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Everything posted by tbaker397

  1. tbaker397


    isnt 100Gbps in Hong Kong already for only 200/month USD. Only reason I say only is that verizon FiOS 30/5 package is 200 a month.
  2. Welcome to the forum NexusOne.... good looking speeds there. Have you tried VanBuren's tweaks?
  3. tbaker397


    I would say in the Gbps range, who knows, we could be in the Tbps too never know
  4. his friend isnt lieing when u told him that he can come here and get a better connection
  5. not sure, but my line is capped at 4/384 and i always hit the cap on speed tests and when downloading i hit 550 kb/s. So i know theres more room there but i just don't have it, call up Cebridge and ask if you can get your cap raised to say a 3/384 line.
  6. your line can handle more than the 1 meg your paying fore judging by you download/upload speeds
  7. is it a cable provider? if so then your plan is 512-5/128.
  8. I have a Moto Surfboard 5100 no more than 3 or 4 months old. And no the AC isn't pointed right at it, (we have central air) but I was just commenting how the room is Air Conditioned. The tech that was here said that 61 is the highest the modem can transfer at.
  9. 61dB in the basement, brand new wiring direct from tap, under a desk and air conditioned.... something wrong here?
  10. Rogers Cable Ultra Lite: Rogers Cable Lite:
  11. they might be on a lite plan too.
  12. Dont knock on wood, good speeds, may I ask what you pay monthly?
  13. Let me change that around. Get the system upgrade ready, then upgrade, but NOT to the cap of what the current network could handle. So if the deployment of Docsis3.0 takes longer, they have room for another upgrade.
  14. Clear your cache and retest.
  15. Did SBC Not just start offering 384-1.5/128-384 DSL for 14.95 a month? Well reading about Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka being compared to Michael Jackson, at the bottom of the page I found: SBC Yahoo! Dial - Starting at $15.95/month for dial-up Internet access. Click here. Wouldn't you think that SBC would drop dial up prices. If you look at that, you are paying more for dial up than broadband from the same company!
  16. After this upgrade Cable CO's should not upgrade any more while on the current Docsis Tech. They should ready their networks for Docsis 3.0 as quickly as possible, and i cannot wait until the adelphia extreme.
  17. What is the speed of your plan?
  18. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 3762 Kbps about 3.8 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Download Speed is:: 459 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Wed Jul 6 21:43:41 EDT 2005 Bottom Line:: 67X faster than 56K 1MB download in 2.23 sec Diagnosis: Looks Great : 18.01 % faster than the average for host (adelphia.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-KURDA523N Using a Moto Surfboard 5100
  19. That looks cached
  20. 6/384? You have got to be joking, at least bump it to 512. and for the 8mb tier, at least put a 1mb upload on that.... sheesh, cheapskates.
  21. I know, i felt so bad/sorry for the people who got slammed twice in 2 weeks last year. I only hope this year isnt as bad.
  22. FTTC(fiber to the curb) is a very good idea by the Cable Co's, while not new, will help deliver the bandwidth needed to compete with telco's. Does anyone know what the Docsis standard is on Cablevision's Network? And isn't cox 15/2 while adelphia is 16/2?
  23. I believe that is for 2.0. Docsis 3.0 will have up to and maybe mroe 200 mbps according to comcast
  24. Hit it with a hammer.... not a good idea but it would help vent some anger. No, at this point, i am out of suggestions. Sorry
  25. Make sure you have a high Rwin value since the bigger the better for overseas testing. But don't expect to get full line speed from the testmy servers. But you should get pretty close.
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