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Hi to all

This forum is good, there is some time I visit it and found many helping things.

I wanted to ask (I'm on Hughes net, resident in Albania/Europe), why ping doesn't work to ping outside, that is, testmy.net or google.com? I tried with and without firewall with no results. All times there is timeouts.

I guess there might be a setting somewhere, on the modem or Windows XP, that needs to be fixed. That's the problem, I don't know where to look for :).

Thanks and Happy New Year to all.


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In general, is this normal? For the ISP to block ping? I mean, I have to know ping rates to know what is happening with the satellite. What are the chances for them to say OK, we blocked ping but if you need it we will fix it?

I'm asking if anybody had a similar experience, I don't expect to get an answer if this didn't happen to you ;).



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In general, is this normal? For the ISP to block ping? I mean, I have to know ping rates to know what is happening with the satellite. What are the chances for them to say OK, we blocked ping but if you need it we will fix it?

I'm asking if anybody had a similar experience, I don't expect to get an answer if this didn't happen to you ;).



its not normal for ISP's to block ping, its a good tool to have. i would give them a call and see whats up.

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Excuse me for one last question. Before I check this with the ISP, is there any probability that I should check my configuration (computer or satellite setup) first? Maybe I'm blocking it from here (though, I formated many times my computer and installed the software accordingly and I never got ping with outside).


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its not normal for ISP's to block ping, its a good tool to have. i would give them a call and see whats up.

Actually it is normal.  They block incoming pings.  But if your outgoing pings won't work then.. well.. THAT would be weird.  Basically when someone tries to ping you they'll get nothing but you should be able to ping out to say google or testmy.net.   .. For instance, when I try to use my tool at http://s2.testmy.net/tools/toolbox.php  (or https://testmy.net/ping-enterIPorHOSThere for instance https://testmy.net/ping-google.com you can also query the following https://testmy.net/trace-google.com, https://testmy.net/whois-google.com, https://testmy.net/arin-google.com and https://testmy.net/all-google.com / https://testmy.net/runall-google.com) using my own IP I get the following...

Ping Results:
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

--- ping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 4014ms
[/code] But when I go to my command prompt ([start]+[run]+"cmd") any type  ---  ping testmy.net    ---  I get the following...

>ping testmy.net

Pinging testmy.net [] with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=37ms TTL=51
Reply from bytes=32 time=31ms TTL=51
Reply from bytes=32 time=36ms TTL=51
Reply from bytes=32 time=35ms TTL=51

Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 31ms, Maximum = 37ms, Average = 34ms

Even though this is the same ping I get different results, the reason is because the first ping is coming from testmy.net and going to my home computer.... BLOCKED.  But the second one that is going from my computer and going to testmy.net  PERFECT.  And for most people on a home ISP these days it's normal.  It's a security measure.  They usually block traceroute too, you'll be able to run the trace but it will only show you the trace up to the first few hops, once it starts to get closer to your personal computer the trace stops reporting... instead of the tracert looking like this...

root@s1 [/]# traceroute google.com
traceroute: Warning: google.com has multiple addresses; using
traceroute to google.com (, 30 hops max, 38 byte packets
1  3.24.1343.static.theplanet.com (  0.666 ms  0.335 ms  0.407 ms
2  vl8.dsr02.dllstx4.theplanet.com (  0.644 ms  0.240 ms  0.395 ms
3  vl42.dsr01.dllstx3.theplanet.com (  0.528 ms  0.498 ms  0.530 ms
4  et3-2.ibr03.dllstx3.theplanet.com (  0.527 ms  0.513 ms  0.529 ms
5  dcr2-ge-4-0-0.dallas.savvis.net (  0.796 ms  0.775 ms  0.931 ms
6  dcr1-so-6-0-0.dallas.savvis.net (  0.936 ms acr2-so-2-0-0.Miami.savvis.net (  28.658 ms  28.626 ms
7  acr1-so-2-0-0.Miami.savvis.net (  28.620 ms bpr2-so-7-0-0.miamimit.savvis.net (  29.031 ms acr1-so-2-0-0.Miami.savvis.net (  28.643 ms
8 (  28.645 ms bpr2-so-4-0-0.miamimit.savvis.net (  28.791 ms (  28.766 ms
9 (  29.195 ms  28.660 ms (  31.404 ms
    MPLS Label=335124 CoS=7 TTL=1 S=0
10 (  31.297 ms (  43.543 ms  43.452 ms
11 (  43.466 ms (  44.546 ms (  43.582 ms
12 (  44.391 ms (  44.643 ms (  44.445 ms
13  py-in-f99.google.com (  44.591 ms  44.504 ms (  56.418 ms

[/code] it ends up looking like this
root@s1 [/]# traceroute 68.xx.xx.xx
traceroute to 68.xx.xx.xx (68.xx.xx.xx), 30 hops max, 38 byte packets
1  3.24.1343.static.theplanet.com (  0.338 ms  0.215 ms  0.296 ms
2  vl8.dsr02.dllstx4.theplanet.com (  0.296 ms  0.409 ms  0.459 ms
3  vl42.dsr01.dllstx3.theplanet.com (  0.457 ms  0.597 ms  0.457 m
4  25.7f.5546.static.theplanet.com (  0.457 ms  0.439 ms  0.460 ms
5  e2.7e.5546.static.theplanet.com (  0.770 ms  0.751 ms  0.771 m
6  chnddsrj02-ge710.rd.ph.cox.net (  23.567 ms  23.522 ms  22.159 ms
7 (  23.720 ms (  23.633 ms 68.2.14.
6 (  22.453 ms
8 (  22.923 ms (  23.302 ms
(  24.437 ms
9 (  23.949 ms  25.200 ms (  24.588 ms
10 (  31.109 ms (  25.128 ms  26.62
4 ms
11 (  25.661 ms (  27.083 ms 68.2.1
3.89 (  26.955 ms
12  bellcmtk00-gex0100.ph.ph.cox.net (  25.613 ms  26.682 ms  25.729
13  * * *
14  * * *
15  * * *
16  * * *
17  * * *
18  * * *
... etc, etc, etc

... again, another security measure and many cable and DSL providers are doing it.


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Actually it is normal.  They block incoming pings.  But if your outgoing pings won't work then.. well.. THAT would be weird.  Basically when someone tries to ping you they'll get nothing but you should be able to ping out to say google or testmy.net.

That is totally true. I have had troubles. But never that I could not ping out.

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