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  • Speed Test

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Everything posted by tbaker397

  1. Sorry to burst the bubble, but the satellite that was going to be used for spaceway is now going to be used for DirecTV HD
  2. 10 meg down, but 384 up, i think someone is modeling after Comcast.
  3. Trust us, we know, and we hunt down and kill anyone who has it..... Just kiddin
  4. Hey tankman welcome to testmy.net! Be sure to tell your friends about the site. Id call it fast, but its a college.... Still, looks good though
  5. probably because of the upgrade soon.
  6. Heres a few NDT speed tests directly from Charter http://speedtest.mn.charter.com/ http://speedtest.chartermi.net/ Any Charter Users try those for speed tests and see if you get any better than on here or another site?
  7. anyone else get this error when trying on that NDT server Server process not running: start web100srv process on remote server
  8. it looks like u were capped, so call them up and ask them
  9. Great looking speeds! Def. on the 5/2 package!
  10. I totally agree.
  11. do u have their Cable TV?
  12. same here... dont know whats wrong, can u enlighten us PHP?
  13. glad to hear it, and like I said before, don't worr about your %
  14. Free is good, the fair access policy is stupid i agree, but if its free its all good. I did some quick calculations, if everyone was using it at the same time, you would get 93.75kb/s or around that, so 150kb/s is decent UNLESS you mean 150Kbps.
  15. 512K upload on a satellite? HA!
  16. looks good, but whats with the 12159 test size? Also do u live in one of these : http://www.waldenweb.com/ ?? Just curiouis, but the speed looks great.
  17. Ohh Cyber-Crimes... I know the guy that owns that, real cool guy.
  18. Hey error0024! How ya doin? Welcome to testmy.net! Make to sure tell all your friends out the site here! Follow the steps found here: http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-2097.0 and post back!
  19. Sounds real good, glad to hear everything is ok. I was just surprised that there weren't more problems, but well, if your testing and delaying for what? 3 years, id hope it was pretty decent.
  20. Yes it is, personally, I don't want any of the new DSL technologies until they are more secure, tested and proven before I move. In all honestly, I don't need that kind of speed yet, and i watch only a little TV, so my cable connection right now is fine for me. And Blunted, how come you have a big space in your post above here?lol
  21. i feel for you, in all aspect we were all on dial up at one point in time. Most of us anyway. Hopefully something faster will come along soon. I'll pray for you.
  22. Hey holler, how are ya doin? Welcome to testmy.net! Be sure to tell all your friends about the site! I have a question for you on Wild Blue. How is the service, do you see your advertised speeds and have their been any hiccups or growing pains so far? If so, please elaborate, if you don't mind of course. I am assuming yes, but just curious as to what kind.
  23. Hey swodie how ya doin? Welcome to testmy.net! Make sure to tell your friends about the site here! I assume they eventually will, heres my prediction on the upload upgrades using the current DOCSIS technology and infrastructure: the 6/384 plan will be upped to 6/512 or 6/768, but i dont think any higher than 768 and i doubt it will get that high in the near future the 8/768 plan will go to 8/1 at the highest im guessing, but I wouldnt be surprised if it was 8/896. None of that is official but giving on how stingy Cable Co's are with the upload, I would assume that those would be fairly decent guesses.
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