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It's been said that a man dies simply because he doesn't know how to live longer.

People are living longer these days. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in 1920 the average life expectancy was 54. Today, people can expect to live to 78.

"If you really want to live longer, then start with your attitude. Your way of thinking not only improves your outlook on life, but also how long you actually live. In 2002, researchers at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, found that optimistic people decreased their risk of early death by 50 percent compared with those who leaned more toward pessimism." (yeah, right!)

See Forbes.com's "15 Ways to Live Longer"

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1) Don't Oversleep


2) Be Optimistic

I do believe this to be true, you can say that I have had enough, and die when it close. Or get better with the right attitude.

3)Have More Sex

Won't argue, as it is a great idea to use.  :laughing7:

4)Get A Pet

Probably mostly true in single people who need a partner. Without the other problems.

5)Get A VAP


6)Be Rich

OK, but just having enough, should be enough.(financially comfortable) :laughing7: :laughing7:

7)Stop Smoking

Mostly true.

8)Chill out

Definitely true.

9)Eat right

Definitely true.

10)Marry well

True but differently, your spouse serves you your meals, right?  :laughing7:


True, but overdoing can do the opposite.


True, but I don't think too much is too much.

13)Lose weight


14)Manage Stress

As before Chill


? Chill no?

Again just my opinions.  ;)

As usual. Thanks ROM DOS. :occasion14:

hm. lucky rednecks. they can combine 3 and 4...

Hey rerspo. I challenge that statment , Welsh sheep farmers and wellington boot share holders have a lower life expectancy than the average in the UK

I think it's all down to your genes, I personaly only wear Levi's :D

. . .of course, you can check out Popular Mechanics "Your Upgrade Is Ready"

[Wanna be Superman? . . .call the engineers]

Rumor has it, Google will launch a new feature Wednesday: Google Health, that will help you find treatments, symptoms or alternative medicine treatments.

My grandpa is now 85 years old and he basically eats wat he wants,  pretty much stress free because all he spends his time doing is watching baseball and spanish soap operas.  Right know he has no health problem wat so ever.  My family is convinced that he will live up to 100 years old.  And he still drives.  But one thing i cant say is that his whole life was stres free, he moved to bronx new york from puerto rico when he was 22 years old and he did not know any english at all.  He had to support 8 children as well.  I do belive that the optimistic part is rite

. . .of course, you can check out Popular Mechanics "Your Upgrade Is Ready"

[Wanna be Superman? . . .call the engineers]

Rumor has it, Goggle will launch a new feature Wednesday: Google Health, that will help you find treatments, symptoms or alternative medicine treatments.

Ooh link broken, just like my health,

bless Google, just the tonic us hypochondriacs need :-|

long life is over rated.

Hey up .s1, that I think is temp. feeling you have there , I am a 3% of how old are you topic, 60 + group, yeah I have had some bad years, but what the hell I am now realy flying, at long last, finaly got there, I just recon every dog finaly has it's day

Regards Roco  UK    

Hey up guys, such negative posts,

I am going to pull rank on you young whipper snappers,

Yeah life can be a bitch at times, for me some very long times, I wont bore you with the details, don't want to make you cry,

but believe me your day will come, just keep swimming through the sh*t, Finlay it will all come right,

Yeah OK people told me that in the bad times, and it didn't help,

but F**k me it's true,

so heads up guys just keep  swimming, and a eye open for the main chance, coz if you don't , it will pass you by on your blind side

Hi tommie ,

yeah the guy made me laugh, Thanks makes me feel good . it means maybe I have another 40 years of debuchery to look forward too,

not boasting, just done the magical 3 today, will have a hangover tomorrow,BWF

I have done my penance in the past, I still have a concience and care for the world, and worry for it's future, and live by "do unto others as you would do unto yourself,  


Hey rerspo. I challenge that statment , Welsh sheep farmers and wellington boot share holders have a lower life expectancy than the average in the UK

I think it's all down to your genes, I personaly only wear Levi's :D

personally i wear a kilt when "hunting" sheep. through natural selection the highland sheep have come to be able to hear a zipper at up to 150 paces.

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