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Hi waterRTBH

Guess you had rich parents , I only had a hoop and stick, it helped take my mind off the Highway robbers,

My age ? put it this way, I now have a free public transport pass to use in london,  and if you know the cost of fares here, :evil:

it makes me a [glow=red,2,300]COOL GUY [/glow] around town, 

Regards from  Jr Roco  UK : ;)


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Hi waterRTBH

Guess you had rich parents , I only had a hoop and stick, it helped take my mind off the Highway robbers,

My age ? put it this way, I now have a free public transport pass to use in london,  and if you know the cost of fares here, :evil:

it makes me a [glow=red,2,300]COOL GUY [/glow] around town, 

Regards from  Jr Roco  UK : ;)


Well, I changed the ranks on the site... Jr. Member doesn't mean your young or anything.. just means you haven't posted too much stuff on the site yet....  So ya liked being a "Cool Guy" ~~  I like getting feedback like this by the way :)

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Hi waterRTBH

Guess you had rich parents , I only had a hoop and stick, it helped take my mind off the Highway robbers,

My age ? put it this way, I now have a free public transport pass to use in london,  and if you know the cost of fares here, :evil:

it makes me a [glow=red,2,300]COOL GUY [/glow] around town, 

Regards from  Jr Roco  UK : ;)

That is real life. On the intarweb you start from zero when you are new on a forum, kinda like getting born again. You'll be of age soon enough :P

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Hi Ca3le &RTB

no probs. guys, its just I had told some friends that I was ranked as

Cool guy on testmy.net, so when they check it out,  I will be listed as Jn.

I'm in for some stick over that, my web cred is blown,  :oops:

anyway I am just happy to be a Jn.member of testmy. forum

I think Jn. has now a slightly different meaning in the UK as opposed to the USA, more used as a derogatory term over here,

Hey RTB thanks for the encouragement , if I should live that long,

as time is not on my side  ;)

regards  Roco  UK

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