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Let's get our minds working for a moment shall we?

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People so easily attempt to manipulate others. This is true with your friends, your co-workers, your family, your government, your military, your news information.

Propaganda is everywhere - to the extent that we can no longer judge anything clearly. Our minds are so plugged with advertising, news, subliminal advertising, books, tv and the internet.

I wonder what I would do if I were isolated in the woods somewhere with no one to talk to and nothing but nature around me. No politics, no news, no crisis, no person trying to turn me to their way of thinking, no lies, no drama...

How different would I be when I returned to the reality I know now after not have any of that for say six months?

I try to imagine it, but it's beyond my grasp of reality, and in truth is not desireable due to the creature comforts I live with. I prefer toilet paper over leaves  :buck2: . Diet coke over river water...

How do you think we would be changed if all this stimulus were to be gone? Just snap your fingers, and it's gone.

Let me know what you think.

Personally I think  you would realize the wood was the reality , the reality you returned to is only perceived  and clouded by comforming to the social system , providing you can re-adapt on your return , you will have gained a inner strength and tranquility , that can be and often is  mistaken  as a aloofness ,   :lol: and it makes you realize how crazy modern society and it's values are , and one thing,  nobody will be able to manipulate you again ,

there is much written records of people undergoing this situation , by choice or accident , most seem to come out of it stronger ,

I guess it would be the true test of the survival of the most adaptable , the city dweller would probably not survive , but say a Aborigine, just part of his way of life ,

just my random thoughts

Roco :idiot2:

Well I will leave studies and whatnot out of this and just speculate. I think many common health problems would leave humans such as ulcers, insomnia and so fourth. I think mental capacity would decrease due to less stimulus and forced thinking. Decrease in violence and depression.. for a while. The long term effects would be damaging I think due to decrease human interaction and humans like dogs are pack animals. I think (I know this sounds dramatic) but it would lead to severe depression and dying young. I would not like it, I like people too much. If I could pick 20 people to take with me it would be paradise (the people I hang with are not drama queens and don't thrive on that kinda crap so I think it would add to the pleasure). Bottom line, it would be great for a short while but anything longer than a week or so I think would be damaging and after 6 months would be nearly incapacitating.

Nice thread BTW.

Personally I think  you would realize the wood was the reality , the reality you returned to is only perceived  and clouded by comforming to the social system , providing you can re-adapt on your return , you will have gained a inner strength and tranquility , that can be and often is  mistaken  as a aloofness ,   :lol: and it makes you realize how crazy modern society and it's values are , and one thing,  nobody will be able to manipulate you again ,

there is much written records of people undergoing this situation , by choice or accident , most seem to come out of it stronger ,

I guess it would be the true test of the survival of the most adaptable , the city dweller would probably not survive , but say a Aborigine, just part of his way of life ,

just my random thoughts

Roco :idiot2:

Thanks Roco, those are a lot of my thoughts.  :smiley:

Well I will leave studies and whatnot out of this and just speculate. I think many common health problems would leave humans such as ulcers, insomnia and so fourth. I think mental capacity would decrease due to less stimulus and forced thinking. Decrease in violence and depression.. for a while. The long term effects would be damaging I think due to decrease human interaction and humans like dogs are pack animals. I think (I know this sounds dramatic) but it would lead to severe depression and dying young. I would not like it, I like people too much. If I could pick 20 people to take with me it would be paradise (the people I hang with are not drama queens and don't thrive on that kinda crap so I think it would add to the pleasure). Bottom line, it would be great for a short while but anything longer than a week or so I think would be damaging and after 6 months would be nearly incapacitating.

Nice thread BTW.


Would you not gain an inner strength that would fight againt outside stimulus perhaps?

Whe you have to fend for yourself everyday wouldn't that give you a basis to stand up and call bullshit when you see it?

I really wonder about this, because we are so immersed in data, we don't see what the human psyche can really deal with, but Shug, you're the professional not me!


Yeah great topic , and already opposing views ,  :thumbsup:

I guess a lot would depend on your location and life style,

For me having lived some years in a small (lol I mean small comunity)with no TV or newspapers , never had any health problems , now as a city dweller

(still no TV LOL ) you try getting to sleep , stay calm in the rush hour etc

I look around and see Hypertension behind the wheel of every car ,

and No drama queens on your trip shugs  , they lighten ever day for me ,  :lol:

without the stimulus of  modern life you kind of learn to think laterally  ,

something people  have lost the art of today , imho

Hi Water I wasn't born into the wildness and it did take a lot of adjusting for me at the time , around 3 years , so I guess 6 months would be too short a time to fully adjust,

Yeah I got homesick for a while ,  would I go back , I guess not , but glad I did it at the time , kinda made a man out of a boy ,  :lol:  I hope !

