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i would say no unless they have a video or how would it hold up?  its there word against yours and if you both have very clean records who wins?  i think if its some random person filing the charges you will win but if its a cop you will probably have to pay something.

Damn, now you worry me. All I did was give her a dirty look and speed up after going around her damn door in the road hanging out. How could someone press charges for that?

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best defense is good offence. if anyone asks about a drive you made reply yes i had some lady open her door in front of me but i managed to miss her, then she goes all roadrage and stalks me like a demon so i fled home and watched her out front of my house with phone in my hand to call 911, but apparently she came to her senses and left so i didn't report her, maybe she just had a bad day like we all do sometime, should i have reported her, i was scared to confront her in my yard as i'm not a violent person. etc

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even cops make mistakes, you just have to know how to point it out that they're abusing their authority. there is nothing easier to beat than a zealous cop, sometimes with them losing their job. now if they've got 10 or so years with same department, your busted

edit: spelling...careful

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even cops make mistakes, you just have to know how to point it out that they're abusing their authority. there is nothing easier to beat than a zealous cop, sometimes with them losing their job. now if they've got 10 or so years with same department, just shoot them, cause your busted

For some reason I think I am screwed. If it was a cop wouldn't they have done something then?

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For some reason I think I am screwed. If it was a cop wouldn't they have done something then?

Absolutely they would have already done the deed.

By the way a cop had a person stopped for speeding back about 30 years ago,(I know times have changed, but still a little funny) and over the hill pops me. Slightly speeding, and he had left open his door open on the patrol car while writing the ticket. I almost got that door, and he never bothered to come after me.

So who knows.  :lol:

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Absolutely they would have already done the deed.

By the way a cop had a person stopped for speeding back about 30 years ago,(I know times have changed, but still a little funny) and over the hill pops me. Slightly speeding, and he had left open his door open on the patrol car while writing the ticket. I almost got that door, and he never bothered to come after me.

So who knows.  :lol:

Yeah I just hope all blows by...No one calls me, stops here, or anything...Just all blows by...

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Yeah you could worry all night, but all you would lose is some needed sleep.

So just relax, and take it easy.

It will be fine. She wins if you worry, the old battle axe. She was just rattling your chain. Old people are funny that way sometimes.  ;)

And next time, don't miss.  ;)

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Yeah you could worry all night, but all you would lose is some needed sleep.

So just relax, and take it easy.

It will be fine. She wins if you worry, the old battle axe. She was just rattling your chain. Old people are funny that way sometimes.  ;)

Yes I been losing sleep over this...I been playing Saints Row to try and get it off my mind. I keep coming back here!

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Believe me, cops usually have better things to do.

I put a dead skunk in an old girlfriends car one time, she went to the cop station  and proceeded to tell them. Needless she was laughed out of the station. On what grounds were they supposed to arrest me on??  :lol:

Just lightening up the mood. Don't worry.

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Believe me, cops usually have better things to do.

I put a dead skunk in an old girlfriends car one time, she went to the cop station  and proceeded to tell them. Needless she was laughed out of the station. On what grounds were they supposed to arrest me on??  :lol:

Just lightening up the mood. Don't worry.

no they dont have better things to do and they just bother people alot around here

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well it's been a couple weeks. Nothing happened  :cool2:

Hey,   wyantm06,& guys, do you not have the 14 day rule in the USA, ?

in the UK if you are not cautioned at the time of the incident ( and I cant see a incident in this case anyway ) the police must inform you of a possible case being made within 14 days,  this is to enable you to find witnesses etc.

my feeling on this is you are home and dry , just put it down to experience ,

and just watch out for little old ladies from Pasadena  :grin2:

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You mean they have not caught up to you yet wyantm06  :?: I don't understand it, they should have caught up to you by now! (just joking ) Everything is fine.  :grin2:

Actually the little old lady just thought you were cute, she was actually hoping you would come out and play.   :smitten:

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You mean they have not caught up to you yet wyantm06  :?: I don't understand it, they should have caught up to you by now! (just joking ) Everything is fine.  :grin2:

Actually the little old lady just thought you were cute, she was actually hoping you would come out and play.  :smitten:

LOL :2funny: :2funny:

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You mean they have not caught up to you yet wyantm06  :?: I don't understand it, they should have caught up to you by now! (just joking ) Everything is fine.  :grin2:

Actually the little old lady just thought you were cute, she was actually hoping you would come out and play.  :smitten:

u know that could be true...i do that all the time  :cool::cheesy::evil:

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Well should I be worried? Or no?

I wouldn't worry about her calling the cops. If you really think about it she knows your car and possibly where you live (she may not know that for sure). She could be a cat burglar casing the place so keep the dog hungry.  :wink:

So just play it  :cool:

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