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my friend recently bought my old motherboard off me, and a brand new gfx card, cpu, ram and some ofther stuff. today i went round to set it all up, i got eveything in all fits etc, as far as i am concerned everything thing is in right. we went to boot up and everything switched on but the monitor was still on its orange light, and wouldnt turn on, and when i turned the monitor off and back on it just said no signal.

the spects are

ASUS K8V-SE Deluxe Motherboard

AMD Athlon 64 3000 Newcastle 130nm (Socket 754)

OcUK GeForce 6600 GT 256MB DDR3 TV-Out/Dual DVI (AGP)

standard cheap 512RAM

old PSU (think its 300W)

when i gave him the motherboard last october it worked, im not sure if that is the problem or not.

all help is appriciated

thanks andy

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Are you using anything to discharge your static? If not, I would recomend this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16899888207, I try to use it all the time and the one time I was working on an old pc for a server without it I ended up frying the ram.

ok he has switched the ram between the different slots and has got it to work, he is seeing bad bios insert bios floppy or something along the lines of that, i have told him to reset cmos etc and he says he has and he says hes stilll getting the same message, any ideas?

cif ; Are you sure your freind knows how to move the jumper to reset the CMOS?

If he did this correctly is it possible the motherboard  battery went bad while it wasn't being used?

If thats not the problem then the BIOS needs to be flashed so you need to DL the correct one for the motherboard for your freind If you no longer have it.

cif ;Yes try doing it for him If you have any doubt of his technecal skill.

For the bios I would need a lot more info.But you should be able to find a DL on  web & DL it for you freind.Just put in the information you have for the motherboard & look for it.One possible site is  DriverGuide.com   but the motherboard manufacturer may have the best BIOS for the mobo.


i have the computer here and its saying

nvidia geforce 6600 gt  vbios


copyright © 1996 - 2004 nvidia corp.

256.0MB RAM

Bad BIOS checksum. Starting BIOS recovery...

and its been like that for 10 mins so its obviosly not doing anything

any help?

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