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Me ,

Promise you won't laugh  :roll:, I have 256/128 dsl broad band  :lol:, Yeah not exactly

High speed ,  :whaa:, but in 29 day's I will be getting a 2Mb service for the same money $27.43 with no limit , (cheap in the UK ) and I am excited ,  :lol: even at my grand age, in 4 years I have moved up from 56Kbps to 150/60 and on to the dizzy heights of 256/128 , now going on to 2Mb , still ,this wont eclipse the feeling I got with my first connection to the internet at 48 Kbps , and that magical message " other people may be able to see" can you still remember that day ? year ? 2001 with Win. M.E. how far back do you go?

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The first computer that really "used" was an old 486..  We got windows 3.1 to run on it after about 3 years of Dos shell.

Then I got AOL when my parents bought a Gateway 2000 which was a P133 with 64mb of ram and a dedicated video card...  We had a 14.4k modem.. which was later fried in a lightning strike...  We then bought a USR 56k modem which at the time seemed really fast!

Then I joined this forum shortly after I got Comcast internet.  That was with a AMD 2000+ with 512mb of ram and about 120gb of hard drive space.

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The first computer that really "used" was an old 486..  We got windows 3.1 to run on it after about 3 years of Dos shell.

dos shell HAHA i remember that.

I go even further back then that, we had a a 286 33MHz 4MB of ram 64k video, 80MB hard drive Packerd Bell with a 15in color monitor, running DOS. What Now!!!

i remember going on the internet with a 14.4kbps modem.

I aslo remember playing wolfenstein 3D the first day it came out in like 91.

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dos shell HAHA i remember that.

I go even further back then that, we had a a 286 33MHz 4MB of ram 64k video, 80MB hard drive Packerd Bell with a 15in color monitor, running DOS. What Now!!!

i remember going on the internet with a 14.4Kbps modem.

I aslo remember playing wolfenstein 3D the first day it came out in like 91.

I remember the dos shell too. I had a packard bell too. It had a super fast 2400baud modem. xD This was with "Prodigy Classic.

[pre]Modem 2400 (V.22bis) 2.4 kbit/s 240 B/s[/pre]  :haha:

Source: Wikipedia.

Oh, and you had to "park" the HDD before turning of the computer

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I started with a Commodore 64.But I used it mostly for games.Then I Just let it go that way .Really I got started in 2004 but I still have the floppies & instruction manuals & did play around with DOS version 4.00 first.As well as Windows 3.11 Before I ever got on line.My first ISP was Walmart Connect because I could get a free disc at Walmart to get connected.

I'm on my 3 ISP & still on dial-up.

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I started with a Commodore 64.But I used it mostly for games.Then I Just let it go that way .Really I got started in 2004 but I still have the floppies & instruction manuals & did play around with DOS version 4.00 first.As well as Windows 3.11 Before I ever got on line.My first ISP was Walmart Connect because I could get a free disc at Walmart to get connected.

I'm on my 3 ISP & still on dial-up.

walmart connect, isnt that just AOL with walmart's name slaped all over?

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I don't even remember now.It had a Walmart connectoid so you couldn't even use DUN.I had it for about 3 months.I will check to see if it's AOL but really I'm not sure.

edit: I checked Walmart Connect now redirects to Netscape Connect which if you read the TOS is AOL..In looking I found what I thought they called it Compuserve when I had it.So it was probably always disguised AOL.

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****! I am such a noob!  :icon_pale:

My first PC was a P3 933Mhz, 60 gig HD and 128 Mhz RAM which I quickly upgraded to 512. Running MSN dialup and Windows Me.  :haha:  :haha:

I did have an Atari game console that had like 10 different games, all of which were just variations of Pong. Does that count for anything?  :lol:

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