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Everything posted by mudmanc4

  1. Very curious service !!! I have shut mine down ! no problems, even tested my printer sharing, no problems! maybe this is another one of MS services ,or progs like index.dat . In wich I clear regularly.Open port as far as im concearned.
  2. Most cases he'll get nailed within 24 hours as soon as his neighbors start calling in complaints of low or no bandwidth!
  3. No one knows what to do W/ this service or am I just a bit computer illiterate?
  4. There seems to be much controversy on this service. leave running or kill? Here's a link on the search iv'e done.http://www.neuber.com/taskmanager/process/alg.exe.html
  5. Nice work Ca3le, this site gets better all the time!
  6. Just imagine the possibilities, i.e., the health industry could take some sort of a C.A.T. scan of you , and most likely real time, virtually search within your every organ to find your problem, or monitor a child,or........................................Holy sh*t.
  7. IE for speed, firefox for security & konqueror for both! just an opinion.
  8. First try running this test again!
  9. Whaa? Whats the U.S. conversion on that?
  10. OMG Sweet, great to finally see this in action W/out destroying a HD.
  11. Yes I WILL have mine! thanks for this link!
  12. Ive checked xp home xp pro, and briefly looked in linux suse, although theres no .exe files in suse, I found nothing similar.
  13. Fantastic! any ideas on how to loosen permissions ?
  14. The box where the trouble is , is XP home not XP pro , The computer management console does not show local users and groups. Or is this of my own doing?
  15. Thxs ES I'll try this!
  16. Help,How do you set permissions to allow user to save while running a limited accnt? winxp home. Anyone? My 6 year old is driving me mad, and I wont let him run an admin accnt! For security reasons.Most of his games wont even start-up, due to this. Any advice would be appreciated!
  17. Yes, as you can see, my spelling is off a tad tonight, for the whiskey sours have taken effect! Believe me its more than multi-task W/ double vision!
  18. Got nothing better to do tonight than read this post? Me either! Happy new year!
  19. Does anyone remember the Tandy MC-10? Tape back-up (cassette tape!) Worked 3-4 days programming , maybe 2000 lines of code for nothing but a 1 dimensional robot W/ a horizontal light swing for its eye! After correcting the syntax errors (full day)!
  20. Same here, 6mos ago 4000/500 now: 1000-2.4max down but still good up' Ive been rounds W/ local server techs. The latest is something of the laser misfire @ the head end.Personally I see a major network load across the board due to online x-mas shopping,and a company not fully recovered from major internal BS!
  21. mudmanc4

    Broadband VOIP

    I also have Vonage, there are bandwidth limiters in you prefs check those settings!
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