. I finally retired my 2002 800 MHz G4 Flat Panel iMac about 14 months ago. It was still plenty fast enough to do email, but web page complexity finally killed it. Plus the grand kids kept hounding me that my computer was too slow to do their Club Penguin. LOL But I got 8 great years out of it. Heck the 1998 Bondi Blue G3 iMac still works, and so does my wife's 1994 PowerBook 540c. Now I have a pretty quick late 2010 iMac, and it seems that the only thing slowing it down is cinci.rr.com. traffic loads. Late at night they have pretty good throughput but afternoons and evenings it's up and down.
  19. Thanks CA3LE. I haven't quite mastered all the sharing options. I'll keep playing around with it.
  20. Thanks for all the welcomes.
  21. These results are from the iMac via Ethernet. With Wireless I get similar results, slightly less at times on this
  22. I've run many tests, but I don't know how to get the results picture into this forum posting
  23. I have to learn how to do that. I did a lot of testing today. I go thru cinci.rr.com. I tested my iMac, my iPad, my iPhone, and my wife's MacBook Pro. the computers do pretty good but he mobile devices'results are all over the place - from not too good to awful - very intermittent. How do you get that results graphic you posted?
  24. Looks like a good site. Just found it today.
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