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Everything posted by mudmanc4
From the sounds of it, you know where not to go :lol: :lol:
Happy B-Day :bday: :wave:
Those aren't just thoughts, they're facts! As we all know , there can be no world peace, at least not for a long while.IMO there is only one thing we , as a nation can do , before its to late. Band together , and destroy evil! Get a spine back, and do what we've always done. Standing under God , and sacrificing our friends and family , and self. :shock:Scary , yes, but true . Good stuff Tommie
Thats ok , I have hooked a few box's up this month . haha, I should be pullin back up where I should be in the next month or so . Man I just got a 50000 framer.
I have TMC now , and have many intermittent issues , while there doing the move, Just a question back at ya , Can you load the roadrunner home page? I have never been able to. For that matter, can anyone else?
I would agree , w/ the "Mcaffe is fine , if someone using it would tell me it's not a resource hog, and some progs . detect bad things when scanned. AVG , has caught a couple of those nasty little buggers . (third year paid/ forth of fifth year using it total.I loved the free so much I had to buy, for added features.
OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK Ok.............you have my attention.These all sound like facts I have heard before , as far as my knowledge goes So the damage we have done years ago is just taking effect.And the garbage we out in today , wont even be actively hurting us for a period of 40 years or so . Damn thats not good! seriously. Ok to get to my point. What do we do?................................... Please dont give me the" we must find other means" No kidding! Or the "our children's children are gonna pay". Granted. Or any thing else your fixen to fire at me. Do you not believe, ......that if there was an easy way out, it would be done?Also , do you not believe , we are all well aware that these problems wont go away? Most people believe , the earth will be rid of us humans well before it gets 100 degrees in the arctic? Do you not believe ,............we will not be capable of adapting?What about evolution? Look at all the species of the planet , how well the have adapted to the earths plagues, survival , by default. Nature, survival of the fittest. Dont take that as me being cold, because I am not. Employ your self to come up w/ a solution, not just provring it , you have worked very diligently on proving your facts here. Now it's time to start throwing solutions, ones no one has heard yet, because those statements aren't solutions, just statements, repeated over and over .Give us all something more than the norm, "a post ., a link, or a graph someone made. (very nice though).Give us something you feel very strong about.
Thanks to CA3LE, I now know it was just my simple luck(browser issues) Thanks CA3LE. S for the Post bump. To get back to the global warming , I watched a program this morn ,on the sun. Seems there is an 11 year cycle of sun spots may be a culprit.Scientists over the past roughly 50 years, have been measuring the temps, during the peak sun spot activity, and found a direct correlation between the two. IE: peak activity , there was a minimal temp rise overall, on the earth. And low activity of sun spots , seemed to be a minimal fall , in temps. Pertaining to magnetic flares, and the atmosphere. But not enough to support the global warming. Here's the link edit: to fix ur link
I'll tell you this, w/ their purchased version , (I can't be the only one here w/ it) the firewall , you must experience to appreciate, and spybot, plus a spam server , which brings a multitude of protection, plus the normal hardware networking firewalls,adjusting your browser setting appropriately , you'll have no problems.
Please excuse me if I got "out of line", The negativity , you get from some , just sparks my enthusiasm. Its' all good:) i always enjoy a good constructive conversation.I also believe, we need to get a little more observant of the situation at hand, and keep our patriotism , and great discusions on the subject on the move
yeah just more good conversation , has this been happening to anyone else , or is it just my simple luck?
nice I just typed for five min, for the second or third time this week , and all is gone when I add a smiley. Mayby thats an effect of global warming
With all due respect ........do you really think this? Or you are simply going by the "drive by media"? You hear all kinds of #'s on how many degree's the earth has warmed, hell the other day , I heard it accually cooled 2 degress in the last 200 years.What are we to believe? And why would you decide to believe the worst? Maybe because people like to hear bad news? All I know is I really wanted to know if global warming was an issue , so I ate a lot of icecream this year , and I did'nt see any speed increase in melting thruought the summer , As I think of it , maybe .....just maybe......the beer was'nt as cold .hmmm
Sounds good , but I reall would'nt like to see all the bugs in that upgrade. I think I'll wait for the full .Never had any real clean installs on upgrades.
It would suck if you were gonna be here in another 10-20,000 years.
Very well put Easy big Daddy, this is a constructive and informational thread . Reading your post , you are very much like those in the USA we see as far left. As far as the patriotism definition , I think your getting confused with another post. On that note , it would be a must to live in this country for most if not all of your life to gather the understanding of patriotism in the USA.Take 911, for instance, anyone will remember , if you did not have a flag on your car, of some sort.At least for the next 45 - 90 days , you were looked at as disconnected, or un-American.We all cried, all of us true Americans, we all felt as one , we were , we still are ! We don't always realize how connected we are , until the true patriotism , the feeling of strength, knowing we are the best country in the world , the strongest , and we all know when the shit comes down, we can count on each other ! Thats patriotism! To the comment on Israel. This country was founded by God fearing men, (and women).If you don't understand the correlation between Israel and the USA, I would be more than glad to carry on a lengthly conversation with you on the subject . As far as the quotes or opinions , aren't all quotes , mostly derived from opinions?In lue of the fact this country is run by nothing more than people with one opinion or another?(BTW, thanks for the wiki).
