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I am sorry my friends, of whom I cherish, yet some very disturbing incidences have occurred over the past 2 hrs that alerted me to the fact that even after inversting nearly 7 full days and nights of WORK, plus a great deal of money, a Moderator named s1 has chosen to smite me over foolish and childish bullshit, the webite owner is standing up for s1 and is taking no regard for my role as moderator (he says the forum belong to the public, so why does it say that I am the DirecWay Moderator)? ...and I have been locked out of my server for 3 days with no replies to my several e-mails requesting that I get into my own damned machine!

So, in light of the letters I have received over the past few minutes that place s1 in an esteemed position over myself, I hereby and gracely "bow out" of This Forum and the entire website (please close my account) and hand all my work over to s1 so that he may "bask in the glory of it all." 

Posted are his asshole letters to me.  Guess it doesn't matter what the lad is like as long as I keep the bucks coming in right?  WRONG!  This deal is over.  I have been smitten rather badly and thus I am not only removing myself, but I am taking the Server offline as well (of oourse).  S1 will be happy fo purchase another and otherwise run the place I am assuming.  :)  May God Help You All.

Here are the articles presented via Private Messenger that have caused me to choose to leave ESPECIALLY when I learned that the owner of this website is backing him up 100% yet and providing me with nothing.  Actions speak louder than words so I am sure at least a few of you can understand why I am walking out the door.

I must say that for the time that it last it was a freaking blast!!!!  I pray you all enjoy great internet connections and even though S1 will be taking my place, I strongly recommend that you look to Lance for sound advice as he has been 'under my wing' in a way of sorts and I find myself most impressed with his capacities.

Here is the PM that brought me to these decisions and rest assurred I am of the type that burns bridges and never looks back.  Hey....it was "real" while it lasted yet nothing lasts forever ...especially when managed in such a piss poor manner.

Cheers Everyone.  I'll remember you all and shall retain all your email addresses unless you ask to be removed from my datbase, and if the latter be true, your private emails will be removed immediately upon request.  Lastly, and sorry to end on such a sour note....I have been bombarded with e-mails "loaded" with infections of varying kinds yet my systems are superior to most anything so no harm was done.  I know who did these things and most likely you can guess correctly as well.  Seems like the law is still protecting the criminals and the white hats are being sent up the river doesn't it? 

In other words, I am not going to be affiliated in any way with a webmaster who conducts his affairs in such a way that a Site Moderator can do anything they wish to another Site Moderator, to include the sending of illegal and malicous e-mails, and actually receive 100% support while the innocent party is given no choice but to grin and bear it ...sorry, I can't do that as I have far better things to do with my time than play games with idiots.  In closing, they both are receiving exactly what they deserve, and I am leaving with a free conscious knowing I did my very best and assisted well over 1,400 people in just this past week between this forum, e-mails and telephone calls (nowTHATS what I call SUPPORT.  I sincerely apologise for leaving in such an untimely manner, yet I am sure that those of you that know me will at least see fit to respect my descisions upon these matter.

May God Bless You and Yours in all ways possible forever and ever  ;)

The Reverend


The convo can be found here



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This is bullshit.

.s1: I seriously doubt the smites were accidents. I was very surprised when you made mod and now I'm even more surprised that you remain a mod. PMs should stay private, but I've also had a a little chat with CA3LE about you a while ago.

Reverend: Kill the server.

wow....lol just got my last post deleted.  I dislike you s1 i think you should be the one leaving. I never saw your ass in here helping people very often.  This is bull shit The Reverend is/was/always so much better,

wow.........i came into this forum, figuring it to be an adult-educational forum that would make computing easier........

and it has......

but jesus, i like both of you guys, The Reverend, Imma miss ya man.....you are a good guy.....

s1, i talk to you all the time on AIM and you help me out a lot, and i also like you....i just wish there was an easier way to resolve this and not have 1 person leave.......

best wishes and regrets..


Well isn't this total bullshit.  Grow the fuck up who ever is doing this shit, most of you are adults act like one, You don't need to send shit to people computers, that karma thinng is a peice of shit that needs to go it does not help anything in any way.

my 2cents ;-) this is a forum for christ's sake....no room for arguments and/or threats - we're all here to learn more about the "internet experience" - i dont know what this argument is about, and i dont intend to read up on it cuz its non of my business :) but come on...cant we all just be happy

I would to draw everbodys attention to the reverend posts at the bottom as you can see it has been edited by s1 several times taking out the PM's Rev had posted an inserting his own EDITED VERSION THE LINK>

I thank you for your kind words Reverend.

This was a nice fourm where you could post without being belittled or someone coming in acting like the O'mighty GOD unlike other forums that delete your posts or lock the thread just because you said something bad about DW they must be getting kickbacks from DW.

So if this forum belong to the public

Your right it is a privalage and then people have to go around fucken things up, As I see it if you can't be nice to other people leave, most the people here wanna learn something, other people wanna chat both fine things. Some people need to learn to take critisizm(bad spelling)  some people have opinions and people need to learn to respect that. Thats what I think,

Bottom line is  everyone knows reverend as a good guy. Which he is, but as MICROWAVE said,  The reverend didnt get his way on this particular  topic and decided to pack up his things and go. And even to this MINUTE that i am typing this he is getting people to come here and ruin the forums. Iv been on many-a-forum and iv seen this type of thing go on , its pretty simple. 1 person gets "burned" and gets 100 friends to come and ruin the forums mantality. And thats exactly what all you people are doing. Siding with the person you like, never actualy looking at the facts and throwing up wild aligations  such as "its been edited" and " he beleted this and that".. Whats next??  Did i hack someone too?  How bout ran over your dog?  You all being typical forum trolls, and its pretty played out now. If you cant grow up and read the damn convos and make your decision based the facts, not " i like reverend better dfrr drr drr"  then just dont post, because your just taking sides and making this far more then it is.


btw "lantom"  im not worried in the least,  ;)

And in general everyone here should just calm down..  And I'm not just saying that for the sake of 'hopping on the wagon'.

If the power up and died to your house this very second, would this whole debate even matter?

Think about it, it'd do ya' all some good to relax and take the forum back down to what it used to be, instead of a bunch of screaming, knife-throwing and 'flaming'.  Reminds me of the stock market for Christ's sake :whaa:

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