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u tell me Rich :-*

love u buddy

i think you can add a fan to it,

u might wanna think about if you need to or not

if it runs hot, it runs hot.

is it overclocked?

if so you should deff think about buying a fan for it

or anything to keep it cool

i recomenned a VGA Fan cooler


use to own it on my emachine

worked great kept me running fine with overclock [xtream] on an older nvidia Mxforce

Doesn't the 6200 come with a fan?  :whaa:

some do and some don't

I have a geforce 6200 and it often gets overheated. Should I add a fan to it? The video card requires a minimum 300 Watt powersupply, and my power supply is 300 Watt max output. Will it effect my pc if I add a fan to the card? Thanks

it wount hurt to add a fan. so go for it.

i think you can add a fan to it,

u might wanna think about if you need to or not

if it runs hot, it runs hot.

is it overclocked?

if so you should deff think about buying a fan for it

or anything to keep it cool

i recomenned a VGA Fan cooler

use to own it on my emachine

worked great kept me running fine with overclock [xtream] on an older nvidia Mxforce

no I have not overclocked it its at 350mhz core speed, how do I overclock it??

a video card that uses passive cooling .... jesus christ man - slap a fan onto that stuff before it fries man

O.o ok

a video card that uses passive cooling .... jesus christ man - slap a fan onto that stuff before it fries man

plenty of vid cards that still use passive cooling. i just picked up a 64 meg agp4x one with a radeon 7000 chipset, vga, dvi, comp out and all it has is a little heatsink stuck on it. gets warm to the touch but nothing dramatic. all depends on what card. remember back when we walked to school uphill both ways in a snowstorm carrying a stove on our backs so we wouldnt freeze when vidcards had no sinks at all? not to mention neither did the cpus...

how can you tell that it is over heating?  Is there something wrong with it display or is the case just really hot?  Either way I would recommend that you put a fan on it if you even thing about oc'ing .. 

burned my fingers when i went touching the heat sink lol

have you overclocked it?  otherwise you might want to consided calling the manufacture.. no heat sinks should burn you.

Swimmer is right. The heat sink shouldn't burn you if you touch it. It should just be warm. If it is that hot I recommend not running the pc until you either get a fan or figure out what the problem is. Who did you buy the pc from? Have you checked the settings in bios to see if it's OC'd?

have you overclocked it?  otherwise you might want to consided calling the manufacture.. no heat sinks should burn you.

don't call the mfr. call a lawyer and see if you can't sue the mfr. for millions in punitive damages for burning you with the vid card. i want my 10% cut for the idea...

Swimmer is right. The heat sink shouldn't burn you if you touch it. It should just be warm. If it is that hot I recommend not running the pc until you either get a fan or figure out what the problem is. Who did you buy the pc from? Have you checked the settings in bios to see if it's OC'd?

thing is.. I brought the card on ebay :P

don't call the mfr. call a lawyer and see if you can't sue the mfr. for millions in punitive damages for burning you with the vid card. i want my 10% cut for the idea...

I wasn't surposed to touch it :P I was curious bc it didn't have a fan

the mfr didn't mount a fan, didn't mount a temperature probe to check card temp through comp, and i'm sure there wasn't a sticker saying that touching the heatsink can burn your fingers. if McD's can get sued over hot coffee (durr, who woulda thunk it?) you can sue them over a heatsink. it's supposed to cool stuff not get hot, right?  :evil6:

if you can't go after the card mfr go after the guy that sold it to you for manipulating the settings unbeknownst to you thereby causing you physical pain and mental distress because you now approach any kind of computer hardware that used to be a hobby with apprehension.

if McD's can get sued over hot coffee (durr, who woulda thunk it?) you can sue them over a heatsink.

hahaha.. yeah..

You couldnt go after the manufacture.. you could go after the guy who sold it, if in fact it was over clocked or modified by him.  If it isnt worth $10,000 then it isnt worth doing.

And that's why I don't live in America... too many people making such absurd chains of thoughts.

it's not the trains of thought. it's the system of punitive damages, where you don't get paid to reimburse you for your pain but you get paid an amount to alleviate your pain that is intended to hurt the party that caused you pain as well. and the bigger the party that caused you pain is the bigger the award. see the 239 million $us settlement against merck for causing a man a heart attack with viox and not warning him about the possible side effect beforehand. true, the recent settlement was lower, but still 9 million.

with the posibility of such awards litigation becomes an interesting option.

if McD's can get sued over hot coffee (durr, who woulda thunk it?) you can sue them over a heatsink.

ya that case where the woman sued mcds because the coffee was too hot. she was in the car and she put the cup between her legs so she can put cream in the coffee, when she removed the lid, it spilled and burned around 5% of her body. worse thing is she was wearing sweatpants, which absorbed the coffee and held it against her skin. she sued. Here in NY people who have coffee in the car must have lid on or get ticketed, lol?

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