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Other Speed Test Sites - But TestMy.Net Still Is The Best

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Guest jeffwalker9999

A collection of speed test sites:::::::::::

:arrow:  :arrow:  :arrow:  :arrow:  :arrow:  :arrow:  :arrow:  :arrow:  :arrow:


http://www.vsix.net/english/    - site is japaneese but has english IPV6 test







http://www.pcpitstop.com/internet/Bandwidth.asp speed test page for Fort Wayne,IN

http://www.world-of-adsl.com/speedtest.html World of ADSL

http://www.2wire.com/meter/bmresult.html?kbps=1863 2Wire Bandwidth Meter.


http://real.viaccess.net/speedtest.php3 Downstream Speed Test.

http://www.ba-hss.com/speedtest/test500.asp Verizon Speed Test broadband internet speedtest

http://bandwidthplace.com/speedtest/ BandwidthPlace broadband Internet access

http://bos.speakeasy.net Boston, speakeasy bandwidth speed test

http://chi.speakeasy.net Chicago, speakeasy networked server speed test

http://ddi.digital.net/~erin/speedtest.htm From ddi.digital.net in Rockledge, FL

http://den.speakeasy.net Denver, speakeasy bandwidth speed test

http://dfw.speakeasy.net Dallas, speakeasy bandwidth speed test

http://download.enitel.no/speedtest/ Speed test - text download, Norway

http://email.copelanddata.net/index.asp Copeland Data Systems connections test

http://hinux.hin.no/~runer/Speed.htm networked server internet speedtest

http://home.austin.rr.com/bc/bandwidth.htm RoadRunner of Austin, Texas

http://home.cfl.rr.com/bjp/test.htm Brad's RoadRunner networked server Test

http://home.cfl.rr.com/cm3/speedtest7.htm Corley's RoadRunner Test page

http://home.cfl.rr.com/eaa/SpeedTest.htm Eric's RoadRunner Bandwidth Test

http://home.cfl.rr.com/samjoiner/SpeedTest.htm RoadRunner Bandwidth test, Florida

http://homepage.tinet.ie/~leslie/testpage.htm 2 tests available.

http://homepage.tinet.ie/~leslie/testpage/testpg5.htm Modem Speed Test-5

http://homepage.tinet.ie/~leslie/testpage/testpg7.htm Modem Speed Test-7

http://itavisen.no/speedometeret.html ITavisen.no | Speedometer, Norway

http://jetstreamgames.co.nz/speed/ADSLdownload1MB.html online bandwidth speedtest

http://jetstreamgames.co.nz/speed/ADSLdownload500.html online bandwidth speedtest

http://JMattes.tripod.com/speedtest.html connections test

http://lax.speakeasy.net Los Angeles, speakeasy bandwidth speed test

http://mac56ktest.com/ connections test

http://megatoolz.com/speed.html MegaToolz.com Speed-o-Meter

http://members.toast.net/leslie/testpage/testpg56.htm Toast.net Performance Test-56

http://members.toast.net/leslie/testpage/testpg7.htm Toast.net Performance Testt-7

http://mrtg.csgpdx.net/SpeedTest/speedtest.htm networked server speedtest

http://mstriani.tripod.com/speedtest.html Mariano Striani

http://nyc.speakeasy.net/ DSL speed test

http://performance.toast.net/ cable speeds internet speedtest

http://physics.engr.sc.edu/speed.asp Houston RoadRunner online tests

http://promos.mcafee.com/speedometer/ McAfee.com - Internet Connections Speedometer

http://real.viaccess.net/speedtest.php3 broadband internet speedtest

http://sfo.speakeasy.net San Francisco, speakeasy bandwidth speed test

http://sitka.triumf.ca/cgi-bin/nph-bing TRIUMF Network Monitoring & BNL collaboration (text)

http://speedtest.chartermi.net/ cable speeds

http://speedtest.inch.com/ cable speeds internet speedtest

http://speedtest.umnet.umich.edu/ bandwidth speedtest

http://w1.970.telia.com/~u97007522/ Speed test, Located in northern Sweden

http://web.bitnet.net/dimension/ (Sweden - Borlange)

http://web.bitnet.net/dimension/speedtest.htm Sweden, bandwidth speedtest

http://web.tampabay.rr.com/giis/50.htm RoadRunner of Tampa Bay, FL

http://www.2wire.com/services/bandwidth.asp modem connections test

http://www.2wire.com/meter/bmresult.html?kbps=1863 2Wire Bandwidth Meter.

http://www.2wire.com/services/bwm.html 2Wire's cable speeds Bandwidth Meter.

http://www.aitsoft.com/Services/speedtest.asp AIT -- Services -- Speed Test

http://www.alken.nl/ Online Speedtest etc.

