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these pics show some jets going supersonic. also a C-17 leaving wingtip vortices in the tops of clouds. interesting are the 2 B-2 Spirit pics. the first one shows it doing a high alpha maneuver that causes condensation to form on top of the wings due to low pressure. the second one however shows a vapor cloud that looks like it is actually going supersonic. it is not known to me if it has the capability to cruise above the speed of sound (although cruising supersonic would create a large acoustic signature due to the shockwave, somewhat reducing the advantage of stealth). if however research that can attenuate the supersonic shockwave at ground level by giving the aircraft a certain shape has gone into the beast it would mean it's stealthy and able to supercruise. an awesome capability indeed. (or it could just be breaking the speed of sound in a dive. afaik even most airliners can do so.) awesome nonetheless.

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wanted to post these last night but my connection flaked out. again.

attached: an f-18 breaking the sound barrier.

also attached: an f-14 holding just at the sound barrier.

here an f-14 doing a flyby. note the shockwave on the water!


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well, the f-14 would be more impressive. bigger. bigger shock wave. yes, it was designed as a long range air superiority fighter/interceptor. but the latest upgrades have caused it to be called the "bombcat" inofficially. it can carry practically all ground and air attack weapons in the arsenal, has a huge payload, incredible range, of course air to air refueling capability and packs that into a mach 2+ package that can deploy from a carrier.

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This was at my military base about a week ago this is one of the most awesome display a heritage flight  F-4, F-16, P-51, and P-47 http://www.af.mil/news/story.asp?storyID=123020299

or 2 migthy bombers from the Vietnam era and present a B-52 and a B-47 click on View all and thats part of what was going on last week end here at Barksdale AFB, Louisiana

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actually tommie you will see in the pics that the jets are not flying at high angles of attack (compared to the props nor do they have flaps out. those top of the line props can maintain speeds that are comfortable for a jet to maintain.

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