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Everything posted by tbaker397

  1. Took about 10 seconds i think, dont really remember but i cna say this. that site is one of the best all flash sights i have seen since rayoflight.net closed its doors. but it should be smaller..
  2. I believe it will be 5 dollars more than the Verizon FiOS 15/2 service, so 54.95 I believe. Fighting fire with fire.
  3. Berlin Pennsylvania, one small town with a population of less than 2000....
  4. i get pretty close to my caps at off peak hours such as now... :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 3887 Kbps about 3.9 Mbps (tested with 5983 kB) Download Speed is:: 474 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server1) Test Time:: Sun Jun 12 00:45:20 EDT 2005 Bottom Line:: 69X faster than 56K 1MB download in 2.16 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 25.14 % faster than the average for host (adelphia.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-43NPTXH0S but i get even faster when downloading something, i just picked that trial file random because i was on microsoft's website....
  5. dunno, i custom build all my computers but ill let you if i hear anything.
  6. im guessing its their 3 meg service since its not 15 or 20 bucks. You also need to know how far away from the CO or an RT you are to you can get certain speeds. If you are over 9000 feet(i think) you cant get the 3 meg service. And yes, your router will work, just do it the exact same way you have it now: phone line into modem, modem into router, router to computers, thats just instead of co-ax cable into modem. and not ALL telemarketers are bad. I was using Direcway for going on 15 months(well out of the 12 month contract we had to sign) and my parents WOULD NOT make the switch to adelphia then one day 'Tom' from adelphia calls and 15 minutes later we have free professional installation the next week and a 21.95 price tag for 3 months and then to 26.95
  7. if you have 2 2meg lines and dont know hwo to set up the 2 nic way, then a dual wan router is for you. there are pricey but its an option http://www.xincom.com/
  8. i rem. doing that, i got the same speeds from that mirror too, looks liek it doesn't work and i did my test about a week ago.
  9. wow, someone on the west coast who has comcast and doesn't have problems....am impressed, oh and nice speeds too.
  10. As to what you can expect.... a lot faster speeds for one. As for the networking end, i would have them run the Cat5/Cat6 line into the NIC where the modem is now connected. Then just have cable from the second NIC to the Switch. I don't know if this would work but I think it should.
  11. i dont think a standard dsl line could handle 9/3.....but again, will all dsl, the limiting factor is distance. You need to get less than 100 feet from the co for 9/3 service..... i could honestly see it happening.
  12. im green with envy, im stuck with 384....
  13. im waiting for adelphia to release(not the right word but close enough) the new speed tiers are available. I will happily upgrade to 15/2 when its out. Whats you upload CA3LE
  14. kind of an old topic BUT... where did u get your case at organ shifter, im stuck with a yellow raidmax 686 scorpio with blue neon.
  15. not....fair.....
  16. possibly, i just did the math from his scores, 2.5mbps is not 76% of 3 megs... thats how u figure.the average is on the rise for Verizon.
  17. my friend has V-DSL(Verizon DSL) in a suburb of philly and he is lucky to get 1 meg down/ 256 up and hes on the 3/768 plan. Also i've been noticing with the verizon DSL subscribers, even though mark's throughput is 2.5 Mbps, hes only running at 76%. FiOS is making DSL look slow now....
  18. lets wait and find out, then pass judgement, but those look like VDSL/VDSL 2 speeds, and yes there is/was an ADSL2, it just kinda flopped... but those speeds seem poor compared to fiber speeds, but over bonded copper, what can i say.
  19. no docsis 2.0 is a standard and i think 38/30 is it. however i think that the 4200 is a 1.1 modem. because of the 38/10 max is so, your sitll fine. but yea, i dont see ANY CableCo giving increases THAT big any time soon
  20. nice speeds but u should be gettin a little closer to 10/10. but still id be happy with 7/5.5. looks like Van Buren's scores or that guy that got SureWest Fiber
  21. what are the respective caps on the modem for 1.1 and 2.0 i thought 1.1 was up around 40 and 2 was like 100? i saw what is was but cant find it.
  22. not at all, just make sure the modem is a DOCSIS 2.0 modem. I'm pretty sure a Motorola Surfboard 5100 or a 5120 are 2.0
  23. Dway is behind a proxy, so that may also affect your speeds, i never got above 30 when downloading from torrents.
  24. i'm not too sure on this, but the spead increases schedules should be able to be handled by a Docsis 1.1 modem. 2.0 is just a standard for faster speeds.
  25. i really dont like you blueorder....just playin, good scores though, above the 15mb cap.
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