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2800 to go...no problem...here have some cookies...i baked them just for u...

edit: grammar to make sense with tommie's

*steals cookie*

ryan took the cookie from the cookie jar, "who me? couldnt be".. then who?!?!

edit quote to match my edit that was edited to match tommie's edit...hahaha,,,no biggie...i'm bakin more cookies

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Good, because that first cup was not Milk. And thanks for filling it up.  :grin2:

And the chocolate chips were really ex-lax. Happy trails.  :2funny:

O_O! i really pray to god that first cup was milk.. as a matter of fact *runs to bathroom* that milk tasted bad!!

dam u tommie. I would have gotten away with it. if it werent for those meddeling members.  :tickedoff:

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OMG...did the milk taste really sweet??...that was breast milk...

and...no tommie lied AGAIN......those were not exlax chips...those were milk chococlate...mmmmm...good huh...??...damnit tommie quit lying to ryan...he's a good boy...now show him what a good boy u r...and go get him some more cookies...there's more where that came from...more breast milk too  :2funny:

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OMG...did the milk taste really sweet??...that was breast milk...

and...no tommie lied AGAIN...those were not exlax chips...those were milk chococlate...mmmmm...good huh...??...there's more where that came from...more breast milk too  :2funny:

BLEGH, breast milk sucks. I know my wifes a dairy cow.
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