php Posted April 6, 2006 CID Share Posted April 6, 2006 Can anyone tell me why some states limit the amount of bullets a semi-automatic handgun can legally hold to a maximum of 10 bullets while other states will allow the same model to hold 15? Are the first 10 any less deadly than the last 5 in the magazine? Well, that would depend on your aiming abilities I suppose... but seriously, it only takes 1 shot to kill someone, semi-auto or not. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted April 6, 2006 CID Share Posted April 6, 2006 I agree with php, a single shot .22 derringer will do the job. If you know what you are doing. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted April 6, 2006 CID Share Posted April 6, 2006 I agree a derringer will do the job.The only derringers I have shot have two shots so a second chance .A .45 derringer requires a firm grip to keep it from jumping out of your hand.The .22 is one of the deadliest to get shot with as long as it doesn't need to penetrate anything but the body & regular clothes. On the amount of rounds a gun can hold its just arbitrary,The staets do it because they can.Actually the states shouldn't have any say & the federal government limited control.The second amendment should be absolute.The right to bear arms any time any place.If you commit a crimanal act with the gun then you get the death penalty.That's what was intended for gun control.If you don't commit a criminal act then an American is supposed to have the right to bear arms anywhere .If you are tresspassing then its a tresspassing violation not an arms violation. They gave us the right to bare arms . Dark_Matter ; I can bare arms anywhere but right now my rights are being taken away because I can't bear arms anywhere. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FallowEarth Posted April 7, 2006 CID Share Posted April 7, 2006 That is one hell of an interesting speech, Cholla. I've read it a couple times now. Aside from how much he pushes the "the God-fearing, law-abiding, Caucasian, middle class, Protestant, or Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark06 Posted April 7, 2006 CID Share Posted April 7, 2006 Um Dark....I wouldn't go around talking about the things you described above in public....people won't think too highly of you or worse...they will think you are on drugs or "have issues".....just some friendly advice from someone who has quite a few years on ya. Peace! ps: Even mentioning Kerry didn't help you much......oh my god Kerry is such a tool! I really don't care what ppl think about me a good reputation is so overrated it's not even funny our goverment is curropeted but which one isn't Qoute "democracy would work if humans were gods but humans are not gods" Cant fuind source What does owning guns have to do with 9/11? Give a sniper and i will take care of many problems in this country God the strong opinions express here It doesn't matter if kerry said it the fact is the us is borrowing money from other countries Remember: we risk becoming the best informed society that has ever died of ignorance. ~Reuben Blades Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
richcornucopia Posted April 7, 2006 CID Share Posted April 7, 2006 Translation: I really don't care what people think about me a good reputation is so overrated it's not even funny,our government is corrupted but which one isn't? Quote "Democracy would work if humans were gods but humans are not gods." Can't find source What does owning guns have to do with 9/11? Give me a sniper and I will take care of many problems in this country . God the strong opinions expressed here. It doesn't matter if Kerry said it the, fact is the us is borrowing money from other countries Remember: We risk becoming the best informed society that has ever died of ignorance. ~Reuben Blades Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted April 7, 2006 CID Share Posted April 7, 2006 FallowEarth ;I took Heston's description of the "the God-fearing, law-abiding, Caucasian" male etc.As the government & media's view of this group.He was taking a tongue & check poke at the government & the media. It was definitely a call to arms.I'm glad you enjoyed it.One doesn't have to completely agree with another's point of view to appreciate it.I'm sure Heston & I would not agree on everything Dark06 . What does owning guns have to do with 9/11? At least my reason for tying the two together is a belief that the United States government was involved in the 911 destruction of the towers & therefore the lives of Americans killed as a result.That this is just one more reason the American citizens need to be armed & ready to rise up against a government that would do this.A warning to be on watch as more rights are taken. I will end with this quote think about it "The history of firearms is the history of freedom" Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
paladin Posted April 7, 2006 CID Share Posted April 7, 2006 Cable Guy: You aren't G. W's. mouthpiece are you??????????????? May as well get something else started. :haha: :haha: Cholla: Good read. Ole Heston put it to em didn't he?!!!!!!!!! I believe that the USA is a nation of laws and they should be enforced against ANYONE who violates them. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GlocknLoad Posted April 7, 2006 CID Share Posted April 7, 2006 Yesterday Carson Tucker surmised; "What if crossed the Mexican Border illegally, started hemming and hawing about the entitlements I am eligible for, that me and my family should have free health care, my children entitled to a free education, etc." You get the picture. How would the Mexican government respond? There are allot of concerns out there, but the 11 million illegals make me VERY nervous, especially when they start protesting about equality, and threaten work stoppages. At the very minimum, there is a potential for a huge economic downturn, and at the most, a civil war. