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Everything posted by Sin0cide

  1. Joking? thats not fast? son of a turd slinger
  2. lol if you do not hug me I will ban you ! MUAHAHAHAA
  3. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 562 Kbps about 0.6 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Download Speed is:: 69 kB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Test Time:: Thu Mar 31 02:31:25 MST 2005 Bottom Line:: 10X faster than 56K 1MB download in 14.84 sec Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 18.44 % of your hosts average (cox.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-LHJ6F0EMK
  4. Hay Master Coder... I think you should code a script for server status and load ratings and speed tests on the server like maybe a thing that could tell how much the max connection the test could accuratly do.
  5. I hope so... lol Happy Easter all
  6. They can always track shit no matter how pimp you think you are... Usually the paypal payment will give a description about what the money is for. did that say anything? I am guess some expensive starwars prop toys or something ridiculuos like that...
  7. Two blonde carpenters were working on a house. One blonde was on a ladder, nailing. She
  8. thats dumb it just has hydro's
  9. I am cooler than you BIATCH ... MISS ME "This guy is THA SHIT" BOOYAH
  10. well hook something up!... lol
  11. I agree with j79zlr Frontpage sucks ass. but thats what Ca3le uses for this page...
  12. YOU ROCK!
  13. Sin0cide


    Happy birthday Reno... Congrats you can now be charge for any wrong doing you do... well you could get charge before but they would wait till now to do it... lol
  14. Two things I don't like the host you stated above for the fact that they have a template site and offer way to much for what there asking for... If you want a good host try out jiffynet.net
  15. O yah and for the people in the snow... why in the hell are you jumping out of your car when its only doing like 10 mph
  16. there's a reason why its locked... so making another thread about it is not a good idea. We don't need fights in here.
  17. humm I guess it worked?????
  18. Please post your own if your a mod with access I know you guys out there are dying to write somthing... lets blow this up... I want more posts in here than in the general/help sections... I believe in you guys
  19. 100,000? old? bahhh My new cars have atleast 125,000 or 150,000 they are not old untill they exceed the manufactures explode statistics. Just remember this the army doesn't change the oil ever in there hummers and they last 200-250 thousand.... but yah yah its a hummer
  20. yah its a testmy.net discount
  21. Believe it or not the functions are mostly support by mozilla. Your issue is the z-index. In IE -1 on the z-index places it behind all content on the page but in mozilla as it seems places it behind the page itself... You can fix this by two ways...
  22. HAHA I got a 65 mustang xmod with body kit and a Robosapien
  23. It seems that you are not allowed to download or view attachments on this board. WOW my status on this board has really fallen off.... LOL
  24. I call this my last website... can you tell me why? http://www.sin0cide.com/lastwebsite.jpg
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