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Everything posted by Mactron

  1. You can't have to much RAM... well to a point. More the better. Especially with an 1999 machine. What a PII or PIII maybe ? Probably came with 64 or 128 MB at most ? 512 MB would be a good thing. If it takes SD Ram be prepared for a price shock now that it's rare. Pricewatch.com is your friend. Enjoy your toy. Old or new Computers are fun !
  2. The ping that counts is their ping to you. What is it when they complain ? Unless the cables or connectors are defective there's no benifit to changing them. A different ethernet card could change things.
  3. Mactron


    Darn I wish the data base for verizon.net could be fixed here. Don't let the "running at only 43.7 % of your hosts average (verizon.net) " Throw you. First some of us have 3000/768 DSL. Then there are the FIOS folks that really throw the data base for a loop because of their speeds. Unfortunately all verizon.net speed tests get thrown together and it really makes the whole data base lop sided. I've ask here in the past about this and apparently theres no fix. You are on Verizons 1500/128 I would assume and you look good to go from here. You could call Verizon billing @ 1-800-567-6789 and ask for billing. Yes, billing handles upgrades and ask for a free upgrade to 1500/384 or even 3000/768 if your close enough. Best of luck.
  4. 3X faster !?? That's funny ! Marketers, gotta love them RG6 will have less signal loss than RG59, and that's a good thing. But faster !?? LMAO Belden cable is good. That's what I use in RF applications. Good luck
  5. I would guess that the costs for hardware, modem pools, connectivity, T1 T3s to the pools, maintaining a Database for the accounts, accounting costs, hardware maintenance, ETC would be about the same for SBC be it DSL or dialup. With the profit margins already fairly thin, competing against the $9.95 a MO guys would be foolish. Just some thoughts. YMMV
  6. If he's all patched up and updated all of his anti-nasty software I think the risk would be minimal if the the HD is fully scanned/checked before trying to pull anything off.Maybe, Maybe not... I'm fortunate to have a couple of "I don't care" test machines around for just this sort of thing.
  7. If all you want to accesses the laptop HD for files This ~$10 solution should do the trick. http://www.bay-wolf.com/hddadapter.htm A lot safer too.
  8. Your on the money for Verizons 1500/384. Don't let the "running at only 41.7 % of your hosts average (verizon.net) " Throw you. First some of us have 3000/768 DSL. Then there are the FIOS folks that really throw the data base for a loop because of their speeds. Unfortunately all verizon.net speed tests get thrown together and it really makes the whole data base lop sided. I've ask here in the past about this and apparently theres no fix. Your looking good ! Enjoy !
  9. ZA and Sygate do that a first until you mark them as always allow. A little annoying at first but they stop after they've "learned" what you want to allow. It's worth it.
  10. Mactron


  11. I used ZoneAlarm for the longest time. The last couple of versions have been flaky for me. So I moved on to http://soho.sygate.com/default.htm and I'm very happy with it. Try a couple, ONE at a time. and decide for yourself.
  12. A tad low but not terrible. Try a couple of the mirror test sites https://testmy.net/mirrors.php closer to you and report back your best test From the mirror test page... "The purpose of mirrors is to check your speed off more than one server because routing may be a speed issue in some cases."
  13. I have no idea where you got those port numbers from, but I run 6881-6999. A couple other things, you are aware that the number of seeders and their upload speed is crucial to your download speeds!? Also lately lots of seeders are ignoring or slowing their upload to anyone that has their upload choked back. I aways download at my full speed ~360k with plenty of seeders around. HTH
  14. Not until now The reviews of them at BBR look favorable for the most part. http://www.broadbandreports.com/comments/1082 Apparently they resell Covad, use PPPoE , even have a "dry" DSL package, albeit a little pricey. Let us know if you try it out.
  15. Fireworks !!!
  16. Good grief guys. How may things are you forwarding? My old D-link has room for twenty entries, I've used seven. If you have that many ports forwarded, maybe it's time to just DMZ your machine . :haha:
  17. Never heard of them.
  18. That's a piece of good news. If you had a Fujitsu modem... Well a Creek and A Paddle come to mind. Press the CSRs hard but Politely for what you need and want . Good luck.
  19. The $29 applies no matter your speed. Your speed depends on a couple of things. First what kind of modem do you have? What the Verizon database shows you distance wise. ONLY their database counts. What's available in your CO/RT. I'd call back again several times and ask for a speed increase and also ask what they show your distance to be. HTH
  20. Mactron


    Historically SBC stays ~$5 under Verizon. So I would "GUESS" ~ $24.95 a month. Besides the whole home BB game is always evolving. Maybe $9.95 a month !
  21. I've helped out several folks on the other side of the county that's served by SBC, and SBC does a very credible job of providing DSL. Kinda wish I had SBC here on the wrong side of the county tracks. My VZ DSL works well, it's just $5 a month more ! Oh well, YMMV.
  22. Mactron


    Yup looking good ! You'll get spoiled quick and decide that extra $10 for Pro is a pretty good Deal. It's only a matter of time.
  23. Not a feature you'll see in "low cost" home routers. For that kind of control you'll need to move up to some of the business class routers. You'll spend some serious cash while doing it.
  24. Ah... It's NOT automatic !!! you MUST call to get it, IF you qualify. Call and ask for it.
  25. No and I'll bet You should be getting more like what I get. Click my Sig link. That's what 3000/768 VZ DSL should look like. Ok questions: 1)Have you rebooted your DSL modem and router ? If not do so and try again. 2)How do you "know" your on "Service is Verizon DSL advertized @ 3megs." ? 3)Have you ever run the Westell dianognostic program to check ? If not, read this...http://www.broadbandreports.com/faq/7553 Your sync rate should be if I'm remembering correctly, 3360/860 if you really have 3000/768
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