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted April 7, 2006 CID Share Posted April 7, 2006 paladin;Good to see you posting again.I like Heston & agree with him for the most part.Like I said if me & him sat down to talk I'm sure there would be things we disagreed on also.The same would be true with most people. I agree with you on being a nation of laws.I wish they were equally enforced but we know they aren't.That the right amount of money will get you out of almost anything. Take the CEO of Enron for example basically stole Millions from who knows how many people& is out walking free how about charging him with each as a seperate crime.How many thousand crimes would that be.If a man without much money robbed people 3 different times even with out harming them in California (&some other states) with the three strikes law he would be serving life.So much for equality under the law. So the time may come when the American people have to revolt again to straiten things out.To some this would be braking the law to others it would be upholding the Constitution.I'm sure king George considered the original American revolutionaries criminals.If England had won they all would have been executed.Thats the way it is the winners are revolutionaries & the losers criminals & terrorists. GlocknLoad This goes with some of what I wrote above .The illegal aleins are commiting a crime when they enter the USA illegally.They should be prosecuted as the criminals they are.The one problem with it is they would probably have a better life in a prison here than they have in their own country.When you return them to their country they just try again.They other options seem too harsh.But I guess maybe start executing on the third offense.This would require keeping DNA records but might work. Still if the illegals that come here were willing to fight & die if necessary to make their country better then it would eventually be better.That's what our ancestors did. I think if England ruled the USA today we would be sipping tea & eating crumpets.As long as we had a job & enough to get by on.I don't see the willingness to fight & die to correct the problems .So it just keeps getting worse. The military only fights & dies somewhere else.Their only option is prison if they refuse. If even one general had the balls Washington did he would say no & enforce it that the soldiers under him weren't going to fight in a war that we had no business in. I beleive this is what Washington or any of the other Patriots that fought the British in 1776 -1779 would have done. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GlocknLoad Posted April 7, 2006 CID Share Posted April 7, 2006 Agreed Cholla, Charleton Heston is a great actor and a true patriot, not your average Hollywood type. We're on the same page, and Happy 53rd to you!! /happy_bday.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bday:' />:' /> I took the oath over 24 years ago to defend the Constitution and the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic and still do under another agency. As a recently retired line officer, I may get the call to active duty again, if another incident happens elsewhere and I'm needed. We have the greatest country, and it's worth dying for. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted April 7, 2006 CID Share Posted April 7, 2006 GlocknLoad;Thanks for the Happy Birthday.& Thank you for your service to the country. I hope none of my comments are viewed as against the average soldier.It would be hard for an officer below a certain level to resist much without going to prison for not doing what would be called their sworn duty.That's why I put General as the level to resist. I don't think resisting by not going to Iraq,Viet Nam ,or Korea would have went against the oath.None of these wars(whether that's the official term or not) had anything to do with defending the Constitution and the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic .The United States government was wrong for sending troops to these places. It's hard to take this stand without appearing to be against regular soldiers but I want to state again that is not my intention. What do you think Washington & other patriots that fought against the British with him would have done if Britain had tried to gather them up as troops say 10 years before the Revolution & sent them to fight France one of Britains enemies at the time.Do you think they would have willing went & fought & died for Britain their country at the time ? Or would the Revolution happened then? If you are talking about the American people then I agree with you "We have the greatest country, and it's worth dying for." But those that currently govern us have sold us out & continue to do this at every oppertunity & for what ?Money. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark06 Posted April 7, 2006 CID Share Posted April 7, 2006 What r u guys taliking about the illegals? Can some1 sum up what has been said Thx Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted April 7, 2006 CID Share Posted April 7, 2006 On illegals, short story. A state trooper once stopped a van full of 13 one time in KC MO. He called in to head quarters. He was told to let them go unless he had 20 or so. Not worth time, to busy with larger numbers else where. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted April 7, 2006 CID Share Posted April 7, 2006 I see this has evolved into a constructive post, great ! We do have a problem W/ infiltration, this needs to be addressed. There (illegals) new plot is to come into this country and get into a car wreck, when they goto the hospital , doctors by law are not allowed to ask of citizenship! they treat them and are released. More or less this is how there going about exploiting loophole in our own system. Sorry people, this is not the land of plenty anymore. Check the laws in Mexico for non-citizens,one of them is, you are not allowed to protest against the country, so they come here and do this?Also you cannot raise your homeland flag. Do we need to enforce these things ourselves? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
resopalrabotnick Posted April 8, 2006 CID Share Posted April 8, 2006 Cable Guy: You aren't G. W's. mouthpiece are you??????????????? May as well get something else started. :haha: :haha: Cholla: Good read. Ole Heston put it to em didn't he?!!!!!!!!! I believe that the USA is a nation of laws and they should be enforced against ANYONE who violates them. reread that post a few times and still think it's off. so just because cableguy shares a political viepoint he gets called the mouthpiece of a polititian you obviously are not enamored with? why does him having a point of view that differs from yours a mindless drone? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
