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SEATTLE, Washington (Reuters) -- Microsoft Corp.'s long- awaited release of the upgrade to its flagship Windows operating system will likely be delayed again by at least three months, research group Gartner Inc. said Tuesday.

The research note, released to clients Monday, said the new Windows Vista operating system is too complex to be able to meet Microsoft's targeted November release for volume license customers and January launch for retail consumers.

The Story here http://www.cnn.com/2006/TECH/ptech/05/02/microsoft.vista.reut/index.html

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i think that is indeed very good news. xp is good enough for now, microsoft just wants to roll out the next generation and is apparently taking the time and doing it right. while pushing a release back may seem like a bad thing (certainly so publicity-wise) it shows that they don't want to launch an unfinished product. (i'm sure they could launch it right now, and it would work, but it would get the first service pack soon and that would change a lot of things.)

besides that they have to make sure that any changes they make to the os don't affect all their apps. i can see why it is difficult to get all that under one hat.

the time taken lets one hope that it will be a cleaner cut from previous os generations than the ones preceding it. this step of course makes backwards compatibility more difficult.

and unlike sony's ps3 there is no competition on the market for vista so they can take all the time they need to release their new flagship.

I really dont care about that issue, my XP works fine and not matters if Vista arrives tomorrow, what will be the hurry, after all i will be running the same applications, not reaali in need of a new XP, by the way i have a power Mac i hardly use with Tiger.

Having to wait so long for Vista has led me to explore other options right now I'm using Suse and liking it.

That is good to hear! that is what MS was afraid of with pushing off the original release date.. Personally I am not expecting Vista to be all that great.. Consumers are getting 1/3 of what was originally promised and about 2 years late..  Good Job Microsoft!

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