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Yeah, that's what I meant.  And those 10 fans are $1.19 a piece if w/ no shipping if you buy 10 of them, and all the reviews say they're amazing for the price.  How could you go wrong?

i guess you could have a few extra  :grin: but i thought you were planning on putting all 10 of them in your case, which i doubt would fit without some sort of custom mounting..

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Ok, here's the new list with stuff added from your suggestions:




Video card

Power supply

10 of these

CPU fan

Anything else?  I can keep my case right?

Looks fine to me..  Just wondering why a micro atx mobo?  If I was going to build a 939 based system I would be looking at this motherboard as another possibility.. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16813135175

Here is a decent review: http://www.neoseeker.com/Articles/Hardware/Reviews/ecskn1extreme/

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just so you know with that pci x setup on that ECS you will lose the 1st pci slot.my epox is the same way.and your gonna lose performance by only running in single channel mode.the kits are the same price. unless you plan on putting another 1 gb stick in there later?.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, I got some more money for Christmas, so I can get even better parts.  I need you guys  to help me make some decisions.

Processor - This one or this one?

Already got memory picked out.

Video card - This one, this one, or this one?

Power supply - Will this one still suffice?

Motherboard - This one or this one?

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I have run a Enermax EG495P[485 watt] in my other computer which has a 3700+ oc to 2.42 with a 7300GT video card for 5 months with no problems. My PCPower& Cooling 510-SLI been going now for 12 months with no problems running in the computer in my sig. The 510-SLI is a bit on the noisey side & expensive.

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