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Here's a trick for XP users to get a bit more out of their systems

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Nice one.......I did this a long time ago........never failed.......I have plenty of RAM,however, I hope to update my MoBo soon.....I need a faster CPU......right now I have a 1.8  Ghz AMD.

Be well........

What exactly does the page defragger do?

And does it have any benefits?

Im not really sure how it work, but it suppose to speed up the system :)


quote " One of the limitations of the Windows NT/2000 defragmentation interface is that it is not possible to defragment files that are open for exclusive access. Thus, standard defragmentation programs can neither show you how fragmented your paging files or Registry hives are, nor defragment them. Paging and Registry file fragmentation can be one of the leading causes of performance degradation related to file fragmentation in a system.

PageDefrag uses advanced techniques to provide you what commercial defragmenters cannot: the ability for you to see how fragmented your paging files and Registry hives are, and to defragment them. In addition, it defragments event log files and Windows 2000/XP hibernation files (where system memory is saved when you hibernate a laptop).

PageDefrag works on Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Server 2003."

VanBuren :)

This is for XP Home or Professional (SP1 and SP2)

1  On your desktop, right-click on My Computer

2  Left-click on Properties (which will bring up your System Properties Dialogue Box)

3  Left-click on the Advanced Tab

4  At the top, under Performance, click on Settings

5  Now the Performance Options box should be open.  Click on the Advanced Tab for it.

6  At the bottom, under Virtual Memory, click on the Change button

7  Now, at the bottom of this window where it says "Total Paging File size for all drives, it has a "Recommended" number stated in MBs (remember this number)!

8  Above it, click on the button so that it enables "Custom Size", and for the Initial size (MB) ...put in the same number that is stated in "Recommended"

9  Now, click on the button that says "Set"

10 At the top (for Drive C or whatever it is named, it should now say that your Paging File Size is between the Recommended Number and the Maximum Size Number

11 Click on "OK" three times to make your way out of there.

Now your computer should run just a bit smoother and faster.  For most users, even though XP doesn't prompt you to, it is best to reboot so that you are sure the change will take effect.  (Just to be safe, please make a System Restore Point prior to doing this JUST IN CASE the unforeseen happens)!   (horrors)!

You should see a noticeable difference in system performance, especially if you have a good deal of memory to "play" with.  Even with minimal memory, this little trick will help you get the most out of your resources!  If you like it, make another System Restore Point just in case your computer 'forgets' the new settings!


Another recommedation I've heard is to have your virtual/paging memory 1.5 times the amount of ram you have. e.g.:256MB RAM +384MB virtual. If you have 2 HDD's, it's better to put the virtual memory on the faster one.

Another recommedation I've heard is to have your virtual/paging memory 1.5 times the amount of ram you have. e.g.:256MB RAM +384MB virtual. If you have 2 HDD's, it's better to put the virtual memory on the faster one.

Thats the same thing as The Reverend suggested, he suggested to use the value windows recommend and that happens to be 1,5 x your RAM

quote from http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;308417#31

"For best performance, do not set the initial size to less than the minimum recommended size under Total paging file size for all drives. The recommended size is equivalent to 1.5 times the RAM on your computer. It is good practice to leave the paging file at its recommended size. However, you may increase its size if you frequently use programs that use much memory."

i also agree to move the swapfile to the fastest disc or partition

VanBuren :)

cool  Reverend :)  i cant say ive seen any big diff in speed on my system with that defragger but it should work for normal systems, my system usally runs in slowmotion no matter what tweaks i use hehe

i think i will get Diskeeper Pro too someday, now im still saving my money for a hardware upgrade, should happen pretty soon unless some more important expenses shows up ....

VanBuren :)

Ah yes, constant upgrading has become a necessary evil whether we like it or not.  If we don't do it ...we soon find ourselves fallen far behind the leading edge (and that's where all the fun is)!  heheh...

Thank you for the support with this topic Van-B!

Thats the same thing as The Reverend suggested, he suggested to use the value windows recommend and that happens to be 1,5 x your RAM

quote from http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;308417#31

"For best performance, do not set the initial size to less than the minimum recommended size under Total paging file size for all drives. The recommended size is equivalent to 1.5 times the RAM on your computer. It is good practice to leave the paging file at its recommended size. However, you may increase its size if you frequently use programs that use much memory."

i also agree to move the swapfile to the fastest disc or partition

VanBuren :)

I haven't changed mine in a while. I read through VanBuren's message to fast.  :oops:

Hi VanBuran: I would like to know if the defrag download above will work on windows 98 se.Thanks Cholla

It wont work with win 98 se, but they got alot of other tools for 98 here http://www.sysinternals.com/win9x/98utilities.shtml

VanBuren :)

Now isn't that just like the typical father trick to pull on his kids?  :?  lol...  Mine started giving me heat for updating their machines over the LAN/WAN ...so I've learned to stay FAR away from their "turf" and only mess with mine and my wife's!  ;)

Hey, look at this it this way.  You can read or you wouldn't have been able to have even tried it ...so in that aspect you are blessed as you are not illiterate.  You can follow directions perfectly so that means you are blessed with intelligence as well.  Your father beat you to it so you are doubly blessed in that somebody is ensuring you have the very best that can be given which means you are loved, which is another blessing!  :)


"The Rev"

*You must find the good side of everything or the bad side will drag you down the tubes! 

I have attached a file that will allow you to take out your frustrations in a semi-nonviolent manner ...plus it is fun too!  lol....  (hit Escape to close the program when you get tired of playing with it). 

[attachment deleted by admin]

If you put the recommended number in the Initial size(MB), what do you put in the Maximum size(MB)? When I press set, it gives me a message stating that need to "enter a numeric value for the maximum page file size".

If you put the recommended number in the Initial size(MB), what do you put in the Maximum size(MB)? When I press set, it gives me a message stating that need to "enter a numeric value for the maximum page file size".

set it like this

VanBuren :)

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