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Thanks guys, I found Fallows tip after I had downloaded this.


VERY nice program, VERY easy to use. Nice fast file transfer between the pc's and it gives you full control over the server pc.  :D

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right on, I'll need to check it out.

I usually just use the windows "Remote Desktop" = but I don't think you Candi file transfer so that's why I need to check out the one you're talking about.

By the way, for anyone who needs to know.. Remote Desktop runs on port 3389.  To get it to work with your router you need to add port 3389to the port forwarding section in your router setup (usually called "applications and gaming") under 'IP' you enter the IP of the computer that you want remote desktop to be able to work on.  -- I think I may write a 'how to setup remote desktop' guide... seems to me like it would become a popular thread, definitely information that people search for... so look for that soon ;-)

I'll let you know what I think about this program,

- Damon

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ewwwww... that program sucks!

Man, it was seriously horrible.

Have you ever used remote desktop?  Instead of haiving a control panel like that.. and the lame ass feel that program had you instead get the feeling like you are actually on the remote computer.  You seriously take control like you're there.

I'm going to write a guide to teach you and others how to install and use remote desktop.  Trust me, you'll love remote  desktop.

Just wait for my guide, I should be done soon.


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ewwwww... that program sucks!

Man, it was seriously horrible.

Have you ever used remote desktop?  Instead of haiving a control panel like that.. and the lame ass feel that program had you instead get the feeling like you are actually on the remote computer.  You seriously take control like you're there.

I'm going to write a guide to teach you and others how to install and use remote desktop.  Trust me, you'll love remote  desktop.

Just wait for my guide, I should be done soon.


Is this a real person soon or a CA3LE (6 months) soon.  :-P Sounds cool man. Im waiting.
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Is this a real person soon or a CA3LE (6 months) soon.  :-P Sounds cool man. Im waiting.


CA3LE (already done) soon ;-)

I'll be adding pictures to the thread tomorrow.. I need to get to bed right now



- Damon

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Is this a real person soon or a CA3LE (6 months) soon.  :-P Sounds cool man. Im waiting.

oh yeah.. I forgot to say..... ouch man... ouch.

I'm not going to argue though.  You're right, sometimes it takes a long time for me to get things done.  There is just soooo many projects on the fire all the time.  This project for instance too over an hour out of my night getting it all formatted.  But it's now a fixed portion of the site and is good clean content.... it will be really awesome content once I get the images added to the thread, it will take me about 20-30 extra minutes to get all those images in place (it's a whole munch of images.

Enjoy!  Let me know if you get remote desktop all installed.. and let me know what you think about it.

check out the screenshots I posted with this post... see how it's just like logging into the computer like normal.  In the screenshots I have it windowed... but if I maximize the window it looks like just a normal windows login.  Microsoft really did an excellent job with the remote desktop.. it's seemless.

let me know how you like it.


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thanks for that ca3le i always wanted to know how to transfer files with remote desktop but could never figure it out.

No problem.  By the way, I have finished the guide and added all the images... enjoy!  -- I like to think that it's a nice and easy guide that almost anyone can use to get the most out of this awesome feature/tool,

I've been using remote desktop for quite some time now and it has saved me on much more than one occasion.  It's truly a very useful tool indeed.

Remote Desktop Guide, now with images > http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-16654


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