paladin Posted April 8, 2006 CID Share Posted April 8, 2006 reread that post a few times and still think it's off. so just because cableguy shares a political viepoint he gets called the mouthpiece of a polititian you obviously are not enamored with? why does him having a point of view that differs from yours a mindless drone? In a way it was intended as a pun. Since you questioned it, I will add that as I remember he and you seem at times to interject a bit of a put down in your replies to people. You guys may not mean it as a put down but, that is the way it comes across to some of the impressionable young folks on this forum. Myself I don't give a damn how you reply to me. As for G. W, I didn't vote for him for Gov. nor Pres. as I already knew What a DUMB Axx he was. As the polls tell you about 65% of AMERICANS agree with me now. BTW I can't figure out whom you are calling a mindless drone. He may not like it but I could care less. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
j3grizz Posted April 8, 2006 CID Share Posted April 8, 2006 Can't we all just get along! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
paladin Posted April 8, 2006 CID Share Posted April 8, 2006 Can't we all just get along! I was trying to get along. :cool: :haha: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
amc11890 Posted April 8, 2006 CID Share Posted April 8, 2006 looks like a lot of liberal view points, i read this whole topic and can someone explain to me why Bush would be involved in the 9/11 attack? I mean why in the world would be want to ruin his country and make his job much harder than it already is. Plz excuse me i dont know as much about politics as some ppl but frankly when i read the post about Bush being involved in the 9/11 attack i was stunned. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FallowEarth Posted April 8, 2006 CID Share Posted April 8, 2006 I believe there are opinions list that: a) The attack had been provoked by the actions of the government. Bush had been adequately warned about a pre-emptive attack. c) Bush did not take adequate steps to prevent the attack, or to minimize its potential effects. Bush wasn't the one flying the plane, nor was he the one the terrorist answered to, but some opinions state that he is indirectly responsible for the attacks, and the scale at which they hit. However, the leader of a country will always be the one to take the blame for a screw-up. He can try to point the finger at others under him, but it was him who was in power at the time. You can't get away with playing dumb (at least, not for very long....ppl tend to catch on). What you can do is ask yourself: Is this the best person we can put forth to lead this country? Whether Bush is guilty of this or that, we'll probably never know in full truth in our lifetimes. But I trust that there is one Judge of mankind, and He knows the truth of all things. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
j3grizz Posted April 8, 2006 CID Share Posted April 8, 2006 I believe there are opinions list that: a) The attack had been provoked by the actions of the government. Bush had been adequately warned about a pre-emptive attack. c) Bush did not take adequate steps to prevent the attack, or to minimize its potential effects. Bush wasn't the one flying the plane, nor was he the one the terrorist answered to, but some opinions state that he is indirectly responsible for the attacks, and the scale at which they hit. However, the leader of a country will always be the one to take the blame for a screw-up. He can try to point the finger at others under him, but it was him who was in power at the time. You can't get away with playing dumb (at least, not for very long....ppl tend to catch on). What you can do is ask yourself: Is this the best person we can put forth to lead this country? Whether Bush is guilty of this or that, we'll probably never know in full truth in our lifetimes. But I trust that there is one Judge of mankind, and He knows the truth of all things. FallowEarth, I love to see when someone stands up and recognizes that the Lord is still in control of everything!! Even in the worst of situations he is in control of all things. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted April 8, 2006 CID Share Posted April 8, 2006 Damn that Bush. Come on, 40+ years ago he should have started a better baggage check and passenger check on who or what enters planes. Come on, isn't he in charge of the C.I..A.'s every action. Come on. isn't he in charge of every order given by the military. Come on, wasn't he in charge airplane class liscense's, as far as to whom they are to be issued to. Just what is wrong with that man. Did he not single handedly do all of this, and more. I think he should be impeached, like yesterday!! :haha: Firing squad!! :biggun: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FallowEarth Posted April 8, 2006 CID Share Posted April 8, 2006 I just had to put these here: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted April 8, 2006 CID Share Posted April 8, 2006 amc11890 ;I think I put this in a post but I will do the short version.The Bush family is tied to Saudi oil.The Saudis wanted Sadam out of power.The Saudis wanted the USA to remove Sadam so they wouldn't have to do it directly & offend their fellow middle easteners. There had to be some reason to get the USA to go to war with Iraq.Bush wanted the American people behind him in this.So Congress would approve the war.So the towers were flown into Americans were killed.Bush had his reason to go to war. The start of this topic showed article about how the towers couldn't have been brought down by the planes alone.It would have taken expertly placed charges of Thermite in several places to do this.With more access to the towers tha terrorists would have had. Probably requiring government involvement. Bush's reason money from Saudi oil for the Bush family business. I beleive Bush's dumb is an act to misguide.In other words he's not as dumb as he looks. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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