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Everything posted by tbaker397

  1. Can I pay you to put an addition onto your house?
  2. Nope, never got into it.
  3. Don't we all
  4. Do you have a room for rent?
  5. Hey guys, check out this topic: www.testmy.net/forum/t-2097.0 follow those steps and see what it goes.
  6. Yahoo, for me anyway. If you order through Verizon, you will get MSN, but if you order through yahoo you get Yahoo. Pretty simple if you look at it that way
  7. Mainly Halo CE, Half Life 2 and SW:KOTOR2
  8. Mine isn't near that bright.
  9. Hey Wicked Rain, Welcome to testmy.net! Be sure to tell all your friends about the site On your wired computer, make sure you have your Network Card set it to 100Mbps Full Duplex or 100BaseTx Full Duplex. Check out www.testmy.net/forum/t-2097.0 if that doesn't help.
  10. Your download looks very good, Not too sure what to do about the upload, I never had any problems so I didnt ever do anything to it. And kol, birdfan is more right than you are. Yes, he did double post, but he did it to a) address to different things and not make a post that took up half a page.
  11. Please don't tell me you sat their with a dial up connection running a 12160KB test....
  12. the model I was configuring at ibuypower.com didnt have a Plextor available. In my parents computer that I built for them, they have the plextor 716a and it is without a doubt the best I have ever used, next to my friends Pioneer 110, thats why i chose that.
  13. I know, i knew i wanted that and would eventually need it, so I just picked it up. Oh, and the price of just the parts/similar parts minus the one hdd and the soundcard was over 1100 on tigerdirect WITHOUT assembly
  14. Hey all, I know how everyone has an opinion on computer stuff so I figured I would ask. Maybe within 2 months I am looking to replace my current computer with a brand new one. I just recieved the one I have now back in November, but it would be just as expensive to update all the stuff in it now since I would have to replace everyone except the harddrive and case. Here is what I was thinking: Trinity ATX Mid-Tower Case Neon Green Light 535W Watt Power Supply AMD Athlon-64 X2 3800+ CoolerMaster Liquid CPU Cooling Fan System Kit Asus A8N-SLI Motherboard 1 Gig of Corsair XMS PRO With the little LED Lights.... hehe (2) 160GB HDD's, One a Seagate, one a Western Digital GeForce 6600 SLI Ready Video Card Pioneer DVR 110 DVD Burner Audigy 2 Sound Card Total Cost: $1,063. Through ibuypower.com. I already tried all parts seperately from TigerDirect, not cheaper. Already have a monitor and stuff, the one HDD is out of my current computer as is the sound card. If anyone has any suggestions, please gimme a reply.
  15. didnt think it wasn't just kinda odd unless Cox ran fiber for them.
  16. if they have fiber why is the host cox-internet.com ? And why is the average download for your host only around 2100Kbps?
  17. Because, Theace1, he wanted to show his download/upload speeds but also wanted to show he gets a higher download than what he theoretically should according to testmy.net. I am in the same boat as he is, and welcome to the forum drone540!
  18. That's FiOS. The 8/768 is the highest residential packagae available from Comcast. Business class Comcast maybe a 9/1, but I am not too sure, let me check up on that. After a quick bit of checking up, Comcast has a small business solution, and a teleworker solution Small Business: http://work.Comcast.net/smallbusiness.asp Enter the zip code 15146, I just know Comcast offers there so check it out. They offer a 7/768 as the top they have and a 5/512 as the entry level class TeleWorker: http://work.Comcast.net/commuter.asp Highest they have a 6/768 as the highest and a 5/512 entry level. Nothing worth while if you ask me. And welcome to the forum ExTrem3 Gam3r 43 ! Be sure to tell all your friends about the site! Speeds look great for your plan!
  19. Shipping from TigerDirect is very good, has been for me at least. I thought they got bigger, but I doubt you'll see a 400GB 2.5" HDD anytime soon, unless you pay, a lot for it.
  20. I HAVE GOT TO START READING CLOSER, JEEZ. Amazing how the obvious misses your notice.
  21. I dunno about Laptop HDD's but I don't think they can get much bigger, but i don't know anything about it, just my guess from what i've seen.
  22. Truly it is. This goes to show the true nature of people when they think no one is looking. Check out the post about on DSLR here: http://www.broadbandreports.com/shownews/67006
  23. I use either IE or Opera, firefox always seem to slow down my connection for some reason.
  24. I gotta start reading closer.....
  25. He could be serious, but I don't know. I understand that you would like some info, but you could just call a company like your ISP, or a reseller and ask.
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