http://www.altelco.net/dsltest.html altelco.net networked server Speed Tester

http://www.aspergantis.com/adsl/performance.htm online services connections test

http://www.austin.rr.com/speedtest/speed.asp RoadRunner home of Austin, Texas

http://www.bccommunicationsinc.com/BandwidthTest.htm B&C Communications speed test

http://www.beelinesoftware.nl/bandwidth/ Beeline Bandwidth Test

http://www.cable-modem.net/features/oct99/speed.html bandwidth speedtest

http://www.cablemusic.com/testSpeed.asp bandwidth speed test

http://www.cinci.rr.com/speedtest/speedtest.html RoadRunner home of Cincinati, Ohio

http://www.clan.lib.ri.us/clan/speed100.html online services bandwidth speedtest

http://www.computers4sure.com/speed3.asp?Sp=2386 By mhmd, 4SURE.com bandwidth test.

http://www.dacor.net/forms/speedtest.asp DACOR networked server Internet Services

http://www.dagbladet.no/dinside/baandbredde/start.html Norway

http://www.donspage.com/dsltest/speedtest.html online services bandwidth speed test

http://www.dslreports.com/stest?loc=1 DSL Reports in Megapath, CA

http://www.dslreports.com/stest?loc=2 DSL Reports in LinkLine, LA

http://www.dslreports.com/stest?loc=3 DSL Reports in NAC.NET, NY (restricted)

http://www.eaglepro.net/bandwith/ Sweden bandwidth speed test

http://www.eaglepro.net/bandwidth/ Test mot server under Kommunicera.umea.se Sweden

http://www.ececs.uc.edu/~annexste/speed.html internet performance speedtest

http://www.ececs.uc.edu/~annexste/speed100.html University of Cincinnati

http://www.info-techs.com/speedtest.html Information Technologies

http://www.info-techs.com/speedtest50.html Lakeview Terrace, CA

http://www.info-techs.com/speedtest500.html Lakeview Terrace, CA

http://www.itcom.itd.umich.edu/adsl/speedtest.html broadband connection test

http://www.ivis.nl Nederland bandwidth speed test

http://www.matrixwebs.com/speedtest50.asp MatrixWebs.com-Silicon Valley

http://www.matrixwebs.com/speedtest500.asp bandwidth performance speedtest

http://www.midsouth.rr.com/speed.asp RoadRunner of the Mid-South Speed Test

http://www.mordax.nl/ Netherlands internet speedtest

http://www.nettools.com/ online services speedtest

http://www.numion.com/YourSpeed/Checkup.php?L=br connection test

http://www.numion.com/YourSpeed/Checkup.php?L=tw United Kingdom


http://www.pcpitstop.com/internet/default.asp PC Pitstop's Internet Connection Center

http://www.satx.rr.com/support/speedtest/ RoadRunner Speed Tests

http://www.saunalahti.fi/~jkm71/kaista.html modem connection test

http://www.speed411.com/updateisp3.asp Suggested by: Bill V.

http://www.speedsuite.net/speedsuite/ Speed test, Amsterdam

http://www.speedtest.net/ online internet speedtest services

http://www.squigly.com/performance/ cable speeds near Toronto, Canada

http://www.summitcomputer.net/speedtest/unlisted/speedtest500.asp internet speedtest

http://www.surftohere.com/bandwidth/ Bandwidth Load Tests

http://www.taylor.org/~patrick/javascript/lib/connect_speed/ JavaScript speed test w/source.

http://www.telus.net/highspeed/hs-speed.html (Works in IE only)


http://www.u.arizona.edu/~jclark/misc_stuff/speedtest.htm internet speedtest

http://www.verdeonline.com/speedtest.asp VerdeWebs internet speedtest

http://www22.verizon.com/foryourhome/DSL/whatisdsl/NLF_SpeedTest.asp verizon speed test



                    all kinds of bookmarks/favorites collected over the past few years


I'm still getting sites and will update this list ..................

****** Next planned update to this list will be in April 2006 ****

Guest jeffwalker9999

yeah, there is alot out there... but we are still king :-D

Could Not Agree More ---- Your The Best

On other note:: To Cable

Could you add a AAAA DNS Record

I'm doing some IPV6 Protocol R&D ( see my posts )

and it is required/needed for some of the tests

ROM-DOS said it.. most of the sites are dead..

Hmm.. 24,000+ members.. and over 400 guests on any time.. yeah i think this site kick @$$..

This would be the point that we hail CA3LE.. :hello::notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

ROM-DOS said it.. most of the sites are dead..

Hmm.. 24,000+ members.. and over 400 guests on any time.. yeah i think this site kick @$$..

This would be the point that we hail CA3LE.. :hello::notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Hail CA3LE :icon_salut: :icon_salut: :icon_salut: :icon_salut: :icon_salut: :icon_salut: :icon_salut: :icon_salut: :icon_salut: :icon_salut:

:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

But the all that reading gives me a headache. I missed the Toast thing too. But I did find it,too. :haha:

By the way CA3LE, i would be watching my backside. The 3 only time underlings like me ever give this much praise is: 1) payday"NOT"  2) Wanting a raise"NOT"  3) That is the one you have to watch out for! You never know what or when or where that one one will be! Lol ;)


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