Re; Tommie Gorman Patriotism in no way stops me from making decisions. That would be communism, I believe. I make decisions everyday as to what I truly believe in. Don't you? WOW........a profound statement Tommie............on that note.As I read through this post , I had an Epiphany. To explain , not to me misinstrued ! I to believe in this country, ONLY for one reason "under GOD" Which includes Israel. But as to my patriotism(BTW break that word down ), It's really become the band wagon in this country, not anything to do w/ anything. I say live and let live, but don't mess w/the foundations on which this great country was founded on.As far as the communism remark , think for one moment as a human , not as a citizen of any country.Collective "patriotism" could then be instrued as forced temporary communism. Don't put your feelings in the way, and jump the shark on this one, think about it.
Your soldiers will be at home protecting there own families!Know your rights and use them.Prepare yourself and the ones you love. Tdawnaz talking to my donors yesterday...it was a very scarey moment when the news came over the radio...most didn't realize the full ramifications of what had happened...it was surreal... are you reffering to the statements of the new sec of defense?If so I agree , and we'd all better wake up and forget about being so damn politically correct.Do you think in 42' this country would turn so yellow? No , they fought and died , for you.Good post One other thing, we'd better stand up now , for Isreal , and continue to do so, it is written the ramifications if we don't.No matter your faith.
Ok , for the sake of argument, I think you need to brush-up on modern day politics. At your own digression, investigate what a lobbyist does and what part they play in your life as a citizen. As far as the God thing , I'm sorry you have no faith.To sum up The Cristian faith believes God created man in his own image.Correct? Ok, You sound like you believe in darwinism . Fine , but theres one question as a scientist , you must ask yourself , The universe was at one point a beginning, do you think it's possible this all fits together somehow , say "in his own image " as before millions of years of evolution?What were your ancestors?Where did life begin? Any how way off base? not really because I move back to the point of someone stating we will have to go through some bad weather .Is that global warming?(please don't bring up the latest bad storm and use it as propaganda for your point). As there have been many bad storms on this planet , how do you think the planet cools itself from the suns radiation getting trapped in the atmosphere(that you need to survive).By way of evaporation, and precipitation. Which would be on the vicinity of evolution, or is it politics?And for what reason would there be to advocate this.If not for power?
Not really, but in some ways thats what I'm thinking. I left something out of this one, IMO one would have to be very closed minded to give an opinion that there could not be life as we know it anywhere else.Use your imagination together w/ you knowledge (only as a child would) to try and understand the beginning.---or was there one?The possibilities are endless , and my whole point is , the human race will not band together, to investigate anything other than whats in front of there face , we have VERY short memories.So we quibble over obscure thing to try and feel important and gain meaning the entire time we miss the whole point of life.To deep? Too bad. Just my thoughts, just as meaningless as some of those propaganda movies and discusions.
I thought I made it clear as to the reasoning for my insanity on the subject .At any rate , nice wording........The tie-in of the video , was to try and insert a small amount of (natural thinking), What I mean is if your in astrophysics., you should have the mindset , of just how "insane" some of these ideas are of global warming.I wont get into why they are inserted, for now. Well, no kidding the earth is somewhat warming .Simply look at the great lakes, the basin, the lakes were created by what? The last ice age.....look at some of the local islands here . There are "Glacial Grooves" , you can see the rock, the grooves,that the ice pushed some 100+ foot. don't quote me on the length . There are many other obvious regeons in the area that prove this theory as well.We are still on the end of a freeze! This should tell an expert like yourself, the earths orbit is a bit closer to the sun. Now as a physicist , just imagine the speed increase due to the orbit of the planet. As we get nearer to the sun , well thats obvious . The sun is also expanding, as all stars do, a larger mass will create more gravitational pull. I am by no means in the science field, so please feel free to correct me. BTW the hole in the ozone , I believe , not caused by the billions of can of hairspray in the 60's ------and seventies, but the earth , by natural process , cooling off.As well as the weather patterns and thats a whole new discussion, which does apply to the "emissions gasses / OMG were all gonna die theory.
Not to be rudemttfrog13, this type of thinking is exactly the opposite of the constitution says.And the main rerason this country has many deep issues right now. BTW us "citizens " are , the govmnt, all of those people you see in suits and ties, guess what.....they are citizen of the USA. And when you get old enough, you will be voting-in those suits, or maybe even more so ,be voted into an office.So you see, we are the people, we are putting people in office that make the things happen that we want .So if you dont like things the way they are , you vote ! Not only that , you vote for Citizens, NOT a party. Please dont get messed up w/ a "click". rep/dem. IMO , you should vote fro who you think will do more of what you believe in . Keep an open mind , be an individual , and fro PETE SAKES, pick up your trash!and a little more
Acually Tdawnaz, I'm very jaded, I do much more listening , and observing than talking, (most of the time).And sometimes I gotta let it go . Sorry if I get to insane , But thats the second part of my screen name ...............