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I currently have a old SB4200 cable modem. Whenever I download something on Bittorent and get connected to alot of peers (200 or more), my cable modem seems to completley ignore any thing else I try to do such as browse the internet. It will time out but the BT download keeps going fine. Is this normal, or would a newer cablemodem such as a SB5120 fix this, or should I put a limit on the number of peers I connect to on BT. Thanks for the help.

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Wow, 200+ peers. That would be 200+ seperate connections, correct?

Maybe your PC is having trouble proccessing all the action?

What is your total B/W usage when connected to all those peers?

btw; I have an SB4200 at home and I easily obtain 9/1 speeds on it, what are your advertised speeds?

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yeah it sounds like a cable modem problem

try reducing the number of peers and see if that changes

i am not sure if that is the problem cause im dont know the inside out of cable modem, i would say if it was a router/switch that could possibly be the problem

reduce the number of peers and let us know what happend dude

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Yeah it does sound like a problem with the modem,  if i were you i would invest in a new modem.  BTW 200 connection is a lot of connections for one modem,  maybe you should reduce that number a litle

most likely it can't be reduced so he may have to just get another cable modem in there and split the load.

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I don't necessarily think it is a problem with that modem.  Say you are on a 2 Mbps connection.  If you have 1 program running which is taking all of that throughput, then there is no room for other connections....meaning if your BitTorrent client is downloading at 2 Mbps, then it is hogging 100% of the connection.  The modem is working properly, it simply does not distinguish to which program the data is assigned....that's your computer.

Just because you're not downloading at your cap, doesn't mean you aren't utilising the entire connection.  TCP sends a lot of redundant packets which do not directly affect your download, but they are sent for fault tolerance, and have timeout measures.  Your registry settings would contain values which determine how many of these or certain packets can be sent at a time.  If a packet/broadcast does not get an immediate response, it waits until it times out.  Then it or another can be sent/resent.

Have you tried cablenut?

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I dont think the modem cares how many peers are connected. It is just all data to the modem. Sounds like a setup problem with the bittorrent program or you are using so much of your bandwidth that there is nothing left for the upload side to ask for request for more packets.

The rule of thumb is download at only 80% of your advertised speed.

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Ok i appreciate all the help. I just left the computer on overnight. When I lowerd the number of connection to about 180 or 175 it would start letting me on the net. But I the cable modem just couldnt handel the load because I couldnt even pull up the cable modem diagnostics page. I had the upload on the bittorent capped at 20 kb a second, and my advertised upload is 1megabit so the upload shouldnt have been overloaded. Probably just the cablemodem since it couldnt pull up its diag. page

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