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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by tbaker397

  1. turn off firewall and if you have a web accelerator turn that off too. edit: try this speed test site: http://nitro.ucsc.edu/
  2. 'Your PC/Workstation has a 250.0 KByte buffer which limits the throughput to 3.25 Mbps' In the details on http://nitro.ucsc.edu/ Whats it mean and how do I change the buffer to allow more throughput?
  3. U know, if i was her, I would want free internet for ever! Facing 24 months in person and you get a year of internet and a $50 gift certificate?! Sheesh!
  4. Hmm.... maybe theres a problem with your line or something along those lines.... on the other ntoe about the upgrades, i don't think they will be upgrading the standard tier to 12/1, probably everywhere will be 5/1 or 5/2(as it is now in someplaces) and gold will be upgraded to 15/2
  5. I can't speak for everyone, but I have adelphia and im advertised at 4( i get 2.6 cuz my little nephew is a dumbass) but the premier is 6/768(extreme 16/2, havent seen any scores posted using those speeds) but I have seen tests go as high as 9.x on the down and 9xx on the upload. So.....
  6. Since no one else did.... Welcome to testmy.net skynet. Be sure to tell all your friends about the site.
  7. Yep, its the standard tier in the markets with the 15/2 service, i think the markets with 9/1 the standard is 4/512.
  8. hehe, Maybe i am But is it a good idea?
  9. Lucky guy with the 2 meg upload
  10. Lately, there have been alot of cached test results being posted.... heres an idea to limit them at least from the major ISP's This probably would be a team project so maybe CA3LE, VB and some mods.... Go through all the ISP's scores (or just the major ones i.e. Comcast, verizon, roadrunner etc...) and find the highest one ever recorded that wasn't cached. Then, round up to the nearest Mbps (say 9.3 go to 10) and change the download script as to if it's any higher than that, say by over a meg, tell them to retest. Doesn't have to be rounded up to the nearest Mbps or if their score is a meg+ higher than that, just giving an idea here. It would be a lot of work but I think, in the end, it could very well eliminate cached tests.
  11. good looking upload:D
  12. run a speed test there Larry.
  13. Welcome to the forum Anicks, ACEKILL, defaultcatch. Be sure to tell all your friends about testmy.net Anicks, it looks like your on the 5/2 plan. Very good scores. Where are you located? Acekill, it looks like your on the 4/512. The upload looks good, download is good, could squeeve another 100 Kbps out of it though, have you tried tweaking? Check out http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-2097.0 defaultcatch, your speed looks perfect
  14. Short of explosives and guns. But im sure that it would work.
  15. What is your current download speed. Comcast is in the process of upgrading a lot of areas. The basic tier of service is going from 4/384- 6/384 and the gold is going from 6/768 - 8/768. Maybe your area hasn't been upgraded yet or they are in the process of.
  16. my school starts pretty darn soon, i'll post some results, i think they have dual t3 lines. 1 for the elementary and middle school and 1 for the high school/administration.
  17. THREAD RESURRECTION! and adams, why are you apllieing the 6/768 ccs files? you need a 768/128 file.
  18. No no, hes 3658 to do it.
  19. When on torrentspy, always read the comments, some torrents are bugged. I have read comments and stuff and sometimes the trackers for the torrents is an ISP!!! One movie i was looking at had Time Warner as a tracker, lol. Just becareful, thats the main reason I don't download movies,
  20. NoFeso, those speeds are CACHED. Meaning they aren't real, you don't get accurate results if you hit the back button repeatedly. Post some real tests, please.
  21. Welcome to the Forum BNX. Make sure to tell all your friends about testmy.net Try this: http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-3924.0 http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-2097.0
  22. no one believes it, especially if your ISP is Charter.
  23. you might see a 5/896 or a 7/896 like qwest. but i doubt it because you made a good point, they are focusing alot of FiOS and not at all on DSL
  24. tbaker397


    Are you referring to audio cd's or data cd's such as games or applications.
  25. A bb gun? Nah not enough, try through big rocks on to it.
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