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The fan blows up. how come the fan is only 18 dollars while the fans at newegg are like 60? that just seems too good to be true. also, how do you use the artic 5 compound? I was thinking of getting it but i'm still not sure how you use it. thanks for the input so far.

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The fan blows up. how come the fan is only 18 dollars while the fans at newegg are like 60? that just seems too good to be true. also, how do you use the artic 5 compound? I was thinking of getting it but i'm still not sure how you use it. thanks for the input so far.

its $18 because its just a fan, the ones you were looking at on newegg are fans with heatsinks. $18 is usually alot for a fan but that is a really good fan, a standard fan does about 30cfm that fan does 125cfm, it moves alot of air. but its also pertty loud.

I would get that fan drill a hole in the top of the case and mount it there. it Will pull all the hot air out of the case that is just rising to the top and going no were.

that sounds pretty crazy so I doubt I would do that. Plus wouldn't a lot of dust get in as well? What if I just leave one side of the case open? Or I guess my best option is to replace the weak fan with something faster, although how would I know that the fan that was posted before would fit in my computer?

Actually leaving the side open would leave you open to things falling in it. And also stop the airflow where it was designed to go in the first place.

You could also put a filter on top of the pc to stop dust from entering. Or could you put a whole in the side for a fan mounting. With the fan on the outside?

Have you called sony to see if they have an upgrade fan for it?

that sounds pretty crazy so I doubt I would do that. Plus wouldn't a lot of dust get in as well? What if I just leave one side of the case open? Or I guess my best option is to replace the weak fan with something faster, although how would I know that the fan that was posted before would fit in my computer?

alot of dust would not get it becuase it would be blowing air out, leaving the case side open would allow for alot of dust to get in, as well as some other unwanted things.

If your going to just replace the slow fan thats already there then your going to need eather a 120mm or a 80mm, most likey a 120mm, you can mesure the fan and find out.

if you have central HVAC you can just cut out the bottom of the case to match an HVAC vent and stand the case on one of them. just make sure it is blowing cool air at all times the pc is on. and make sure the air can leave the case so fresh cool air can enter. if you have split units, mount the pc components in an open case or not in a case at all and hang em on the ceiling in front of the room unit.

if you have central HVAC you can just cut out the bottom of the case to match an HVAC vent and stand the case on one of them. just make sure it is blowing cool air at all times the pc is on. and make sure the air can leave the case so fresh cool air can enter. if you have split units, mount the pc components in an open case or not in a case at all and hang em on the ceiling in front of the room unit.

Now that is what I was talking about.  :laughing7::thumbsup:

If I was a real gamer, that is exactly what I would do. Super cool and cheap!  ;)

if you have central HVAC you can just cut out the bottom of the case to match an HVAC vent and stand the case on one of them. just make sure it is blowing cool air at all times the pc is on. and make sure the air can leave the case so fresh cool air can enter. if you have split units, mount the pc components in an open case or not in a case at all and hang em on the ceiling in front of the room unit.

that will work, but you can do better,

just get a Peltier cooler put that between your CPU and heatsink and you will never have to worry about heat again. it is cheap and probally the most effective cooling method.

here is a good 72 watt one for real cheap.


that will work, but you can do better,

just get a Peltier cooler put that between your CPU and heatsink and you will never have to worry about heat again. it is cheap and probally the most effective cooling method.

here is a good 72 watt one for real cheap.


You need a good heatsink and fan though.. else it backfires and heats the CPU up

  • 3 weeks later...

if you are going to run a t.e.c. you are most likely going to be running water cooling because air cooling may not cool the pelt enough.

T.E.C Guide

im still learning about t.e.c's but that guide is a good place to learn about them, im sure there is someone here that will know more about them.

You need a good heatsink and fan though.. else it backfires and heats the CPU up

you actually really dont need that great of a heatsink, the key is getting good contact from the top plate to the bottom of the heatsink any gaps will score you up. Ive actually run then with just an aluminum plate with fins and they do fine.

I think that i'll just go with buying a fan. that should solve the problem right? the rest of these solutions seem to be a bit harder (for me).

re this http://www.frozencpu.com/fan-22.html

When I buy a fan, does it come with the required screws or do I have to buy them separately?

Roco;I don't need one but I think the copper towere fan for the CPU would help.Read the topic in the link below.I never tried the external system I kind of designed >i would like to see someone try it.The only case mods would be putting in a better intake filter & where the exhaust leaves the power supply.


I think that i'll just go with buying a fan. that should solve the problem right? the rest of these solutions seem to be a bit harder (for me).

re this http://www.frozencpu.com/fan-22.html

When I buy a fan, does it come with the required screws or do I have to buy them separately?

that fan is so loud man ... geez

Hi Cholla , I am not into overclocking, if I want to go faster I would buy/build a better rig, I am more concerned about noise though, most processor will run at 70C without a problem , for stock air cooled puter, or water for that, cannot run lower than ambient room temp, how much above depends on the efficiency of the cooling system, so yes a good heatsink/paste, and air through put would aid the efficiency, as far as using refrigeration. unless you live in the middle of the Sahara desert, or force the proccesor beyond it's designed limit, I can't see the point,

you are just moving the unwanted heat someware else (Global warming :lol:)

just my view on this, feel free to disagree, 

peltier cooling = ive used 2-3 setups before, and honestly....its by far the most inconvinient method of cooling a processor

here is a very good piece of reading material on this - and explains everything:


.....too acquire good cooling with a tec, you will need a good peltier plate - there is a formula in that reading material that will give you an approximate temperature that you should have after the entire setup - you will be surprised how ugly it can get ....

with that 72watt peltier i would excpect the temperature to skyrocket - honestly....

good reading right there in that link :)

....my recommendation for cooling is to simply invest money in a good heatsink and a good case

edit: also..when i say you will need a good peltier plate, i mean something with a much larger watt rating - but that also backfires...the larger watt rated pelt plate you get, the more temperature you have to take out with another way of cooling it

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