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grrr.. now I'm mad. I didnt go online yesterday, so when I went to my gmail account all of yesterdays emails are marked the 18'th, with no times. I went into the emails to check times to see if I could sort them but it only lists the time that  it was sent in the senders timezome. I'm too not awake right now to sort them all out like I should, So I may just call of the the emails I got for that day "invalid" if I try to do any types of graphs, so I can just not include them...

I'm also up to 25 mb, but i dont feel like updating the sign yet...

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No, they can't do math, can they? Here's what they say about mine:  "You are currently using 68 MB (3%) of your 2755 MB."

3% of 2755 is 82.65 isn't it?  :roll:

No they can't do the math. Here is mine: You are currently using 70 MB (3%) of your 2755 MB.

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they round to the nearest % because their script or whatever it is is lazy, now I'm at 26 mb. I'll finish this eventually, but in the meantime I'm going to fill up at least 6 adresses to their max, I downloaded a bunch of fansubs of anime (legal cause they're not licensed in US yet) , and my computers almost full, so I'm going to upload them to the gmail servers, sending them to myself, and if I want to watch them ever again I can just download them off of gmail. each adress gets 2.7 gigs, I have 95 invtes on my main account and 15 on each one that I make, so my accounts are endless... Besides the download time its just like having extra storage ^_^

edit: grr, i just checked gmails attachment policy, and 10 mb is the max for each email, I guess i need to split the files up, the episodes I'm trying to send are 350 mb each, luckily my 7-zip file manager can do that (plus it compresses a lot better than regular zip files)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Normally spam has some sort of point. Here's one I received this morning and I can't figure out what its purpose is:  :?  :?  :?

valedictory remarks to two such friends as I see before me. But

Doctor - Annie, my love, attend to the very words - this simply Trot, that I left him generously. He had been so cruel to me, that

personal service of process was not required, and detainees were woman, and you took me in. Itll soften your poor heart, Danl,

Neither was I surprised when, on the very next day, Uriah, like a its gentle head towards me once again; and I can still declare that

an elaborate estimate of his resources, he had come to the Oh dear, no. said Traddles, stroking his chin. The two youngest

My dear Copperfield, he returned, pressing my hand, your sorrow and fatigue, and my aunt and I were to return to London on

addressed immediately to one, who subscribes herself, in extreme Throne; but my angry thoughts or my reproaches never will, I know.

there was, and drooping her head, as if it were heavy with one preventing me now, I remained near him, busy, while every means

enter. I returned; and looking, as I passed, through the low parcel; Traddles carrying the parcel, and supporting Mrs. Micawber

wildness of her art -. That there blue water as she used to speak of D. who dances round J. while he eats his supper. Emboldened by

been so confident, merely because of his faith in the wisest and Oh. Thats your partiality. laughed Traddles. But, indeed, I am

Her hands were clasped upon my shoulder, and her chin rested on friends heard of my growing reputation, and read my book as if they

Barkis. That you sent messages by, you know. Wont you speak to Things are changed in this office, Miss Trotwood, since I was an

to be left with Barkis till called for; a fable he had reached them before he said, God bless you, Daisy, and good

the room beyond, that it was pretty large; that there was a bed in I found a letter, importing that he would appear in the morning

sunset. She lay between us, and the red light; and every taper poured out of their chimneys. Slimy gaps and causeways, winding

Arabian-night magician, opened up the place for the day, and shut nature had given him the soul of a gentleman - she seemed to cling

find a man at Doctor Strongs time of life, with the strength of I cannot, therefore, allow of the departure from this place of an

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Sorry guys for not updating my sig, somehow I got hooked into Maplestory and am on that constantly when I'm not doing school work.

As of right now, I have 10766 pieces of junk, There would be more, but gmail groups responses to treads, so my space used goes up but not my message count.

You are currently using 152 MB (6%) of your 2762 MB.

I really need to go through and sort my messages, I have over 5000 that I havent put with their respective date lables, every day it piles up more and more, which makes me want to sort them less and less. XD Well, its about time for me to head to my Music Theory 1 class, L8r all!

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