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Everything posted by fattymcbluff

  1. you know what i say? ya im bored if i where you i would get the new pc
  2. well the thing is u want to go intel or amd? the new intels run really cool on stock fans and about the sli thing u just need depending what platfrom ur going amd or intel u just need a bored with sli
  3. no its all ok i got everyone set up in there groups and what not it really was not that hard i just never thought to use the new user button
  4. ok so i just got a new Xserve for the class room to replace this old G3 powerpc server that is the server for this class room ok so i need so help here since the only servers i have set up were runing win 2000 server or 2003 server so the Xserver has mac osx 10.4 with unlimted clinets and the whole class is running emacs with 10.4 what i need accomplished is to set up about about 110 clients on the server and xfer all the old data form the old G3 powerpc what would be the best means of doing the xfering, the G3 is running an old server os i think its os9 or os8 im not sure so ya what im trying to say is i need to set it up so any of the kids can log on the server and grab there work so they dont have to save it on there comps but they all need there oun accounts what one of the mac apps should be used? i also need the apple remote desktop software to be used on anyof the computers what would be the config tools i would need to use ya sorry if i sound kinda weird but ya like i said i have only set up servers with 2000 and 2003
  5. you would need to put the cable modem to the router to the switch and u will be good
  6. lame i have the 5300e and i have onbord with 5.1 working great but i am still useing xp
  7. hey now just get the mac and dual boot mac osx and windows not that hard
  8. so im looking in geting a new hard dive and i have a ECS K8M890M-M mobo it only has sata no sata ll but i read some where that the chipset doesnt like sata ll and that you have to set the drive to 1.5 cuzz the chipset is buggy does any one have any advice? or has anyone herd about that chipset? btw the Chipset : K8M890CE Host Bridge
  9. go with the mac its much better
  10. wow that guys is just....... wow
  11. ok well i had Daemon tools installed so i unistalled it yet still no burn then i looked in the my drivers folder to see if Daemon tools left any drives behind and it did so i deleted the 2 drivers it left behind and they are sptd.sys and dtscsi.sys after geting rid of them i restarted and itunes can now burn
  12. nvm i fixed the problem
  13. when ever i want to burn a cd with itunes it says disc burner or software not found i have reinstalled itunes i have un installed my dvd drive and reinstalled it i have updated the firmware and still no go the drive is a lite on shw-160P6S any one have any ideas?
  14. now that pretty kool
  15. that my friend is a pci-e when you do get a new card make sure that ur psu will have the power the new card also
  16. so ya i need to know of a good cheap webhost for my guild dont need anything fancy just a basic host can any one reccomend a good one
  17. well now my ipod plays music form that ohh well its pretty kool my friends say my ipod is on crack or something
  18. ok do ipod videos have speakers built in or anything like that cuzz my ipod will play music that u can hear with nothing pluged in and it comes out through the head phone jack
  19. umm no 1300 is a avrg for sat
  20. if that graph is your pings to dslreports then thats not that high
  21. its whats on the inside that counts T.V's in the head rests and 2 http://www.sasbazooka.com/productAutoAmplifiedBTsRS.asp?id=6 nope its mine just got my for my birthday to bad i cant drive it till next month (((
  22. nope the username and the password are the same ones that are u used when u configed ur verizon router
  23. they are next year there adding vista and some outher stuff glad i took in now though
  24. ok i just installed linux i have a slave drive that i keep my music and movies etc. i want to be able to write to that drive from both linux and xp if i convert the drive from ntfs to fat 32 with partitionmagic 8 will i loose all the data on that drive?
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