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just going to assume you meant the technical question about the tire. in my unerring opinion, it's a definite depends. full blowout/tread seperation or the like, well, you could experience loss of control. then again you could probably catch it if you have your wits about you. slow leaking like flat, you /would/ notice rather fast and reduce speed.

which leaves the question: what in /baleeted/ where you doing racing through town anyhow. think about the little kid chasing his ball across the street and you bearing down at a rate of 40m/sec. consider reaction time about 30 to 40 m, add at least 100 m for stopping distance because of worn tires.

but no hard feelings. now, who wants a mustache-rash?

lol if the kid runs out in a 3 lane road hes asking for it anyhow ;)  and yea, the most iv blown out was a full 3 whole seperation of tire and rim at 80 mph, and i handled it pretty well, but 80 mph and 115 is a HUGE difference... Thats the point i was making... You lose site of reality when someone tried to act cool and race you,.. :(

well....u can always buy new tires, or better yet, screw up ur car so much that its too horrible to fix, and then call MTV and say the following:  "Im constipated and im broke, Please MTV...PIMP MY RIDE!"

Your car will be so shitty(if u screwed it up correctly), that they wont wanna fix up ur car, and they will buy u a new one and rice it

just a thought :-P

but yea...maybe u should not go so fast if ur using stock tires, or just extremly worn out tires

:headbang: .s1,

Yeah feelings are very over rated IMO, Look sometimes ya just do shitz that ya know that maybe ya shouldnt....but so what........ ya don't wanna die an old fart sitting on the porch slobbering all over yourself and think why didn't I race that lamer back in 2K5. or whatever (you fill in the blanks) sure some might say its youth, I don't buy that B.S. because I'm an old fart and I just got a ticket for doing 97 in town,  meh the old lady is pissed off, the ticket will cost alot and insurance will go up for a few years but.....F@$k it I like it, it was worth it, but it wasn't the smartest thing I have done recently....LOL The only excuse I gave my wife was hell it was 4:30 in the morning no one was on the road I got a fast STS caddy its in perfect condition it HAD to go fast I was just really a passanger....so naturaly the wife says WTF are you high...LOL... she knows better than that but she made her point. Of course I later thought about someone getting in the way and me hurting them or worse.......look I believe we take a chance every time we walk out the door, now that doesn't give me the right to be stupid but just sometimes ya just gotta do what ya gotta do.....no excuses just a fact.....so I haven't had a ticket in many years and I don't usually drive that fast ....but really who can say how fast ya should go. I was in Europe recently and I was doing well over 100 MPH and people were passing me and flipping me off cause I was in their way......so I guess its a legal issue and not really a moral issue and sure what I did wasn't right and I hope I'm able to control myself better in the future but,    it sure was fun......until I got caught and had to pay the price, and I don't know exactly what that price will be until I go to court on the 19th....I seriously doubt I will tell the judge the same story .....but ya never know ....HE just might understand... :) :)  and usually what stops me from doing things is I dont want to pay the price, whatever it may be.

8) Microwave

well....u can always buy new tires, or better yet, screw up ur car so much that its too horrible to fix, and then call MTV and say the following: "Im constipated and im broke, Please MTV...PIMP MY RIDE!"

Your car will be so shitty(if u screwed it up correctly), that they wont wanna fix up ur car, and they will buy u a new one and rice it

just a thought :-P

but yea...maybe u should not go so fast if ur using stock tires, or just extremly worn out tires

Well i dont have money for new rear tires since i ahev to buy my own damn computer (family promised to pitch in and help me get it for xmas, i got a t-shirt....) and i cant call pimp my ride, because their in california.... about... yea the other side of the usa... completely..

and yea microwave, i hear ya , man ;)

i should smite u with the karma system we have here for breaking the law and potentially running over a little kid, but uve already got -2 so i figure hahaha people are already smiting the karma outta u so ill leave u alone. <------ yeaaa, look at that anti-smite ive got there. i guess ive got an i dont smite u, u dont smite me deal with this forum so far :lol:

100,000? old?  bahhh    My new cars have atleast 125,000 or 150,000 they are not old untill they exceed the manufactures explode statistics. Just remember this the army doesn't change the oil ever in there hummers and they last 200-250 thousand.... but yah yah its a hummer

i should smite u with the karma system we have here for breaking the law and potentially running over a little kid, but uve already got -2 so i figure hahaha people are already smiting the karma outta u so ill leave u alone. <------ yeaaa, look at that anti-smite ive got there. i guess ive got an i dont smite u, u dont smite me deal with this forum so far :lol:

I really feel like smiting you now. :evil:

So far, my three (!) smites were done by mis-clicking. It's just annoying, so I ignore the whole karma stuff for now.

100,000? old? bahhh My new cars have atleast 125,000 or 150,000 they are not old untill they exceed the manufactures explode statistics. Just remember this the army doesn't change the oil ever in there hummers and they last 200-250 thousand.... but yah yah its a hummer

The guy bought the car in 2000. It had 98,000 miles on it. He fixed it up and sold it to a lady in 9/2003. I bought the car, in

Well not to toot my own horn but I am an ASE certified Mechanic. I will say this. It is much better to blow out the rear than the front but why not throw on a couple of cheap tires?.

Phase two I am a volunteer EMT. I have seen many accidents from crap like that and you should think twice befor doing that.

Phase three what kind of car do you have?

Phase four 100k miles is about were all of the mager problems occur( in most vehicals)

Phase five I always drive it like i stole it unless my kids are with.

Phase six sorry about the typing baby in the arms.

Well not to toot my own horn but I am an ASE certified Mechanic. I will say this. It is much better to blow out the rear than the front but why not throw on a couple of cheap tires?.

Phase two I am a volunteer EMT. I have seen many accidents from crap like that and you should think twice befor doing that.

Phase three what kind of car do you have?

Phase four 100k miles is about were all of the mager problems occur( in most vehicals)

Phase five I always drive it like i stole it unless my kids are with.

Phase six sorry about the typing baby in the arms.

1) Kinda hard to find cheap 17' low profile [ +extra wide] tires :lol:

2/3)  1994 Ford Probe [ http://s1pwnsyou.camaroz.net/car/ ]

3/4)  Your telling me -_-  spend more on it in the few months iv had it then i ever thought possible.

4/5)  Drive it like you stole it.. lol thats my way too :)

5/6)  :-P

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