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I stumbled upon the TestMy.net freeloading website.

If you navigate to our favorite website's (testmy.net, obviously) address, but use the .com domain instead of .net, you will be delighted to find a bunch of crap advertising.

(btw, I am intentionally avoiding spelling out that website as to not inadvertently direct traffic there).

Nice way to take advantage of people trying to find us here for connection help and speedtests.

Looks like it has been registered since July 31, 2003. I wonder how much traffic they get from here....

wow!!! I can get a free car, $25,000 cash and 3 free Razor cell phones all in one net stop!!!! -IDIOTS- :roll:

Now that I think about it, I should just delete this post, it will drive traffic there.

OK, I am an idiot, I am doing exactly what they want. :haha:

Feel free to remove this post mods - I don't want to be of assistance to the spammer scammers....

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Could be a coincidence, lots of company's have like names, address's etc.. A guy tried to sue me over it one time, I gave him my lawyers phone number and said that is what he gets paid for and hung up. Accidents happen and the web is worse than local competition because the entire world is competing to be different. Try to get a personalized liscense that is different from the ones already taken.

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haha, yeah there are a few other sites like that. 

like testmynet.com, testmynet.net, testmy.org (funniest one), testmy.com (like you said).. I'm sure there are more for other mis-spellings.  Most people that go there on accident will leave right away so these guys can't be making too much money off it :-P

I don't care about sending them traffic... it's all good

Fuckin' leeches!  haha.  The testmy.com one actually ranks on alexa ... lol

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Could be a coincidence, lots of company's have like names, address's etc.. A guy tried to sue me over it one time, I gave him my lawyers phone number and said that is what he gets paid for and hung up. Accidents happen and the web is worse than local competition because the entire world is competing to be different. Try to get a personalized liscense that is different from the ones already taken.

well the testmy.com one isn't as blatent.. but the others have stuff on their page like links that say "download test" and crap like that

One of them even goes as far as having a link that says "Smart Test" -- just a little off from my "SmarTest" ;-)

Whatever, doesn't bother me at the moment, I'm actually flattered really... my users know where to find me and if you type 'testmy' in any search engine TMN will be right there to be found :)  --- now if they used my logo or theme or something then I would have to have a word with them :-P

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Could be a coincidence, lots of company's have like names, address's etc.. A guy tried to sue me over it one time, I gave him my lawyers phone number and said that is what he gets paid for and hung up. Accidents happen and the web is worse than local competition because the entire world is competing to be different. Try to get a personalized liscense that is different from the ones already taken.

I am sure CA3LE has had a lot worse than that happen, you just learn not to take too many things personal. You would probably be suprised how many forums have a member like"dn0", maybe. Or an identical twin in world you have never met, wearing your face. A company or web site lives on it's merits which can not be stolen, believe me. That is what is what makes this website so unique, it's members, who enjoy having a good time. Its not stuffy like others. I feel like I have known them all my life. So in others words, don't worry like I am sure CA3LE won't be losing any sleep over it. :violent1::angry4::twogun::uzi::ar15fire::cussing::pain10:

Just kidding. :occasion14::3some:

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I just found -- testm.net, tetmy.net, tstmy.net and tesmy.net -- lol

Don't forget about testy.net -- The Leading Anger Management Site on the Net

btw, after browsing to each and everyone of the aforementioned sites, I have a fabulous collection of adware.

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btw, after browsing to each and everyone of the aforementioned sites, I have a fabulous collection of adware.

Lame... yeah, sites like that are reeeeaaly bad with that shit because they don't care about their visitors.  When is the internet going to be free of that shit :-/

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