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Last chromosome in human genome sequenced

According to this article at Reuters, the last chromosome in the human genome has finally been sequenced, taking 150 British and American scientists 10 years to complete. The sequenced chromosome, Chromosome 1, is the largest chromosome, with nearly twice as many genes as the average chromosome, making up eight percent of the human genetic code. The Human Genome Project has published the sequence online in the journal Nature, according to the article. It contains 3,141 genes (over 1,000 of them newly discovered), and 4,500 new SNPs -- single nucleotide polymorphisms -- which are the variations in human DNA that make people unique.

Chromosomes, which are found in the nucleus of a cell, are thread-like structures that contain genes which determine the characteristics of an individual.

Each chromosome is made up of a molecule of DNA in the shape of a double helix which is composed of four chemical bases represented by the letters A (adenine), T (thymine), G (guanine) and C (cytosine). The arrangement, or sequence, of the letters determines the cell's genetic code.

This is good news but not too useful until we can model protein shaping.

The AGCT's code for proteins and so far we can only model very short combinations. All you coders keen for a life project have a crack at it. Theres 20 amino acids formed from combinations of three base pairs. The amino acids have attraction and repulsion properties with each other and their environment and form to make a unique shape. It's the analysis of that 3D shape that will solve:

- all cancer - modelling protein shapes means instant cancer cures

- bird flu - again modelling proteins means instant antibodies to diseases

- the most toxic substance ever invented - it will also open up designer drugs

Genetic study reveals surprises in human evolution

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It seems that human beings are not the only ones who are able to string sentences together

Pyow pyow pyow . . . hack hack hack hack! Let's get out of here (in monkey talk)

"The findings suggest that the rudiments of syntax, a basic component of human language, may be more widespread among primates than is generally thought, and could ultimately shed light on the evolution of this most distinctly human of traits."

"The putty-nosed monkeys, Cercopithecus nictitans, of the Gashaka Gumti National Park, have two main alarm call sounds. A sound known onomatopoeically as the

Wow... they figured out that animals can communicate.  What next?  Bats are the only flying mammal?


(And if we evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?  Shouldn't they have evolved too?)

if you're serious, it's because humans evolved from primates (some may argue humans are the ultimate primate) into their own biological niche. humans then gained the power to alter a niche to suit them, giving us modern civilization.

the other apes are still around because they still have areas that suit their needs. they no doubt have changed since the time of ancient man to suit their changing needs.

Hey guys,

no takers on this one, was god a space man, did they manipulate the DNA . of the apes they found on earth Or what ?

are Dolphins more intelligent than us, ?

are we really  the kings of the species , or just another form of ants ?

as a  aside to this, why as a child could I detect true North to within a few degrees, now later in life i am out by around 45 degrees,

just curious


Scientist work on theory, and many times they are wrong or change there mind.

One day eggs are going to kill you, the next day they are a very good food again. Go figure.  :icon_scratch:

Man inhabits the entire world, and yet we do not change. Even the ones that live in the jungle. Hmmm....

the Evolution of man might work for some folks, I just don't buy it.

By the way, that guy that screwed the green monkey, and got aids. Why did he not have green ape children, if we are so closely related?

roco, once a first step is taken in the right direction it snowballs from there. once ancient man figured out how to dig with a stick it wasn't far to the shovel. etc. the more tech they figured out the faster it developed. look how long ot took to go from the earliest apps of gunpowder in a handgun to the large rapid fire weapons used today. basically the same tech with better materials.

It shouldn't be but a few decades untill the FDA will allow any good from this research to trickle down to the everyday masses. The Experts are . now what does "Ex" mean?  That Green Monkey was prob. on birth control pills like a good monkey should be.  Evolution has to be continuing - look how the masses keep increasing - can sex do all that???

Scientist work on theory, and many times they are wrong or change there mind.

One day eggs are going to kill you, the next day they are a very good food again. Go figure.  :icon_scratch:

Man inhabits the entire world, and yet we do not change. Even the ones that live in the jungle. Hmmm....

the Evolution of man might work for some folks, I just don't buy it.

By the way, that guy that screwed the green monkey, and got aids. Why did he not have green ape children, if we are so closely related?

Hi Tommie G. I kinda go along with your theory, straight evo. I cant buy either,

monkeys have been using a stick for centuries,  but I ain't seen one using a shovel,LOL

yes sure knowledge is growing rapidly at a fast pace, even faster now due to I.T.

and Testmy .net plays no small part in that,

I do not have religion, ( I am sitting on the fence on that one )  but something happend

to kick start the Homo sapien group, IMHO, with the ability to apply logic,

any one read Erich Von Daniken's theory , I think the guy may have something there,

But I guess we will never know the full story,

What do you reckon the year 3000 will say about us ?  and will Vista be Finlay released LOL

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