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Everything posted by tbaker397

  1. The price I was given, its for everything right? Air Fare, Room/board etc.... I also see that Steve Wozniak will be speaking this year. Maybe he would be better than Shawn. I will have to talk it over with my parents but I really hope on attending because it looks really interesting and just to be able in Silicon Valley.... jeez, what could be better?
  2. Hey all. I just recieved an invitation to the National Youth Leadership Forum on Technology to be held in Silicon Valley next July. Now, I have never gone to something like this before so I need some input from you guys. What all happens here, although Im guessing it has to do with learning about technology and stuff, But am curious is anyone has any first hand experiance. Is it wortwhile? If I go, I don't want to be bored the entire time. Any help/input from you guys would be appreciated because to me, it looks pretty interesting and am thinking about attending.
  3. Eh, RR. Decent Download, but u know, the upload is right on par with other major Cable Co's.
  4. Wow, thats a lot! Sorry to hear bout your problems man. I hope everything gets worked out for ya. Maybe you should check out wild blue and think about ditching DWay.
  5. Holy hell in a handbasket, Crazy, dude, u dont talk to a mod like that. At all, seriously, show some respect. And you say your smart? That response looks like your an 11 year old kid trying to act big because someone insulted you. Those posts are: childish, stupid, inappropiate, unnecessary and make you look like an idiot. Oh and blunted, I'm a.. 27 or a 28 I think. Haven't checked in a while, my GT is Flubbed Llama.
  6. I really only play H2 but even that is becoming more and more rare since I need to focus on school. But i'll add u next time I get on
  7. What all games u play on XBL Blunted?
  8. i hate people like that, but u have to admit, they are smart to figure this out.
  9. thats only used by those who have a modded xbox and need to load one of their modded download maps, which is cheating. I hate cheaters on Halo 2 because they suck so they have to cheat to win.
  10. The T1+ lines are mroe than likely available everywhere, DSL is available where DSL is availble, but it depends on distance. And SDSL wouldn't ahve high pings unless it is on your end since it is usually a dedicated loop run from the CO.
  11. Its DSL. As with all dsl, speed is limited by distance to CO or RT. Probably must be under 10,000 feet for the 2.3/2.3
  12. www.webmasters.com 5GB of diskspace, can addon another 5GB 150GB/Transfer a month/limited to 5GB/day Can host up to 21 domain names on the account. 1000 Pop 3 email accounts 1000 FTP Accounts 300 SQL Databases All For..... $9.95/month! But heres the kicker/re-kicker: You must pay annually @ 119.40 for the year BUT There is no commitment! At anytime you can cancel and you will be refunded the money for the time not used, down to the day! And PM me your website if you could please, id like to check it out.
  13. i agree and im done feeding the troll who started this topic so ill see u in other topics resop
  14. Who are you to come in here and start spam posting and calling someone who has 575 posts and has been here since Jan a loser. Whereas you who joined early this month and has what? 27 posts with more than half pointless spam.
  15. I dont think hes as stupid as you.
  16. You misunderstood what is being said. The max distance is up to 17,000 feet. Max speeds of up to 1.5Mbps(from NewEdge anyway). That doesn't mean you can get 1.5Mbps @ 17,000 feet, just the max speed/max distance.
  17. Hey Blunted 2 Welcome to testmy.net! Just playin, do u have any idea how much transfer just playing on one xbox uses? Say kB/s both up and down.
  18. Hitting the 'Back' button doesn't give acurate results, your on the 15/2 plan. Not the 30/5.
  19. Go directly with Dway. Cut out the middle man, besides both of the companies CSR's are in india.
  20. I removed my original post since you edited yours. Why would the staff remove a provider's forum page. Maybe they should remove you instead. Save us from your spamming.
  21. what is waldenweb, a 20/10 or a 20/20?
  22. or get zapped by them
  23. Yea, I understand where your coming from with that.
  24. being in a large city probably means that you wont see FiOS for a while due verizon having to wire Apartment Buildings and such, your best bet is a suburb. Just as a side note, a Chinese restaurant, that is about 10 or 12 minutes away(great sesame chicken) is now giving out Verizon FiOS boxes, so I am assuming my area should get it soon. I'll have to call and ask sometime.
  25. my 2 cents, the caps suck. wait, thats fact. but either way, your speeds look good for an overseas test. Especially from Down under!
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