Yeah great topic , and already opposing views ,  :thumbsup:

without the stimulus of  modern life you kind of learn to think laterally


and yes, that is the point! Keep it going!

Well I will leave studies and whatnot out of this and just speculate. I think many common health problems would leave humans such as ulcers, insomnia and so fourth. I think mental capacity would decrease due to less stimulus and forced thinking. Decrease in violence and depression.. for a while. The long term effects would be damaging I think due to decrease human interaction and humans like dogs are pack animals. I think (I know this sounds dramatic) but it would lead to severe depression and dying young. I would not like it, I like people too much. If I could pick 20 people to take with me it would be paradise (the people I hang with are not drama queens and don't thrive on that kinda crap so I think it would add to the pleasure). Bottom line, it would be great for a short while but anything longer than a week or so I think would be damaging and after 6 months would be nearly incapacitating.

Nice thread BTW.

Of course some of those 20 people would be from TMN  :azn:  :2funny:

I will have to come back on this one ( 1 am and I have to go to work today, (another 4 letter word ) but at the time I choose , (there is the strength coming out ) ,

did my time out , change me , yeah , I do now like some solitude, and friends know when to give me that , well they don't have much choice , they know I will walk otherwise , same for  my boss , I don't like large crowds much anymore , and maybe I spend to much  time wondering why people are in such a hurry to go nowhere,  and I guess I am a saleman's nightmare  :lol:

Good night from Roco UK,

P.S. America is a big place ,( lol look at Britain on the map) , some of our members must live in some isolated places , it would be good to get their views !


Would you not gain an inner strength that would fight againt outside stimulus perhaps?

Whe you have to fend for yourself everyday wouldn't that give you a basis to stand up and call bullshit when you see it?

I really wonder about this, because we are so immersed in data, we don't see what the human psyche can really deal with, but Shug, you're the professional not me!


Eh, you know anyone can act like they know what they are talking about but you will NEVER see me doing that. I am educated in nursing and psychology but I could never say for sure how anyone would react. Your guess is literaly as good as mine. My post was mainly my beliefs about how I would react. I think it would really come down to the person, their current situation and then the hypothetical situation. Every person would be different for the most part. To tell the honest truth I think your hypothetical question in regards to the 6 months, I honestly think if me you or the next guy were to do it, the outcome would be something NONE of us would have guessed. 10,000 years ago humans lived a lil more secluded and not in such a society so they were already acclimated to this type thing. From the moment we are born we are in a hectic world of noise, yelling, cars and people both good and bad. I think if you took all that away it would be very detrimental. I'm sure you would cope, humans are resilient, but I dont think your coping mechanism would be sufficient.

Of course some of those 20 people would be from TMN  :azn:  :2funny:

Meh, water because she has a nice rack and momma t cause I love her.. the rest of ya can fuck off.  :evil6::wink:

Meh, water because she has a nice rack and momma t cause I love her.. the rest of ya can fuck off.  :evil6::wink:

:flipa: You wouldn't want me with you Shug. You see, during the winter, when game got scarce, I'd have to kill you and eat you. Sure, I'd get lonely, but I'd have enough to eat 'till the ice melts. I'd use any leftovers for fishing bait and maybe I'd make some wind chimes or a canoe. I'd probably end up going completely friggin crazy which wouldn't be a big leap for me anyway!

:flipa: You wouldn't want me with you Shug. You see, during the winter, when game got scarce, I'd have to kill you and eat you. Sure, I'd get lonely, but I'd have enough to eat 'till the ice melts. I'd use any leftovers for fishing bait and maybe I'd make some wind chimes or a canoe. I'd probably end up going completely friggin crazy which wouldn't be a big leap for me anyway!

Sounds like a plan? Can you video tape that?  :2funny:

:flipa: You wouldn't want me with you Shug. You see, during the winter, when game got scarce, I'd have to kill you and eat you. Sure, I'd get lonely, but I'd have enough to eat 'till the ice melts. I'd use any leftovers for fishing bait and maybe I'd make some wind chimes or a canoe. I'd probably end up going completely friggin crazy which wouldn't be a big leap for me anyway!

