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JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Iran has received a first shipment of missiles from North Korea that are capable of reaching Europe, Israel's military intelligence chief was quoted on Thursday as saying.

Known in the West as BM-25s, the Russian-designed missiles have a range of around 1,500 miles, giving them a longer reach than the Iranian-made Shihab-4 missiles which are capable of hitting Israel.

The intelligence chief, Major-General Amos Yadlin, was quoted by Israel's Haaretz newspaper as saying in a lecture on Wednesday that some BM-25s had arrived in Iran.

The BM-25 was originally manufactured in the Soviet Union, where it was known as the SSN6, a missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead, Haaretz reported.

After the Russians decommissioned the SSN6, the missiles were sold to North Korea, which adapted them to carry a heavier payload, the newspaper's military affairs correspondent said.

In February, a German diplomat, citing his country's intelligence data, confirmed a German newspaper report that said Iran had purchased 18 disassembled BM-25s from North Korea.

Israel has been urging the international community to pressure Iran to halt its nuclear programme as well as its efforts to obtain long-range missiles.

Iran, the world's fourth largest producer of crude oil, says its nuclear programme is a peaceful project to provide electricity.

Israel is widely believed to have more than 200 nuclear warheads. It declines to comment on its atomic program, saying only it will not be the first country to introduce nuclear weapons into the Middle East.

Source: http://today.reuters.com/news/articlenews.aspx?type=topNews&storyid=2006-04-27T082608Z_01_L27159331_RTRUKOC_0_US-MIDEAST-IRAN-MISSILES.xml&rpc=22

Thank you north korea. this is really becoming very serious with IRAN. I can't wait to see what the eurpoian nations have to say about this.

With some of my other views you might find this suprising .We really don't have the right to interfere with other countries that are not directly attacking us or responsible for supporting some terrorists that attack the US.I don't think this was really proved about Iraq.

If the US has WMD's that we can launch against other countries then they have the same right as independent nations.

If the stand was going to be the US has this right then when only we had the atomic bomb.We needed to issue a threat that we wouldn't allow any other nation even allies to have this weapon.& if they tried we would nuke them to a point that they couldn't.Since the time for that has long past we need to just let them run thier country.& take action if they attack us.Regardless of what they attacked us with we could retaliate with far worse if we would.

I say nuke the middle east and make it one big piece of glass problem solved.... :evil6:

ad what will you use in your car... water. b/c almost 60-70%natual crude oil is in Middle East so they know we cant Nuke them at least for now. when it will run out, the hell, all countries with nukes should send their all nukes to middleeast and start new peacefull life.

I really think oil is everywhere it sure seems that way for offshore anyway.They just don't tell us or let us find out because the want it the way it is.So it's in their control.

Who are they the worlds very rich,,The true international or world government.

If you don't believe this & you have the money drill for oil anywher & keep drilling deeper.& see how quick you end up dead.

this world is comming to an end anyway :) we are not concerned much will long term effects of everything :) thats why in few generations or so, it will all be over - thats my prediction

I don't think you are far off.Overpopulationis going to do it either through pollution or disease.my prediction.

I say nuke the middle east and make it one big piece of glass problem solved.... :evil6:

The oil can be drilled out from under them from offshore as soon as the radio active dust settled.

Doesn't matter to me. No one else in the world tries to help the US keep terrorist regimes in check. Let em get fried. They ain't reaching us with those ancient pieces of garbage. :haha: In all reality if they aren't smart enough to build their own hardware they will probably end up nuking themselves with this outdated fireworks show they just had delivered. :haha:

ad what will you use in your car... water. b/c almost 60-70%natual crude oil is in Middle East so they know we cant Nuke them at least for now. when it will run out, the hell, all countries with nukes should send their all nukes to middleeast and start new peacefull life.

Same thing we will use in 10 years when we can no longer afford gas or in 50 when there is virtually none left. I dont know what... but thats what we will use.

ad what will you use in your car... water. b/c almost 60-70%natual crude oil is in Middle East so they know we cant Nuke them at least for now. when it will run out, the hell, all countries with nukes should send their all nukes to middleeast and start new peacefull life.

Good old US grown, alcohol. A slug for me, and a gallon for the truck.  :laughing7:

Always did like Grain alcohol, makes a potent drink.   :mrgreen::violent5:

"Son have you been drinking? No sir, just syphoning fuel!"  ;)

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