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Everything posted by mudmanc4

  1. Thaks CA3LE. but now there older than that
  2. Typo? hell I didn't even notice , most of the time Itype dyslexic anyhow , BTW I try to make good time of the hours , see, I just did :) JR. member, Hell, Its all the same:)
  3. Try seaching thru bridging connections posts!!
  4. Yea, I was gonna say nice pics, but looking back , maybe i'll just try wish I were there!!!
  5. Me I am 527,760.48 hours old , yeah, I live in a alternative time zone 60.24 gotcha ROCO BTW i'll be 37 in July not toooooo far behind ya
  6. Because you were over-qualified!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They don't need anyone getting wise , or froggy . "Hypothosis"
  7. Hey , Im W/ ya there dude! Read or dont join , mess up, and lose !
  8. I believe this will be an ongoing battle, there are sooo many people that are unwilling to accept responsability for themselves , as well as there are just as many who state we as the people , should controll "things" for them . This snowballs into effects such as helmet laws. I understand concern for minors , and there will most likely be restrictions.But to scan forums for conversation? NOT!!
  9. Personally I feel if your not gaming ,or multitasking ,why do you need more that 512 MB ram? as far as the page file , once again , if your not gaming , either let windows adjust , or as PHP states! Correct me if I'm wrong , this is more or less simply put a swap file , in which slows , or is a bottleneck. I say if you think you need more ram .....do it! not page , unless your gaming and need more memory than your board will handle. just an opinion
  10. I guess I never saw it , (old theme) But still not on all pages!?? Some people need a big red neon sign, like me :haha:
  11. Got it, neeed to copmpress 2mb iso, rawrite to floppy! worked!
  12. I'm using Rawwritewin, I know I need boot and other modules, but can't seem to put both on floppy as rawrite or rawwritewin wont let me put both on as they write over top anything on disk. Anybody knows the correct pathnames to put on disk ? thanks
  13. Sh*t , forreal! I could have saved time and money, guess if you don't ask or try! Thanks disturbed
  14. Nero would be my 1st choice as well, maybe due to the ease of use!
  15. Cleared CMOS , Used basic DOS partition, now formating, Hope for the best! Gonna Take forever @ 166mhz, 64 megs EDO.I'll wait I love gettin old crap workin again
  16. Found it http://docs.us.dell.com/support/edocs/systems/ptcd/Specs.htm#System%20Functions%20Key%20Combinations
  17. Shit ,fios fiend, You the only one payin attention? theyve also found thousand of bodys this hitler reincarate had buried in mass grave, nah.........Bush lied.
  18. Damn how the hell do you get away W/ that? I wasn't aware this was possible, of course Ive never tried it , Let us know how this works out please Ok, so how was it running to take the test?
  19. Are you sayin you like to poop? :haha:Just kiddin. I'mwith you on #2 ( the tech stuff) :haha:
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