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check out the new America the Beautiful theme.  You can find it under the 'theme' menu at the top.

or here is a

[url="http://www.testmy.net/etc/set-theme.php?key=america"]direct link[/url]

if you'd like to check it out (after clicking the direct link you may need to refresh the page to see the change, depending on what your browser settings are)

A list of all of our themes can be found at http://www.testmy.net/tools/theme_selection.php  -- if you have a suggestion for a color combination or theme style I'm open for suggestion.  Just shoot me a PM.

edit: edited link due to theme system overhaul

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what happened to the hallowen theme ?

it's still there... this post is just to announce another theme that was added.

halloween theme is the default theme right now, for the holiday.  you can also select it under the theme menu or the theme preview page >> http://www.testmy.net/tools/theme_selection.php

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the america one is ok. but why did the colors on the original feel change? and why are the ads so ugly now?

what do you mean, the original feel is the same as it's always been.

although... if your using IE7 you may need to clear your cache, history and cookies and reload the theme if the ad colors seem to not match.  I don't know why this is doing that lately, it's only in IE. that may be what you're talking about.

post me a screenshot please.

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the ads i think were with a grey background and the links in the info top right were easier to read. (not such a glaring color.)

the new smilies are nice. more!

it looks like you need to clear your cookies, history and cache and re-pick your theme.  For some reason my theme selection cookies are having a problem with IE7 .. I'm looking into why.

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