*Stank_Ho wakes up and realizes this is all a dream, and that judging from the severe pain comming from his ass holish region Shug was the pitcher the night before. He looks out of the cave and sees Shug cooking breakfast, in the nude, he just smiles closes his eyes and dreams of his life together with his dream partner.*

I'm sure some you have read Plato's Allegory of the Cave.  This kind of reminds me of that.  I wonder if it would result in the same thing.  :?

I never have, please summarize the events.  :grin2:

Alone is exactly what it says. Lonely. With two it would not be near so bad. I know I batched for several years. It royally sucks. But quite livable.

Also having lived in the country most of my life by preferance, I might make a  fitting mate for ya water.  :smitten: And yeah, I will let you steal the Bear skin at night.  :evil6: Better bring along some decks of cards.  :wink2: And I have satelite so I will bring it along for updating TMN of the daily and nightly events.  :shocked::shock:

i just need a woman with me.So i can chase her threw the woods with my club..OOK OKK caveman style

:lol: only for the first 2 weeks, then you would get  tired chasing rabbits for dinner  :knuppel2:, and then the  :tickedoff: would start , WE need a better cave, cant YOU make some shelves and tidy this place up before MY mother visits ,  :evil6: from then on it's a small step onto the evolutionary chaingang ,  :shock::sad:

interesting link about people that choose to live in isolation ,


At the cost of a double post , as there are no takers ,

and trying to get near back on Topic,

living in solitude for 6 months , that  I could handle that , but only if food was supplied , Water I could find  :wink2: , I guess I am a wimp, I eat meat , but I could not Kill and cook a  living creature , unless maybe it was trying to kill me , not much chance of that in the UK, so maybe I would last 3 weeks before I dinned on poison ivy ,

hunting is a skill I have lost ,but my ancestors had , could I re-learn it before I staved  ?,

at what point did I finally change my outlook as a ex city boy into small comunity ways, I guess it was the time I went to the pub (5 regulars )

the topic of discusion was farmer Jenkinks wife had run off with the baker from town , the general view was he had a good farm, SWTF,the merriment went on,

on my next visit the regulars had solemn faces , the local Shepard 's dog had been killed in a accident ,  :cry2: yeah, he was going to be hard to replace,

thats reality IMHO,

P.s. Stank_ ho ,you really planning skinning Shugs to make a canoe , maybe TMN could rent  it for our deluxe cruise ship, it should seat at least 50  :2funny:

You know I am always a taker Roco, but I sleep sometimes.  :lol:

I read part of your link Roco. Back in Missouri and some states we call them isolationist's "Hillbillies".  :laughing7:  "Further, terms like redneck and cracker, often connote rejection of, or resistance to assimilation into the dominant culture, while hillbillies theoretically are merely isolated from the dominant culture. Nevertheless, the term is sometimes considered derogatory depending on the context in which it is used or the attitude of the target."  :grin2:


Thanks for the link Tommie , Hillbillies , lol , I might start a UK branch ,as I live on a hill ,  only thing is I can't play the Banjo , but otherwise I think I have all the qualifications   :evil6: The Hampton Hill hillbillies has a certain ring to it ,

just taken a look at some neighbors, they are qualified also ,  :lol:

Some of my relatives are and were Hillbillies. So it was not too hard to referance the term. And I believe the music of choice was not just a banjo. I believe a fiddle worked well also. Or a harmonica would do well also.  :wink: Remember hills and poh folk. Greens vittles, and gopher stew. Use a rope to tie your britches up.  :lol:

Now how are you at sipping shine Roco? It is a little stouter and younger than the stuff you are used to.  :twisted: I might be less than a week old, and be potent enough to run in your car.  :evil6::laughing7:

:2funny: The good old violin !, I did classical violin at school , *I can see a opening here *  so if I came over and did a bit of solo Mozart's violin concerto  :lol: I could go down a storm in them thar hills ,

Shine sounds OK to me , I could never keep a good bottle for long anyway,

how much a gallon , if you can beat $7 a gallon , send a tanker  :lol:

I will see what I can muster up. And you work on that violin fiddle.  :lol:

Now have  you ever tried grain alcohol. 190 proof. That is pretty close to kicking ass.  :icon_shaking: :icon_shaking: It will set your tongue on fire, and dry up your sinus's at the sametime. Cheaper than most scotch or whiskey.

Oh crap, I think the topic got derailed again.  :haha:

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