Very curious service !!! I have shut mine down ! no problems, even tested my printer sharing, no problems! maybe this is another one of MS services ,or progs like index.dat . In wich I clear regularly.Open port as far as im concearned.
There seems to be much controversy on this service. leave running or kill? Here's a link on the search iv'e done.
Just imagine the possibilities, i.e., the health industry could take some sort of a C.A.T. scan of you , and most likely real time, virtually search within your every organ to find your problem, or monitor a child,or........................................Holy sh*t.
The box where the trouble is , is XP home not XP pro , The computer management console does not show local users and groups. Or is this of my own doing?
Help,How do you set permissions to allow user to save while running a limited accnt? winxp home. Anyone? My 6 year old is driving me mad, and I wont let him run an admin accnt! For security reasons.Most of his games wont even start-up, due to this. Any advice would be appreciated!
Does anyone remember the Tandy MC-10? Tape back-up (cassette tape!) Worked 3-4 days programming , maybe 2000 lines of code for nothing but a 1 dimensional robot W/ a horizontal light swing for its eye! After correcting the syntax errors (full day)!
Same here, 6mos ago 4000/500 now: 1000-2.4max down but still good up' Ive been rounds W/ local server techs. The latest is something of the laser misfire @ the head end.Personally I see a major network load across the board due to online x-mas shopping,and a company not fully recovered from major internal BS!