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Everything posted by mudmanc4

  1. Anyone else showing these kind of speeds ? normal avg. approx 4.0 My broadband phone service also has a min bandwidth/ and is down Adelphia/ Vonage:::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 897 Kbps about 0.9 Mbps (tested with 579 kB) Download Speed is:: 109 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (main) Test Time:: 2006/03/30 - 6:11pm Bottom Line:: 16X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 9.39 sec Tested from a 579 kB file and took 5.287 seconds to complete Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060111 Firefox/ Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 25.09 % of your hosts average (adelphia.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-OL468C3JX
  2. Chill all!! Geez this post has nothing to do W/ politics, Good God no wonder the left are freaking out , every time someone says ANYTHING all hell breaks out! BTW nice original post ! Left, right , mod, who the hell cares? Personally I feel I ride the ridge of conservatism,..............most of the time Just gettin off on these post makes my day. Somebody start a post on politics, please! Really cool Laser, LMK if anyone gets one Id love to have one .
  3. I have one box W/ Suse 9.2 (32bit), She runs way, more efficient than almost any MS os, once she breaks in from a new install! Very interesting that you feel lonely, I guess I understand, as most novices use Ms, as unfortunate as this is ! Just think of the possibilities as if all os were open source from the time of introduction on one for the first time. Great post!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Guilt by association!!11?????????Just kidding.
  5. DAMN!, vthat kind of violence breeds that kind of violence, yeah I took the wrath at the time I was a kid to but times have changed, scince thirty some or more years have gone by you cant even touch your kid in a disrespectfull manner or you'll be screwed! At the same token, I to learned from the belt!!!!
  6. Im open for more explinations, cause thats insane man
  7. ehem... I was'nt talking of your age......... But YES that dude needs the twinky size riddlin/ laced W/ zanax and maybe a coulpe of min off the tube
  8. I suppose I could or should have put it together like that, thanks TG
  9. How many other languages do you speak besides Spanish?
  10. Ive been usind suse for a while as I am no expert, but as quoted earier, most dist config themselves unless your using a mini ver. such as a small server ver, but I do brlieve they rely heavyly on cache and memory, rieser, swap, for smooth operation! Done a few tweaks , but you must be a guru to do so Sorry of the spelling but i'm in need of sleep, big time been learning code and taxing myself a bit .
  11. Too bad things are so bad that you cant even run something as powerfull as this , W/out wondering whois riding your a** in or out! sad sad world of net we live! no comment needed ,...................................if your children could possibly benifit from this in the future is the only way you could understand why the people who are heading this project do what they do!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Neeto mosquito eh? or should I say easy cheezy!
  13. I am no expert on the subject by any means, but to my knowledge , when you agree to a certain package , they set your bandwidth in what they call a boot file, which limits speed. Correct me if im wrong . What I meant by third tier is the techs @ your isp that acually Know there sh*t. If you get this sometimes , not always I would say, not being an expert, once again, network traffic, or uncapping on your node.Oh yeh dont forget possible laser misfire on the head end , just to name a few possibilities.
  14. Thnx for the lnk, I blew through this page , and still wondering other than " finding him W/ his goblet" , why we all feel the need to get wasted on this day.??????????Maybe I shouldhave read in more detail. Happy St. pats day
  15. Boot file maybe? Have you gotten to third tier ?
  16. so you think he may hold two of those Fu**ers in his gut ???????? I guess anythings possible. At the same token, how else could you explain it?????????
  17. Too bad you cant get swimmers Bottom feeder to dance like that!!!!!!!!!!!!Yes good deal get it if you can!!!
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