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A friend of mine has kids at home. While she does do her best to keep an eye on the kids and such she is wanting to monitor there activity while on the computer. Myself I can only think of a "key stroke logger". How you could get that past a virus scanner is beyond me. I am just not sure what else to use? Any ideas would be so appreciated.

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A friend of mine has kids at home. While she does do her best to keep an eye on the kids and such she is wanting to monitor there activity while on the computer. Myself I can only think of a "key stroke logger". How you could get that past a virus scanner is beyond me. I am just not sure what else to use? Any ideas would be so appreciated.

You can use a program like VNC (www.realvnc.com) to monitor activities on the computer by watching the screen remotely.

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You can also try this site, they offer tips about how to educate your kids about bad stuff online.


It would help if you would tell us what your friend was looking to in particular. :)

another alternative is a router that will email you when  kid goes to a site that has bad words. Something that has parental control features in it's discription. I.E.: You want to look for 'parental control features' on the box for the router.

Linksys WRT54GS wireless router and the ZyXEL HomeSafe Parental Control Gateway model HS-100W both do it

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intense, this is a great way to get your friend involved with her children. It may seem cheesy, but I think it will work for her if she choses to take this route:


Using family contracts to help protect your kids online

Before your children start exploring the new frontiers of the Internet, it's a good idea to make sure everyone understands what they should and shouldn't be doing online. One idea is to sit down together and draw up a family code of conduct for all to agree on. You can create a different contract for each child in your family with Internet usage rules set appropriately by age. Everyone signs his or her contract to show that they understand the rules you've set, and they agree to follow them when they go online.

The following is a suggested family code-of-conduct contract for you to use for each of your kids. Feel free to copy this contract, revise the rules as necessary for your family's needs, and print this contract for your personal use. Once the terms of your family Internet usage contract are agreed upon and signed, consider posting these contracts next to each computer in your house to remind everyone of the family Internet rules.

Online Code-of-Conduct Contract

I will:

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Hi Water , good info , I am in the same situation with my Grandchildren , well only the 11y. old , he is a sensible lad , and as I supply the computer , I figure I have the right morally to check where he has been , mind you his den has a SPIDER in it, so he is not using the computer at the moment :lol:

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Hi Water , good info , I am in the same situation with my Grandchildren , well only the 11y. old , he is a sensible lad , and as I supply the computer , I figure I have the right morally to check where he has been , mind you his den has a SPIDER in it, so he is not using the computer at the moment :lol:

Roco, you would be amazed at how much that kid looks up to you and wants to earn your respect, it merely takes dialogue between you both. I learned a lot through my divorce, and I learned the most when my kid said : Mom, talk to me and tell me what you're thinking.

They care, and they are young enough and pure enough to take it in.

Talking matters WAY more than a logger!

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I thought it was some sort of strange fantasy thread.... :haha:

Hi Philp, I am paranoid about loggers, I use  the mouse controlled on screen keyboard in Xp to enter my card details , lol: , then I lost my wallet ,  :whaa: canceled all the cards . then found my wallet  :shock:

anyone else fearfull of using their card online ? or am I really a pillock ( UK expression )

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anyone else fearfull of using their card online ? or am I really a pillock ( UK expression )

It depends on the site. I like sites that have info about their security. Not that that alone determines whether or not I get out my credit card. But it's a comforting feeling, I guess.

Pillock? No, just cautious.  ;)

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In Windows 2000/XP Pro, you can use Group Policy to edit how Internet Explorer operates, and how functional it is to the user. You are able to disable the editing of history from Internet Options, so that the browsing history cannot be deleted. You can also disable the user's ability to remove cookies, temporary internet files, etc.

To do this:

  • click start, click run
  • type gpedit.msc and hit enter
  • under User Configuration, expand Adminstrative Templates >> Windows Components
  • click to select Internet Explorer

Here you will have the option of configuring or disabling dozens of user features in Internet Explorer. In fact, there are endless things you can do in Group Policy. 

The one I was thinking of is called Turn off "Delete Browsing History" functionality


Here's the hangup: if you have XP Home, you will not have access to Group Policy. However, there is a way to install it.

I found and tested a guide: http://www.geocities.com/kilian0072002/GPEditHome.htm

I was able to download the DLL files from this site: http://www.webzila.com/?wz=dll

And the ADM files from: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=92759D4B-7112-4B6C-AD4A-BBF3802A5C9B&displaylang=en

Good luck!!

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